God of Destruction

Chapter 1001: Go its own way

"Decided, go to Ukraine!" I looked at the crystal coin and decided.

"No!" Two voices sounded behind me at the same time.

I turned around and looked at them, unexpectedly, it was Su Mi and Xiao Chun!

"Why can't you go to Ukraine?"

So Mi walked over and pointed to the map on the wall. "It is true that there is no country against the land, but people will meet!"

"What's wrong with someone?"

Xiaochun took the topic and said: "Humans are very complex creatures, you can't understand people's thinking! Moreover, you must come into contact with people by land, and the probability of friction with these people is much higher than the probability of friction with the British. !"

So Mi nodded and agreed with Xiaochun's statement, and added: "According to my estimation, it will take about five to seven days to reach Germany by land. And we are just a few ordinary foreign players after Germany!"

Xiaochun grabbed the words again. "Weak countries have no diplomacy. Our Temple of Light will never give those inferior powers a good face. Therefore, our sneaking overland will only become fat in the eyes of others. Once it is discovered that we are from a foreign country, they will look for opportunities to attack us. Try to make a profit!"

So Mi said again: "So not only do we have to go by sea, but we also have to make a big splash. We send notices to the countries along the way on the forum, saying it is a friendly visit, and all those who dare to come out to make trouble will be killed! Also, do not hide the surprise attack on Indonesia. Just admit it publicly. There is nothing to hide! The humility of the Chinese is not good in Europe. What is needed here is to say that there are ten. If you shake off the prestige, naturally others will treat you respectfully! When our country succeeded with two bombs and one satellite, the international political situation immediately changed when we propagated, and now we acknowledge the attack on Indonesia, it is more pros and cons for our European trip!"

I gave two little girls and a chestnut. To Xiaochun, he said, "You are no longer a member of the Temple of Light. Don't use anything like our Temple of Light in the future!" Turning to Sumei: "Your point of view is correct, but don't treat Indonesians as fools. In addition, although the United Kingdom has not completed the World II system error! -0x000000008,112619180 is a powerful country, but the foundation is there, don't think of them as sick cats!"

"Then what do you mean?" Xiaochun looked at me expectantly.

"Why do you care about me so much? Didn't you just fight against me?"

"I don't care about you, I'm afraid you will pay me in the wrong way!"

"Cut! I thought you had changed sex!"

So Mi couldn't help but ask, "Which way are you going?"

"I want to go to Ukraine very much, but after listening to your analysis, I think it is better to go to Gibraltar to be safe. It's a great fight with the United Kingdom, rather than being stuck in the war quagmire in Ukraine! Besides, it is easy to handle when I go, and I never come back. It’s good to take millions of troops over the mountains to play?"

"I knew you would listen!" Su Mi held out her thumb.

I interrupted her: "What about the forum? You go or me?"

"Of course you go! I came up only because I remembered that when I was offline, I forgot to tell you the route problem, and now I have to make up for sleep! Lack of sleep is bad for the skin! Besides, you are the president, and the negotiation problem is still you It’s better to send!"

"Okay! I'll just go!"

So Mei went offline again, and I started posting directly to the World Regional Forum. To increase the sensational effect, I will first publicly claim responsibility for the attack in Indonesia last night! sweat! It's like what Uncle Bin Laden's gang do! To improve my persuasiveness, I posted up the live record of the battle last night. My video was taken on a ship, and others would know it at first glance. Unless it is someone in the fleet, it is impossible to get a video from this angle! After the video is posted, I will later disclose that we are a private armed force from China and will make a friendly visit to Germany in Europe, and hope that the countries along the way will provide convenience!

This post was topped only 30 minutes after it was posted, and what makes me most happy is that it actually received a response from a German player! Large guilds usually have people who are responsible for watching the forum, and of course there are also German guilds. The first thing I received was a response from a leading guild in Germany. The name of the guild should be translated into Chinese as the Iron Crusader. The president of this guild hopes to have a meeting with me! But I am at sea now, it is impossible to use chat tools! There are chat rooms in the forums, but the players need to be on shore to use them! In the end, we discussed and decided to meet at noon. Then we should go to Sri Lanka, and we will have a meeting there!

After the Germans left, the British and French also came. The opinion of the French is that as long as we do not make trouble, France will not take the initiative to provoke! The British were unexpectedly very polite, and I hope we will visit the UK too! Obvious thermal system error! -0x000000008,112619180 Excessive love, there will be no fraud, right?

After leaving the forum, the fleet was allowed to speed up its voyage, and the island of Sri Lanka was already seen before noon. I did not let the fleet dock, but flew ashore by myself. The fleet moved forward, and I would catch up by myself in a while. Find the hotel first after landing, the hotel opened by the system is easier to find. With the surprised gaze of the people around, he rushed into the hotel and quickly went upstairs after booking a private room. Once you close the private room door, you can log in to the forum.

There is a charge for setting up a transnational chat room, but the Iron Crusaders say that I won’t compete with them for building a room! The name of the chat room that the forum said in advance has indeed been established. This room is set up to only allow people with specific nicknames, and this specific person is me.

After I found it, I chose to connect, and the text-only forum suddenly changed into a three-dimensional space like the game. The room is quite large and the layout inside is super simple. A circle of chairs is placed around the long table in a chapter, a typical meeting room setting!

There were already three people in the room when I came in. They all sat on one side of the table, leaving the other side to me.

"Hello! My name is Ashford, President of the Iron Crusader!" A young man about my age came over. He offered to extend his hand to me to show his friendship. After I shook hands with him, he started introducing the two people next to him. "This is my Vice President MacFallen. This is the person in my Messett's Guild who is responsible for communicating with the temple to which he belongs. He usually works part-time as a staff member!"

"Hello, my name is Ziri, the president of the China Frost Rose League!"

The three people in front of them are very young, and each looks extraordinary. Ashford and I are of the same type. They are more delicate in length. It is not that he is small. This guy is more than 1.8 meters tall. He said that he is delicate because his face is thinner and he is quite beautiful. The race seems to be the white elf forum chat room is logged in using the characters in the game. The white elf's unique white complexion and his long golden hair give people a sense of beauty, and his blue eyes really don't look like a man!

system error! -0x000000008,112619180 McFallen is more exaggerated. This guy is nearly two meters tall. He is as strong as a rhino. His arms are about to catch up with my thick legs. With brown eyes and a short yellow hair, it feels like two Word-barbaric! Although the characters in the forum chat room only have a loose uniform robe, I am sure that McFallen's race is a barbarian, and his profession must be a berserker, and weapons are probably inseparable from the category of heavy weapons!

Messett is the shortest of the three, at about 1.7 meters, and he is also delicate. The short blue hair and blue eyes make her look vibrant. He is the most handsome of the three, as long as he is not shy, I guess there will be no less MM around him!

"No one told you it's impolite to stare at a girl's face?" Messette started to speak suddenly and startled me. Although the sound is not quite right after the translation system, men and women can still be distinguished! I didn't expect Messett to be a tomboy. I thought all three were men!

"I'm sorry! Beautiful things always make people unconsciously fascinated!" I won't foolishly tell her that I treat her as a man! Talking like this in front of a girl is not much different from suicide!

"Then let's sit down and talk?" Ashford drew us to the table. After everyone sat down, Ashford first said: "I won't go around with you anymore. It's not a German habit to bend around! I want to know why you came to Germany this time? The national war seems to be early, and you too. It doesn't seem to be here to fight!"

"That was at that time! Although the relationship between China and Germany is not close, it is definitely not hostile! I am here to complete a task actually, saying that the friendly visit is just to say hello to avoid unexpected battles! "

Messer said with a special head: "That means you are not here to have an issue with our German players, but to find NPCs?"

"It's almost like that! Of course, if we have anything we can cooperate with, I don't mind more exchanges!"

Buikfalun stood up and said, "Since you don't want to fight with us, then I'll go first. I can do business with you!" He disappeared without waiting for us to say anything!

Messett said: "Don't be surprised, Burke Falun is like this, people are straighter and can't turn! You know, most people in our country have system errors! The character of -0x000000008,112619180!"

"En! Understand and understand!"

Ashford tapped on the table lightly and said: "Speaking of business, I really have some business to talk to you!"


"Oh? What kind of business?"

"Do you have Chinese fire yao manufacturing skills?"

"En! Yes, there are, but I won't sell it! You are also a smart person, so you should know the reason!"

"I understand, but what if I replace it with something of the same level?" Seeing my puzzled expression, Ashford explained: "We will have a new technology for doing tasks. The specific use is that it can be very useful. Big things are floating!"

"Are you saying that you can make very large floating objects?"


"It's a float, but not a float on the water." Ashford smiled strangely.

"Isn't it a float on the water? Could it be that..." I covered my mouth in surprise. "You mean floating technology? Can you build airships?"

Ashford did not answer. I just smiled, which is equivalent to affirming my guess!

"You can really build airboats? Such a good technology is only used to exchange Chinese fire yao secret recipes, some losses?" Foreign countries are not without fire yao, but the power is not as good as China, Ashford uses absolute superior technology in exchange My fire yao technique seems to be a loss-making business!

"I can't get the price wrong! In fact, our technology is flawed, that is, the empty boats we build can't move! Although we have experimented many times, but we have no choice. The empty boat can only move vertically. , Let it move, we even use people to tow it on the ground, but the result is that the airship is locked by something, and it moves horizontally! The only way to move it is to turn off the buoyancy device. As soon as the buoyancy generator is activated, the airship is immediately Fixed and unable to move a minute!"

Messett added: "We are just putting the empty boat in the city now, and putting archers on it to deal with the enemy air force when defending the city, nothing else is useful!"

"An airship that can't be moved? That's worthless!"

"Although it can't be moved, it is still very useful!" Ashford said: "Our thing is powered by magic spar, so the cost is a bit more expensive. But in theory, as long as there is enough magic spar It can lift the entire city into the air!"

"What? Can the city rise?" I became tempted. If Isengard can float in the air, even if he can't move, a city in the sky is enough!

"I agree to the exchange. I'll talk about specific things when I meet in Germany?"

"Of course there is no problem!"

"By the way, there is another question! Can you represent the opinions of the players in Germany?"

Ashford said confidently: "Although the Iron Crusade is not the only one to dominate Germany, there are only one or two guilds with us!"

"That's good! I don't want to be in contact with several forces separately! That's it, I'll leave first!"

After leaving the forum chat room, I went directly to the private room of the hotel. Without going through the door, I opened the window and jumped out. The talks didn't last long, and the fleet hadn't gone far, so I quickly caught up. The King Chuang is already there, he is really an energetic guy!

After I explained the route and other things with King Chuang, I went offline first. It's not interesting to stay at sea all the time!

After I was offline, I went around the base and moved my body by the way. Once at night, nothing happened. All the small countries along the way, there are many boats, not many big enough! All I came across were small sampans, and the ten-meter-long boat was similar to the model beside Bi Ling! Those who are brave will stop and anchor immediately when they see us, for fear of being overturned by our waves, and those who are timid will run away in fright when they see our super fleet from afar, how can they dare to approach!

After going offline again, I went to the lab to ask some knowledge about B13. It is good for me to know more about B13! It scared me again when it was early in the morning! I thought that the fleet was already in the Mediterranean, but what I saw was completely different from what I thought!

Now it’s dawn on the Chinese side, but because of the time difference, it’s still early in the morning here, and the sky is just a little white, but with the weak light, it is barely possible to see the surroundings! Bi Ling stopped at a place similar to the mouth of a river, the hull was still a bit crooked, the bow was so tall and the deck was tilted! The river under the hull is only more than a hundred meters wide, and Bi Ling has almost blocked the entire river here! There are already more than 30 warships in the river ahead of us, but most of them are still in the Red Sea behind Biling. The banks on both sides were full of people, some of them were my crew, and the other seemed to be local players!

I looked around, but didn't see King Chuang and other players, so I had to ask the crew next to him. "Where did the first officer go? Call him over!"

"The chief mate is in the bottom deck. I may not be able to come over now. How about calling the second mate for you?" the crew member asked.


The second mate is on the following system error! -0x000000008,112619180 On the bank of the river, he quickly climbed up. "Captain! You are looking for me!"

"What's going on? Why stop here? It's not that Bi Ling is stranded, is it?" The warship is crooked like this, the only thing I can think of is that the warship is stranded, but I still hope I guessed wrong!

"Yes!" The words of the second officer made me completely desperate! "The fleet arrived here three hours ago!" The second officer pointed to me on the chart he was carrying with him. "Sengel River! This is the one in front of us!" The place names mentioned yesterday are based on actual place names, which is convenient for everyone to see. The place names in the game are different. This Sengel River is the Suez Canal.

I looked at the sea chart, this is the location of the Suez Canal in reality. The game has been changed to a natural river, and even the name has been changed! "Are we here?"

"Yes!" the second officer replied!

It seems that we are stranded at the mouth of the Red Sea of ​​the Sengel River!

"Why stranded? Didn't Rona say that the Suez Canal is deep enough?"

"Suez Canal?"

"Oh! It's the Sengel River!" Anxiously, he called out the actual place name!

"According to our observations, it seems that it is not because of the problem of the river itself!" The second officer said: "Commander Chuang Wang went down and asked the locals in the morning. It seems that there has just been a battle here, and a relatively large warship sank in the river. Now! So the depth that could pass through is now impossible to pass because of the sinking ship!"

"Then what are you doing now?"

"The chief mate said to pull Bi Ling back to the deep waters of the Red Sea first, and then find a way to get the sunken ship away!" The second mate suddenly looked up and said, "The chief mate is here!"

When I saw it, it really was my first officer who came back. "Captain, you are here!"

"En! The second mate told me everything, how is your plan going?"

"Some trouble! Biling hit through the bottom of the ship in the collision just now, and didn't sink because we were already stranded! But it wouldn't be easy to say if we dragged it back into the deep water! I am organizing manpower to repair the damaged place! Waiting to plug the hole Drain the stagnant water on it and you can drag it!"

"Can't the Luna badge on the ship automatically repair the hull?"

"But there was no moon last night!"

gosh! Forget this stubble, it rained here last night, the moon is full of dark clouds, and finally the rain stops and the sky is bright!

"How long will it take to repair the ship?"

"About 3 hours! Including drainage and tugboats, it is estimated that it will take ten o'clock to clear obstacles!"

"This won't work, it's too slow! Go and ask the fleet to start towing now and pull Bi Ling out first."

"But there are holes in the ship!"

"Where is the hole?"

"The speedboat cabin on the bottom floor is a big hole!"

"Really! The speedboat cabin has a waterproof door! Close the water door and pull it out directly. The speedboat cabin cannot sink in the water! As soon as Biling is towed out, the sailor will take turns to perform underwater operations to repair the cabin. Slowly, anti-system error! -0x000000008,112619180 is not affecting the navigation! Quickly, start towing now, I will solve the obstacle!"

The first officer immediately executed the order and took the sailors to hang the ropes. Fortunately, we have more warships. Although Bi Ling is big, it can still be towed! Thirty ropes were put on the stern, and Bi Ling was slowly pulled from the canal into the Red Sea. Several bubbles turned up on the water, and some pieces of wood floated up. It looked like the shipwreck below!

Bi Ling was towed away, the next step is to clear the underwater obstacles! I have to go down and see for myself, I don't know how big the wreckage below is!

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