God of Destruction

Chapter 1000: Jie Ming Wu

In the new book stage, Pomodoro is in urgent need of tickets. If you have tickets, please help~~~ Thank you!


In the early morning of the next day, Qin Yu left the palace alone and returned to Yunwu Mountain Villa. Only Black Eagle was with him.

In the days when he returned to Yunwu Villa, Qin Yu trained harder, and even the time for Qin Yu to go out to take on the killer mission in Qin Yu's plan was drastically reduced, and he was constantly improving for most of the time. Qin De only smiled wryly when he heard the news, and did not speak.

Late at night after half a month.

Qin Yu walked out of the room, stood in the middle of the courtyard, suddenly exerted force under his feet, and he was already on the roof in a flash. Sitting on the roof, Qin Yu looked at the boundless starry sky and was silent. Beside him, Black Hawk was also quietly staying beside him.

Yunwu Villa is on the mountainside, and Qin Yu even saw the cliffs not far away from the roof. But Qin Yu didn't notice the cold wind blowing in the deep cliffs.

"Xiao Hei, I feel that I am too much, very redundant." Qin Yu whispered to the black eagle next to him.

The black eagle stared at Qin Yu with bright black eyes, spreading his huge wings and putting them on Qin Yu's back, as if comforting Qin Yu.

Looking up at the starry sky, Qin Yu’s voice was a little ethereal and bitter: "When I was young, the system was wrong! -0x000000008,112619180, I thought my father didn’t care about me, so I worked hard just to get my father to accompany him. Stay with me. However, when I got older, I found that my father was caring about me. It was just... he had his own affairs and had no time to waste on me. It is really difficult to destroy the royal family Xiang family and avenge my mother. Father, brother, and second brother have been working hard, and I..."

"And I have no use at all. I am not proficient in government affairs, and I can't lead soldiers. This little skill in itself is of no use at all among thousands of troops." Qin Yu couldn't help clenching his fist, "Actually... …I also want to help Father Father. Actually, I also want to make myself useful. It’s good to be useful anyway."

I hate iron but not steel.

Qin Yu hated himself, it was useless to hate himself.

From childhood to age, Qin Yu felt that he was lonely. Although he could feel that his father cared about him, Qin Yu, from six to sixteen, spent no more than a month together for the entire ten years.

He doesn't hate his own father, he only hates himself for uselessness.

He now knows what his father is doing. Qin Yu also wanted to do something. He also wanted to help his father, but he really couldn't help at all.

"For the father, I may be a burden. Innate realm. When will I reach it? As far as my current skill improvement speed is, it will reach the system error! -0x000000008,112619180 external power limit, it will take at least five or six years." Qin Yu sighed.

After a long time, Qin Yu stood up abruptly, took a deep breath, a decisive gleam in his eyes.

"Eldest brother, second brother, father, you are constantly working hard to prepare for the battle in five years. Then I will work hard in the past five years, and within five years at least... I will reach the realm of Teacher Zhao Yunxing and the ultimate acquired. "Qin Yu set a goal for himself.

Value, people must have value in the world. At least there is a little value in the eyes of parents, otherwise living is also living. Qin Yu didn't like to rely on his father's position to be a dude. He wanted to achieve something, at least... Whether he could help his father.


The Qianlong Continent is extremely vast, but the ocean outside the Qianlong Continent is ten times and a hundred times larger than the Qianlong Continent, suddenly——


The boundless ocean undulated violently. There was no hurricane, and it undulated violently out of thin air for no reason. At the same time, the aura of the whole world oscillated in an instant, and the waves raised hundreds of feet high, and then crashed down. The practitioners felt that The aura of heaven and earth is chaotic, and it can't be absorbed for a while.

"call out!"

In the sky, an extremely bright meteor appeared out of thin air in the midair, flying in a straight line and obliquely towards Qianlong Continent, even making a sharp whistling sound. After a while, the meteor disappeared. And the aura of heaven and earth instantly recovered stability, and the boundless ocean also returned to its usual appearance.


"Meteor!" Qin Yu saw a meteor coming from a very high altitude from a distance. He immediately watched carefully from the roof. The meteor flew directly in the direction of Qin Yu. Qin Yu's eyes lit up and he smiled: " No, this meteor will not fly directly to Yunwu Mountain Villa."

Qin Yu knew that some meteorites outside the sky were mostly formed by falling meteors.

"Maybe I can find a large piece of meteorite iron from outside the sky." Qin Yu secretly said in his heart, but Qin Yu was a little disappointed that when the meteor flew into the air, it disappeared far away from Qin Yu.

"Forget it, but it's not bad luck to be able to see a meteor." Qin Yu smiled slightly, and then jumped from the roof to jump off, but when he jumped, Qin Yu's eyes suddenly brightened.

"What is that?" Qin Yu vaguely saw a faint light shining in Xiyuan, and couldn't help but suspect a system error! -0x000000008,112619180 confused. Qin Yu immediately ran towards Xiyuan, walked into the Xiyuan, Qin Yu looked around carefully, but did not see anything strange.

Qin Yu walked a few steps by the hot spring, and suddenly felt a reflection on the ground.

"What is that?" Qin Yu vaguely saw something like a crystal on the ground. Qin Yu knelt down and took a closer look. It was a red crystal that looked like a pendant. He picked it up and placed it on his hand. This crystal looked like a tear. .

"The blood-red, tear-like crystal should be a crystal." Qin Yu looked at the crystal on the palm of his hand, and unconsciously fell in love with this'crystal'.

"It's not bad to put this'crystal' inlaid and make a pendant. Give it to Xiao Lu, Xiao Lu must like it very much. Well, what do you call it if you make it?" Qin Yu frowned and thought about it, then his eyes lit up. Hey, since I saw it after seeing a shooting star, and it looks like a tear, it's called Meteor Tears."

Meteor tears, Qin Yu is very satisfied with this system error! -0x000000008,112619180 name.

Qin Yu tried a little bit on his chest and nodded in satisfaction, but suddenly Qin Yu felt his palm light, and the ‘crystal’ just... was strangely missing. In Qin Yu's hand, it just disappeared out of thin air.

Qin Yu couldn't help his eyes widening.

"Did you hell?" Qin Yu's heart was shocked. He had never encountered such a strange thing.

The thing in his hand disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never existed before, but Qin Yu was absolutely sure that he did find a star-shaped crystal with blood-red tears just now, and he was also named Meteor Tears.

"How come it's gone? Could it be that some inborn masters or immortals used the method of capturing objects in the air?" Qin Yu thought in his heart, "No, I hold the palm of my hand. , My hand should feel the'crystal' moving. Could it be that it disappeared out of thin air?"

Qin Yu couldn't imagine what a magical power it was to transfer something away out of thin air.

"Shangxian doesn't necessarily have such supernatural powers, and will such a super expert come to tease me in the middle of the night?" Qin Yu was confused.

In Xiyuan, the perplexed Qin Yu thought about it for a long time, and then could not find a reason, Qin Yu could only leave Xiyuan helplessly with this confusion.

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