God of Defiance

Chapter 2952 The second floor of the square

This time, after seeing Lan Tianye rush out, the five people except Chu Tian immediately became imitators. Instead of rushing out with him, they stood there and watched helplessly.


They have learned the previous lesson and no longer follow Lan Tianye casually. If the previous scene happens again, they will not be unlucky!

Unexpectedly, when Chu Tian saw Lan Tianye rushing out, he did not stand still and wait and see what happened. Instead, without hesitation, Chu Tian rushed out and rushed towards another puppet statue at high speed!

The reason why he made a completely different decision at this moment was mainly because he had a vague hunch in his heart that he had to take action and break at least one puppet statue. Otherwise, he would most likely face a very difficult scene later. !

In just a split second, Chu Tian and Lan Tianye rushed within three feet of their respective targets. Without hesitation, they clenched their fists and weapons respectively and struck hard at their chosen targets!

When the remaining five people saw this scene, they immediately tensed up and narrowed their eyes, staring at Chu Tian and Lan Tianye who took action, eager to know what would happen next.


Just when Chu Tian's fist and Lan Tianye's weapon were about to hit the target puppet hard, a sudden earth-shaking roar came from the void all around.

The moment the roar came out, countless rays of light, wrapped in violent and powerful energy, burst out, just in front of the four puppet statues!

In an instant, Chu Tian's fist and Lan Tianye's weapon both struck hard at the sudden energy. As a result, with a bang, the void shook wildly, and an astonishing counter-shock force burst out instantly, impacting On both of them!

Kick! Kick! Kick!

In an instant, both of them fell back uncontrollably. Chu Tian took three steps back and quickly stood up, while Lan Tianye took seven steps back in one breath. His legs went weak and he almost fell down. On the ground. .

"Now we're in trouble!"

Even though he only took three steps back and stood up quickly, Chutian's expression still changed, he whispered in a deep voice, his whole body tensed, and he was wary of being exposed.

As for Lan Tianye, who took seven steps back and almost fell to the ground, his face turned pale with fright, his whole body was shaking, and the weapons in his hands almost fell to the ground.

The reason why the two of them were so nervous at the moment was mainly because through the collision just now, they both clearly felt the terrifying power contained in the sudden appearance of light!

If that kind of terrifying power is used properly, there will be almost no problem in killing seven of them!

Except for Chu Tian and Lan Tianye, the remaining five people only showed strong vigilance due to their lack of understanding of the sudden light, but they did not reach the level of panic!

At this moment, Jitian Saint stood thousands of feet away, staring at the seven people on the second floor of the square, feeling nervous and confused in her heart.

She was nervous about whether Chu Tian would be injured next, and whether Lan Tianye would survive unexpectedly next. What she was confused about was whether the test on the second floor of the square would be the same as the first floor!

If they are the same, how many of the seven will survive in the end? If they are different, how many of the seven will survive in the end?


At this moment, a roaring sound suddenly came out.

Along with the roar, the numerous lights surrounding the second floor of the square flashed crazily and became more and more dazzling. The invisible energy contained in them continued to gather and collide, making the surrounding void tremble.

After feeling the astonishing energy hidden in the trembling void, the five people who had never made a move finally felt a trace of fear in their hearts. They subconsciously stepped back and tried to stay away from the puppet statue. They never dared to attack the statue again!

After seeing the others hurriedly retreating, Lan Tianye hurriedly stepped back without hesitation, not daring to approach the puppet statue again. At the same time, he secretly regretted that he should not have acted impulsively, which resulted in activating the lights hidden in the void.

At this moment, Chu Tian was the only one standing there, motionless, not retreating at all, but with calm eyes, staring at the countless lights flashing crazily in the surrounding void.

The reason why he did not retreat in a hurry like Lan Tianye and others was mainly because he had clearly realized that no matter where he hid, as long as he was still on the second floor of the square, he would be attacked indiscriminately, unless there was a way to escape from the entire square immediately. !

But Chu Tian basically didn't believe that the seven people could completely escape from the entire square at this time.

Because once you enter, it is equivalent to entering a closed Colosseum. Unless you pass the test, it is almost impossible to leave halfway!

The only thing Chu Tian wants to know now is what the next attack on the second floor of the square will look like, and whether it will be the same bloody melee as the first floor of the square!


A few breaths later, the many lights that were originally just flashing in the void around the square suddenly surged out like a tide, and in a short time, they enveloped the entire second floor of the square.

This scene, seen from a distance, looks like a thick layer of clouds, with flickering light, covering the entire second floor of the square, giving a feeling of black clouds overwhelming the city!

Immediately afterwards, a scene happened that shocked Chu Tian!

I saw the four puppet statues originally standing at the four corners of the square. Suddenly there was a flash of light, and they suddenly opened their eyes that had been closed for an unknown period of time. However, they did not rush to attack. Instead, they unexpectedly sat cross-legged on the ground with their hands raised. Lightning pinch!

"Get ready, let's begin!"

Seeing this, Chu Tian shouted lowly, reminding the other six people, but he did not hesitate, sitting cross-legged, raising his hands, lying in front of him, always ready to make seals to deal with various emergencies.

At this moment, he could vaguely see it!

The attack on the second floor of the square is very likely to be completely different from the attack on the first floor of the square, but the specific differences need to be continued to be observed.

After hearing Chu Tian's reminder, the other six people were all startled subconsciously, and then quickly dispersed. Following Chu Tian's example, they sat cross-legged and raised their hands in front of them, always ready to deal with emergencies.

At this moment, the six of them didn't know why they would obey Chu Tian's orders and learn from Chu Tian. It seemed that everything was a reasonable and subconscious behavior!

"This guy just needs to know it himself, but he is so stupid to remind others!"

When the Jitian Saint, who was thousands of feet away, saw this scene, she immediately curled her lips and let out a sigh of displeasure.


Suddenly, an earth-shaking roar came from the dazzling light shrouded on the second floor of the square!

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