God of Destruction

Chapter 1002: Difficult and dangerous

"The leader of Skynet turned out to be..." Qin Yu smiled slightly in his heart, and walked to the opposite of the blue elder, and sat down without being polite.

The elder in blue smiled and slowly said: "Mr. Meteor Shenlong has completed nine gold medal missions for three consecutive months, and all of them have been completed perfectly. When the old man saw it, he was surprised and inexplicable. System error! -0x000000008, 112619180 I learned later that there was such a master as Mr. Meteor in the'extranet' of Skynet."

"Gold medal mission? No difficulty at all. I want an opponent, but I can't. It's really..." Qin Yu spoke arrogantly.

Qin Yu avoids being discovered by others about his true identity, and at the same time defines Killer Meteor as a super master who pursues martial arts, except for martial arts, everything else.

"It's not difficult at all. Has Mr. Meteor reached the level of innate Dzogchen?" Elder Lanyi asked, Qin Yu suddenly laughed, "Elder, don't you know if you try? It's rare to meet a master like you? what."

With that said, Qin Yu suddenly moved with his right hand.

Qin Yu has exercised his finger strength and flexibility since he was a child. After breakthroughs, Qin Yu's finger strength has reached a terrifying level. Qin Yu stretched out his index finger with his right hand, making dozens of finger shadows. .

The blue elder's eyes lit up, and he also extended his right index finger, and a dazzling light appeared on the right finger.


Pointing to each other and hitting each other head-on, it turned out to be on par.

The corner of Qin Yu's mouth suddenly turned up slightly, and a purple light suddenly burst out through his fingers. The blue-clothed elder only felt a sharp force penetrated into his body through his fingers. He couldn't help being shocked. He even retracted his fingers while using himself. The liquefied innate qi in the dantian wiped out this alien qi.

"Haha, Mr. Meteor is really amazing, and I admire and admire it!" The blue-clothed elder's eyes lit up and he immediately laughed.

This time he was ordered by Qin De to invite Qin Yu. First of all, he wanted to determine what Qin Yu's strength reached. Based on the strength of this finger, the blue-clothed elders have been 100% sure that the strength of Mr. Meteor in front of him is absolutely not. Below him.

"The great elder didn't show up all the strength, and I'm not the only one to win." Qin Yu said calmly.

Qin Yu could see that the blue-clothed elder hadn't used his strength, but Qin Yu had a system error! -0x000000008,112619180 Qin Yu is sure of the strength he has shown. If he wants to deal with the blue-clothed elders, he can definitely destroy the blue-clothed elders by using the purple innate true energy obtained from the third piece of "Tong Tian Tu".

"Mr. Meteor is so strong, it seems that Mr. Meteor is qualified to receive a task." The blue elder said mysteriously.

Qin Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. He also knew that the Mr. Meteor he played was a man who pursued martial arts and pursued the limit. Qin Yu immediately said: "Oh? Just now the elders tested me, and now he said I was qualified to take this task. This task is amazing? Let's just listen."

The blue-clothed elder mysteriously said: "Fantastic? Mr. Meteor, there are several masters at the same level as you who participated in this task. Once you participate in this task, life and death are irrelevant."


Qin Yu was shocked.

He knows his own strength now, in the heart of the blue-clothed elders, the Killer Meteor is an innate master of Dzogchen. But he said that there were several people who participated in this mission at the same level as him. Doesn't this mean that there are several innate Dzogchen masters?

"What task, is it..." Qin Yu had a premonition in his heart.

"Haha...I need a few masters like me to have such a difficult task? Is it to assassinate the immortal?" Qin Yu smiled.

auzw.com The elder in blue shook his head and said: "It is not to assassinate the immortal, but to be a person's bodyguard for almost a month. If you are willing to participate, within that month, you must protect your employer. "The blue elder stared at Qin Yu, carefully watching Qin Yu's reaction.

"Bodyguard? Humph, I'll be a bodyguard." Qin Yu Leng had a system error! -0x000000008,112619180 Desert Road.

The blue elder believes: "Mr. Meteor, please rest assured, you don't always think the task is not difficult. This task is absolutely difficult, and the strength of the enemy that appears will definitely satisfy you. The most important thing is... once the task is successful, We can give you a superior fairy soldier!"

Immortal superiors are the top weapons in the eyes of mortals in Qianlong Continent.

As for spirit tools, they are generally only available to practitioners. Qin Yu obtained the blazing iron in the stone, but after Feng Yuzi refining, he obtained the spirit tools. How can ordinary people obtain the spirit tools? The blue-clothed elder said that the reward for the mission was a superior weapon of the fairy rank, which was already extremely high.

A good magic weapon is very attractive to a warrior. Since it is pretending, it must be pretended to be like.

"Oh..." A slight movement flashed in Qin Yu's eyes.

Seeing Qin Yu's expression, the elder in blue knew that there was a scene, and immediately said: "Mr. Meteor, this type of mission is extremely difficult to meet. If you want to participate, you will wait for me in this teahouse three days later. I will have a system error by then!- 0x000000008,112619180 will lead you there."

"Protect people, who to protect? Where are you going?" Qin Yu asked.

The blue-clothed elder shook his head and said: "I can only tell you that the person who protects is called Mr. Ying. As for other things, you don't need to ask, just follow us when the time comes." The blue-clothed elder stared at Qin Yu, Qin Yu's reaction .

"Mr. Win?" Qin Yu's heart moved and he became more sure of guessing.

"Okay, I'll take this task. I'll see you in this restaurant three days later." Qin Yu laughed, his figure flew out of the window on the second floor, only a few afterimages, Qin Yu disappeared, Lan Elder Yi looked out the window and nodded with a smile.


Late at night, in the imperial study room.

"The emperor, this is the secret letter of'Dark Ches'." A handsome middle-aged man handed out a letter, and sitting Xiang Guang hurriedly took it. Xiang Guang opened the secret letter and looked at the letter, his brows were suddenly frowned. , "What, that Qin De will take four or nine calamities, and it's less than a month."

The expression on Xiang Guang's face kept changing.

Qin De has always been Xiang Guang's heart disease. If he doesn't get rid of Qin De, he won't be able to stay stable in his throat. But now he heard that Qin De was going through the Forty or Nine Tribulations, he was a little panicked. He was looking forward to Qin De's failure and dying, but he was worried that Qin De was going to succeed in the Tribulation and become a master of the Golden Core Stage.

If so, the Qin family would have two great immortals, and once the Qin family rebelled, the threat would be much greater.

Xiang Guang thought for a long time, looked up at the handsome middle-aged man in front of him, and asked: "Mr. Lan, Wu Xingwood said at the beginning that they only promised to protect us and want them to deal with system errors! -0x000000008,112619180, It's very difficult, by the way, Mr. Lan, is there anything from the ancestor..."

This Mr. Lan smiled slightly, then took out a small jade bottle from his arms and placed it in front of Xiang Guang's table and said: "The emperor, this is Chi Sheng Dan. I believe the emperor also knows what the ancestors mean."

Xiang Guang was shocked when he heard the three words'Chi Sheng Dan', and then there was a trace of hideousness on his face: "Chi Sheng Dan, the last Chi Sheng Dan, how can the ancestor give up? Well, rest assured, Mr. Lan, tell the ancestor, I They will never let the ancestors down, huh, Wu Xingwood and the other two are really too greedy, but...the same is true for destroying Qin De."

"No matter what, we must never let Qin De cross the Tribulation successfully, otherwise they will have two masters of the Golden Core Stage. When the time comes, the battle will be combined with the army of the three counties of the Eastern Region. Even if the rebellion cannot be successful, my Xiang family will be greatly injured. It's not worth it." Xiang Guang squeezed the jade bottle in his hand.

Mr. Lan nodded slightly, then walked out from the front door grandiosely.

Xiang Guang was the imperial study room. He stayed up all night and stayed the next morning when Xiang Guang left the palace directly with the secret master.

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