God of Defiance

Chapter 855 Four Major Cities

Chapter 855 The Four Major Cities "Why, I'm new to the deserted land. Is there any problem?" Chu Tian frowned and asked after seeing the reaction of the two people. "No...no problem. It's just that the big butcher showed decisive killing just now. He doesn't look like a newcomer at all, so we were a little shocked!" the second butcher replied with a wry smile. The three butchers next to him hurriedly smiled and nodded repeatedly. "Okay, my time is limited and I don't want to hear your nonsense. Use the shortest possible time to tell me the situation in the deserted land and provide me with a map!" Chu Tian shouted coldly. The two of them saw that Chu Tian's face turned a little cold, and they hurriedly said something to each other. Listening to the two people's stories, Chu Tian's expression kept changing, and he nodded secretly from time to time. Not long after, the two of them finished their story and both looked at Chu Tian nervously. Chu Tian lowered his head slightly at this moment, with a slightly thoughtful look on his face. According to the information the two people just provided, there are four cities in the entire deserted land, also known as the four main cities, namely Donglan City, Xichu City, Nanye City and Beixuan City. These four cities are located in the southeast, northwest and four directions of the deserted land. They are all relatively far apart from each other, and the city closest to Chutian happens to be Beixuan City! The city lords of the four main cities are all powerful men at the venerable level. Fighting and killing are absolutely prohibited in the main cities, but there are no rules in the areas outside the main cities, and killings can be seen everywhere. Therefore, many people in the deserted land are desperately trying to settle in the four major cities. Unfortunately, settling in the main cities is extremely expensive and not many people can truly afford it. "Is there a map?" Chu Tian asked calmly. Hearing the sound, the two hurriedly took out a yellowed jade slip from their arms and handed it into Chu Tian's hands. Chu Tian picked up the jade slip and put it on his forehead. His spiritual thoughts entered it instantly. In a short time, he put it down, and a trace of speechlessness appeared on his face. This yellow jade slip indeed depicts the approximate locations of the four major cities, but apart from the approximate locations of these four major cities, there are no other marks. Chu Tian threw the map back casually, turned around and strode towards the exit of Killing Pig Town. "Big Butcher, even if you leave, you will always be our Big Butcher. Please leave your name, Big Butcher!" Seeing Chu Tian striding away, the second butcher asked hurriedly. "Tian Chu!" Chu Tian replied casually, deliberately turning his name upside down. Chutian is now in a strange place, especially when he may face threats from Qiutian people, so it is naturally impossible for Chutian to use his real name. "Big Butcher, this place is at least several hundred miles away from Beixuan City. It is very dangerous for the Big Butcher to walk alone. It is best to follow a caravan and pay some price to go together!" Then the three butchers also shouted loudly. shouted. "Got it!" Chu Tian replied lightly, and with a swish, he rushed out, leaving Pig Killing Town in an instant and galloping away. "Second Butcher, Third Butcher, although this guy is wearing a mask, but from the sound of his voice, he is just a boy with no hair. Why should we respect him as the Great Butcher!" Just as Chu Tian left, a black-faced young man immediately He came closer and said with dissatisfaction. Snapped! Just as the black-faced young man finished speaking, the three butchers cursed an idiot, raised his palm, and slapped the black-faced young man hard on the face! The black-faced young man immediately screamed, his body took several steps back uncontrollably, and a trace of blood quickly overflowed from the corner of his mouth. "Why! He easily killed the former big butcher by himself, and beat all of us to death. What kind of desolate land is this? Here, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss!" The third butcher slapped him. , immediately opened his mouth and roared angrily. "But...but, even if we really regard that boy as the big butcher, he has already left and cannot bring us any benefits or benefits. We still have to live this miserable life!" The black-faced young man said. He stammered, but there was still a clear look of dissatisfaction on his face. "Although this person is new here, his killing methods are ruthless and decisive, even comparable to some veterans who have been in the deserted land for many years. This kind of person is definitely not simple, and he is very likely to make a name for himself in the deserted land in the future. , maybe we can go and seek refuge then!" The Second Butcher said in a deep voice as he looked at the disappearing Chu Tian. The third butcher hurriedly nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, if we defect to each other in the future, maybe we will be qualified to live in one of the four major cities for a long time!" While speaking, his face also showed a look of deep expectation. . ... Wow! The sky was getting dark, and on the endless cracked yellow earth, a white afterimage flashed past with his feet close to the ground and moving forward at a high speed. This person is none other than Chu Tian who left Killing Pig Town! At this moment, Chu Tian was rushing towards Beixuan City according to the route he had seen on the yellow jade slip. In order to save spiritual energy, Chutian's current speed is far slower than flying in the sky, so it will probably take a day and a night to reach the destination. In the blink of an eye, the night passed and the morning came as promised. The bright light of the morning sun shines on the world, and this vast area full of disputes and killings once again reveals his lifeless and cold face. In the hollow of a big dry tree. Chu Tian sat cross-legged, his face was stern, his eyes were closed, motionless, and his white robe was stained with a few traces of fresh blood, which looked extremely eye-catching. "Huh..." After a few breaths, Chu Tian let out a long sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes, with a glint of light flashing in his eyes. This past night, he traveled all night and encountered three sneak attacks. Although he finally succeeded in counterattack, his consumption was not small.

After one night, he had a new and deeper understanding of the desolate land! In this killing area, except for the four main cities, all the places are in a state where human life is like a piece of grass. Let alone the warriors of the Life Xuan Realm, even the high-ranking Death Xuan Realm warriors may die at any time. Become the target of others’ harvest! If you want to survive well in this place, you first need strong strength, secondly you need a ruthless heart, and thirdly you need good luck! After a breath, Chu Tian turned his palm, and several storage rings appeared in his palm. The rings in his palm were all harvested from his killing of enemies last night. They were mainly high-grade spiritual stones. The total number was about five thousand, which was considered a considerable fortune! "Huh?" Suddenly, Chu Tian suddenly raised his head and looked outside. At this time, there were faint sounds of fighting and the clash of swords in the distance. Uh-huh! In the next breath, Chu Tian's body flashed and he jumped out of the tree hole. Then he put his feet on the ground and rushed towards the direction of the sound at high speed.

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