God of Defiance

Chapter 856 Hongye Chamber of Commerce Li Waner

Chapter 856 Hongye Chamber of Commerce Li Waner is in a slightly depressed land. A small convoy was stopped by dozens of people. Except for the carriage in the middle, the other carriages were all loaded with heavy goods. On top of the carriage at the front was a large black flag with an eye-catching word "Xuan" written on it, fluttering in the wind. At this moment, in front of the motorcade, there were about a dozen corpses lying motionless in a pool of blood. "Master He, this batch of goods belongs to the Beixuan City Chamber of Commerce Alliance, and we already took care of you last month. Now you are blocking the road and robbing goods, and you also killed my disciples from the Hongye Chamber of Commerce. It's too much! "In front of the motorcade, a short, fat old man with white hair and beard looked at a tall and thin man opposite and shouted angrily. "Haha, Old Man Xu, are you really confused, or are you pretending to be confused? Last month, I was punished by the Fuhai Gang. That was last month. Naturally, I need to be punished again this month!" "As for your emphasis on this group? The goods belong to the Beixuan City Chamber of Commerce Alliance, so what? Your Hongye Chamber of Commerce is barely a medium-sized chamber of commerce. Does the Beixuan City Chamber of Commerce Alliance have the time to deal with you?" After hearing this, the tall and thin man immediately sneered. His face was full of sarcasm. Although he is tall and thin, his body clearly shows tight muscles, giving people a strong feeling as if they were cast in cement. His name is He Luotian, and he is the leader of the Fuhai Gang. He is notorious within a radius of hundreds of miles. He specializes in robbing and extorting the convoys of some small and medium-sized chambers of commerce! All the convoys that were robbed and blackmailed were extremely angry, but also somewhat helpless. This was because a distant uncle of He Luotian was the chief steward of the city lord's palace in Beixuan City, and he could be called the city lord's confidant! Therefore, usually a convoy that is robbed and extorted will choose to pay the money proactively to settle the matter. By the way, they also want to use He Luotian's relationship to establish some relationships with his distant uncle. It is true that a very small number of chambers of commerce secretly used He Luotian's relationship to establish a relationship with the chief steward of the city lord's palace and obtained a lot of benefits. "Damn it!" After hearing He Luotian's words, the short and fat old man looked ugly and couldn't help but grit his teeth and cursed secretly. His name is Xu Qiang, known as Old Man Xu. He is the leader of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce. He is very senior in the chamber of commerce and is responsible for handling relations with various gangs in the deserted land. Before, he had already agreed with He Luotian to pay tribute once every three months. He just paid tribute last month, but this month he blocked the road and extorted money again, showing no integrity at all! "Old man Xu, quickly let the little girls from the Hongye Chamber of Commerce show up, obediently hand over three thousand high-grade spiritual stones, or pay in flesh, and spend a few nights of fun with me!" Seeing that old man Xu didn't make any move, He Luotian immediately His face turned cold, he roared in a deep voice, and at the same time he raised his hand and waved it. In an instant, dozens of people standing behind He Luotian swarmed forward and semi-surrounded the Hongye Chamber of Commerce's motorcade. When Old Man Xu saw this, his expression instantly became more gloomy. He turned around quickly and came to a carriage in the middle. He whispered, "Miss, what do you think we should do?" "Let me talk to him!" Soon, a voice A female voice as clear as jade sounded. As soon as he finished speaking, the big red curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a graceful girl in her twenties wearing a red robe carefully stepped out of the carriage. The girl has long black hair that hangs down on her shoulders like a waterfall. Although her face is not the most beautiful in the world, it has a special mature charm. In particular, the girl's beautiful eyes, in addition to maintaining the clarity unique to girls, also possess a rare sense of stability and responsibility. As long as anyone sees this girl, the first reaction that comes to his mind is that ten years from now, if this girl does not die, she will definitely become a female leader of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce! Her name is Li Waner, and she is currently the young head of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce. Her father is Li Dongtian, the current president of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce! After Li Waner got off the carriage, she walked calmly and came to the opposite side of He Luotian. She smiled slightly, clasped her fists and said, "I have met Master He. He just paid tribute last month. Your Excellency now wants us to pay tribute. Doesn't this make sense?" Li Waner said Although there was a sense of questioning in his words, no one in the Fuhai Gang present could feel the slightest anger after hearing this. "Tsk tsk... We haven't seen each other for several years. Miss Wan'er is indeed becoming more and more attractive as she grows older..." Unexpectedly, when he met Li Wan'er, the young head of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce, He Luotian didn't even mention the matter of paying tribute. He praised Li Waner on the spot! As the leader of the Fuhai Gang, He Luotian is considered the number one figure within a few hundred miles. What kind of girl has not played with him before? But this was the first time I saw a girl like Li Waner who was young but had the aura of a royal elder sister, and I couldn't help but feel lustful! After feeling the undisguised greedy gaze cast by He Luotian opposite him, Li Waner frowned immediately, a trace of disgust flashing in her beautiful eyes. However, she continued patiently: "Master He, let's talk about the tribute. Originally we agreed to pay tribute once every three months..." "There is no need to talk about tribute. We should stick to the original agreement. , once every three months, but you have to stay with me for a few nights, and I promise to let you experience the wonderful taste of ecstasy!" Before Li Wan'er could finish her words, she was abruptly interrupted by He Luotian. . At this moment, He Luotian stared at Li Waner, the desire in his eyes was no longer concealed and began to burn vigorously. A group of He Luotian's men also laughed in low voices after hearing this.

Although there have been rumors that He Luotian is not good at certain aspects, He Luotian's lust is well known in the gang, and he always likes to go to the romantic places in Beixuan City to have fun. Seeing He Luotian teasing Li Waner in public, everyone in the Hongye Chamber of Commerce clenched their fists tightly, with expressions of resentment on their faces, but they dared not speak out in anger. Especially Old Man Xu, who lowered his head and sighed secretly. Ever since Li Dongtian, the president of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce, decided to let his daughter Li Waner take over, he knew that this scene would definitely happen. "Mr. He, I am talking to you about business. I hope you can also talk about business!" Li Waner said in a low voice with a gloomy face, slightly biting her teeth. Just after Li Waner finished speaking, He Luotian immediately laughed and said: "Haha, Miss Waner, of course I am talking to you about business. Are you worried about my incompetence? Let me tell you, I will do it seven times in one night, absolutely no problem! "Humph, you're bragging!" As soon as He Luotian finished speaking, a disdainful snort came from somewhere hidden. "Who, who is hiding there, get out of here right away!" Hearing someone ridiculing him, He Luotian's face suddenly changed, he turned his head suddenly, and at the same time stabbed out with the silver sword in his hand!

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