God of Defiance

Chapter 2953 Double Oppression

The moment the roar came out, the energy contained in the flashing light suddenly surged and collided back and forth. It sounded completely like the tide in the sea, not much different!

At the same time, the four puppet statues huddled in the four corners of the square all had their eyes flashing, their hands raised, and they performed quick seals.

Along with the pinch, invisible and heavy pressure surged out from the flickering light above the square and continued to fall on Chu Tian's seven people.

In an instant, all seven people felt a heavy pressure falling from the sky, continuing to grow, pressing on their bodies, and at the same time penetrated the body surface and entered the brain and internal organs!

The moment the heavy pressure entered their minds, the seven people immediately found that their spirits and souls were stimulated and trembled slightly.

"It is indeed different from the first level. This invisible pressure not only oppresses the body, but also oppresses the soul. It can be called double oppression. If it continues to grow, the difficulty will definitely exceed that of the first level!"

After feeling it for a while, Chu Tian frowned slightly, murmured, and his face couldn't help but become more solemn.

For the strong Saint King, they are not afraid of being oppressed by the physical body, because the physical body of the Saint King is generally good, but the oppression directed at the soul becomes very dangerous.

Some saint kings have strong bodies but average soul strength. Some saint kings are just the opposite. They have good soul strength but average physical strength.

There are very few saint kings like Chu Tian who are both good in body and soul!

The reason why the number is so rare is mainly because it is relatively easy for the strong Saint King to improve the physical body. Either practicing special techniques or using special spiritual liquid can stimulate physical improvement.

But it would be very difficult for a strong Saint King to improve his soul level and strength!

Unless it has some kind of superhuman talent or has obtained some special method, otherwise, the soul can only follow the martial artist's cultivation and improve slowly. There is almost no way to improve it significantly.

In the practice world of Zhongzhou, there are countless techniques and elixirs for improving the physical body, but there are very few techniques and elixirs for improving the soul. Every time they come out, they are all robbed!

The reason why Chutian's soul strength is obviously higher than that of the same level is because very early on, he followed Balao's suggestion and took the initiative to split his soul, forming an original body and two clones, each developing separately!

On the other hand, it is because he is different from other holy kings, he is also an outstanding weapon refining master!

He has been constantly using divine refining methods to refine the king's weapons all year round, causing his soul to undergo various tempers. As time goes by, the level and strength are naturally much higher than those of the powerful Saint King of the same level. !

In fact, many people in Central Continent know that using divine refining methods to refine king weapons can improve the soul level and strength of warriors, but they just don't do it.

It’s not that they don’t want to do it, it’s that they simply can’t do it!

If a warrior wants to become a master of weapon refining, he must not only have superhuman talent, he must also start learning from a young age, he must also be guided by a famous teacher, and he must also experience countless difficulties and obstacles along the way!

Even if all the above conditions are met, there are only a few saint kings who can truly become masters of weapon refining in the end!

In the entire vast Central Continent, in the past few hundred years, the number of weapon refiner masters that have emerged, including Chu Tian, ​​can basically be counted on one hand!

Therefore, it is almost impossible for ordinary warriors to take the path of master weapon refiner to improve their souls!

As time passed, the roar continued, and the four puppet statues continued to seal their secrets, firing a series of spiritual energy into the light in mid-air, manipulating the powerful energy contained in the light from a distance.

With this kind of manipulation, the invisible pressure on Chutian's seven people became bigger and stronger, gradually showing a overwhelming situation, targeting both the body and the soul!

At this moment, except for Chu Tian who looked relatively relaxed, the other six people could basically see obvious tremors in their bodies, as well as beads of sweat rolling down their necks, soaking their robes bit by bit. through.

At this time, the other six people were focused on dealing with the terrifying oppression falling from the sky, and had no time to pay attention to whether Chu Tian was relaxed or not, and why!

In fact, even if they found out, it would be of no use!

Because the horrific oppression falling from the sky is aimed at everyone present, Chutian cannot help others bear this oppression. After all, everyone still has to find a way to bear it on their own!

While Chu Tian was under the heavy pressure, he remained calm, turned his head slightly, and glanced at Lan Tianye who was sitting cross-legged not far away, a hint of murderous intent flashed deep in his eyes.

He is basically certain that Lan Tianye will have a hard time withstanding this kind of pressure and will collapse sooner or later. But before the opponent collapses, he will definitely make a secret move to detonate the toxins in Jitian Saint's body and kill the latter completely!

So he had to get rid of Lan Tianye before he took action, but he couldn't do it openly, he could only do it secretly, trying not to arouse other people's suspicions!

The "others" here refer not only to the six people besides him, but also to some Saint King masters who are secretly hiding in the void hundreds of miles away.

Although these Saint King masters have very good concealment methods and are almost difficult for ordinary people to detect, their spiritual thoughts are different from ordinary people. Coupled with the sky-gazing eyes, when used together, they can basically detect the existence of the other party!

So on the surface, he seems to have a guaranteed victory, but in fact he is still in danger!

The reason why those Saint King masters used clever methods to hide in the void from beginning to end can be speculated to have only one purpose, and that is to wait for everything to settle and just pick up what's ready! M..

After all, there is only one final winner, and since the whole process is extremely bloody and hard, the final winner must be covered in injuries and in bad condition, so it will be very easy to just pick up the ready-made one.

If you think about it carefully, those who have been hiding in the void from beginning to end are the real smart people. It is very likely that in the end, without any effort, they can take all the benefits of creation and grab them for themselves. in hands!

Chu Tian noticed some holy kings hiding in secret, but the other six people and the Jitian Saint who were thousands of feet away were not aware of it. They all focused all their attention on the second floor of the square!

In the following time, the oppression descending from the sky became stronger and stronger, gradually reaching a level of horror beyond imagination.

Although the oppression became more and more terrifying, after all, the seven Chutians were all powerful Saint Kings with tenacious vitality far beyond ordinary people, so they still gritted their teeth and persevered.

Click! Click! Click!

Suddenly, the four puppet statues sitting cross-legged in the four corners of the square suddenly changed their handprints and slapped their palms in the air. Then there was a roar, and gray lightning struck down!

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