God of Destruction

Chapter 1003: Confused

Ziyue cried for a few minutes and then suddenly stopped, but it confuses me. She wiped her tears and said in a very calm tone: "Okay, am I okay?"

I looked at her in surprise. "Do you usually cry like this?"

"No." Ziyue shook her head. "I cry only when I encounter very serious things. But I'm not a long-term person, so I just need to cry."

sweat! It really is a cheerful personality!

"Shall we look at the following?" Ziyue said to me.

I quickly nodded and pressed the switch on the computer to display the analysis data. The next part is the comparison between my gene and Lin Yue's gene, and the result is completely different. The current results show that Lin Yue is the daughter of their parents, but before she was born, she had undergone a DNA rearrangement related to her appearance, and Lin Yue's parents were both normal natural persons. Another result is that both Ziyue and I are not related to Lin Yue and her parents.

The result of the analysis was surprising. I thought Lin Yue was one of us, but now it seems that Lin Yue is a natural person. There is still a big difference between DNA correction and artificial humans, and Lin Yue is still a normal person.

Ziyue looked at the screen and said, "I'm very strange."

"Is there anything wrong?"

"It seems that I am not the daughter of my parents, but why Xiaoyue she...? We grew up together, and we still have some telepathy!"

I explained: "You are likely to be the transferred embryo, Lin Yue is the result of natural reproduction. You have been disguised as twins and Lin Yue's DNA was modified specially. I guess this is the reason why her DNA has been modified. . As for telepathy, I think it’s just because you have a better understanding of living together for a long time."

"Then you compare our DNA to see if ours are similar."


The computer analyzed it for a long time, and the data that came out made us both surprised and reasonable. Both my DNA and Ziyue’s DNA are fully synthetic, and our two DNAs are almost identical except for the part responsible for gender.

"Congratulations, you have an extra elder sister." Ziyue still had the thought of joking.

"We still don't know who is older!"

"Go!" Ziyue looked at the data on the screen and said: "So we two are twins?"

"I think it should be!"

To be honest, this result is not very surprising, the system is wrong! -0x000000008,112619180 Before the experiment, I suspected that this was the most likely result. Suddenly remembered a question. "Ziyue, listen to me, now I want you to answer my question. It must be accurate, okay?"

"What's the problem, right?"

"Have you ever seen the red moon?" Ziyue's suddenly dilated pupils and wide open mouth had already answered my question. Without waiting for her answer, she immediately asked: "Have you really seen it?"

Ziyue nodded nervously. "I started when I was eight years old. I can see the red moon hanging in the sky every cloudy and rainy night. I told others when I was young, but they all said that I lied. Everyone said that there are only clouds in the sky. But you can see the moon."

"follow me."

Shut down the experimental device and pulled Ziyue quickly to the base. Now there is no need to hide anything. The result is already out, and Dad knows nothing. Ziyue followed me and kept asking me what I was going to do, but I only said it was very good. In fact, I want to take her to check the situation in more detail. The equipment here is not enough to complete these tasks.

When the two of us ran through the door, the guard saw that our eyes were straight. They knew me, but they were confused when they saw Ziyue standing with me. I didn't have time to talk to them, so I took out my electronic card and opened the gate and rushed into the base. Avoid the main passage and go directly to the work area from the dedicated elevator. Anyway, my security level is enough to start the equipment here.

I got out of the elevator and drove Ziyue towards the virus experiment center. Everyone who saw us along the way stared in surprise. Although I am not as feminine as before because of B13, the appearance of Ziyue is still too close to me. The first reaction people see us is: "I haven't heard that the president has a daughter!"

We first changed into dust-proof clothing in our experimental area, and then passed through the seven disinfection rooms. I dragged Ziyue directly to the experiment table of the person in charge. When the old guy looked up, he was taken aback, then looked at us two in surprise. "Master, this is...?"

"Don't ask me about this. I can't confirm her identity yet. Do me a favor first."

"Please speak."

"follow me."

Pulling the two of them with one hand and running to the human body scanning room, there is a super detector worth 179 billion yuan, which can conduct a comprehensive analysis of living organisms. It is more powerful than a large general hospital. The only drawback is that it is too expensive. Usually this thing is used to analyze ** experimental data, but now I have another use. Pushing Ziyue onto the testing table, the mechanical snap ring automatically fixed her body. I told her to stay still, and then drag the research supervisor to the display wall to see the data.

"What the **** do you want me to do?"

I pointed to Ziyue: "Look if there is a virus in her."

"What kind of virus are you talking about? If it's a cold virus or something like that, there is no need to analyze it, I promise there is.

"B13. See if there is B13."

"What did you say?" This old guy was also one of the several participants in the B13 plan that year, so he knew the meaning of B13. "Aren't you kidding me?"

"Will I come here to make such a joke with you?"

The old guy finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and he immediately began to dictate to the display wall. This machine is a bit more expensive, but there is nothing to say. It is fully voice-operated, automatically assisted in analysis, and can also perform on-site surgery when necessary, whatever.

"Take blood samples, inject bioassay chips, and analyze components."


A female voice replied elegantly: "The operation is in progress. The sample extraction is complete.... The biochip input is over... The rotation analysis starts... The test sample contains components that have been analyzed. Do I need to report in detail?"

"Check the database, check the virus signature database, and check whether there are macromolecular viruses."

"Data verification is over. It was found that 13797 common viruses and 243 special viruses met the requirements."

The research director thought for a while and said: "Mark the virus samples with the ball chain length exceeding 279, start the tunnel scanner, and give me all the sample photos."

"7 types were found to meet the standards and are being separated.... After the separation is complete, start the tunnel scanner, and the photo results will be input to the display wall."

Seven photos flashed on the wall on our side. In my opinion, the difference between Picasso's painting and the system is wrong! -0x000000008,112619180 is not big, but the researcher can understand it. After a while, he said: "Enlarge the samples 3 and 5 to display them by 3 times."

"Zoom in complete."

"Dynamic shooting of 5."

"Real-time transmission begins."

The picture became dynamic, and a very strange shape appeared on the display wall. This little thing is a bit like an octopus, with many tentacles, about thirty. There is a mass of yellow substance in the center of this thing. Suddenly something like ice cream swam by, and the little octopus moved by lightning and caught the swimming thing. Then there was some accident. The octopus-like thing grabbed the purple mass in the center of the "ice cream" and ate it, and then threw the immobile "ice cream" aside.

The research director's face was not so good anymore, his mouth was open enough to fit a duck egg. "how can that be!"

I asked: "This octopus-like one is B13?"

"Yes, this is it."

"Then what did it eat just now?"

"A kind of bacteria called Quyuan bacteria."

"No, right? Viruses should not be as big as bacteria, right?"

"B13 is a man-made virus. It is not the same as a natural virus. We can only create such a large virus. No matter how small it is, it is not easy to operate."

"Then it's okay to eat this thing?"

"It's okay. Quyuan bacteria is a kind of bacteria that easily induces disease. If there is too much of this thing in the body, people will get sick easily."

auzw.com "Then B13 is doing this to maintain the health of the host?"

"En." The research director nodded. "The design purpose of B13 is to strengthen the human body and make humans healthier and stronger. It will not multiply and destroy human cells like other viruses, but will reproduce in an orderly manner. In this process, it will eat harmful viruses and bacteria to maintain The role of health. But there is something strange."


"Look here." He pointed to the octopus-like B13 tentacles. "The previous B13 didn't have so many tentacles. I don't know if this is the individual mutation or the B13 on her body has mutated."

"Does this make a difference?"

"Of course." He explained: "This tentacles are similar to weapons. If there are too many tentacles, they may overfeed viruses and bacteria, resulting in a decrease in their own total nutritional supplements. On the contrary, if there are too few tentacles, it will be caused by It is impossible to control the number of surrounding bacteria and cannot function normally. Generally speaking, 26 tentacles are just right. This kind of virus is the most perfect."

"Then the B13 on her body is too strong, but it makes the opposite slow, right?"

"Yes. So she has not experienced a strengthening process so far. At this rate, she will not have a strengthening process until at least 27 years old."

"You mean she will soften her bones like I did last time and then re-synthesize into a superhuman existence?"

"Yes. B13 infection will happen sooner or later. Anyway, it's a good thing, don't worry. But I want to know how this girl carries B13 and where did you find her?"

"I can't tell you this for the time being, I'm still confused!"

Walked to the instrument and solved Ziyue and said, "Come with me."

Ziyue asked, "What are you talking about B13? Is there a virus in my body? It won't do me any harm, right?"

"Relax. The only thing you lose after being infected with B13 is that you never have the chance to sleep again!"

"No chance to sleep?"

"I won't be able to explain this for a while, I'll take you to my dad first.... It seems that I can't call him dad now!"

Ziyue followed me on the base. We didn't say anything, we were thinking about our own affairs. But we finally walked to the front of Dad's office. After knocking on the door, a voice came from inside: "Come in."

I opened the door and pulled Ziyue into it. Dad looked up and saw me coming in. It was nothing, but when he saw Ziyue he immediately showed a surprised expression. "you guys……?"

I let Ziyue in and locked the door with my backhand. "We just did a DNA analysis."

"You still did it?"

I nodded and then pulled Ziyue to the front. "This is Zhuyue, I think she should be my only blood relative?"

Dad put down the documents in his hand and walked here. He stood in front of Ziyue and watched for a long time, then stroked Ziyue's hair lightly. "How are your parents?"

"Do you know them?" Ziyue was very different.

"Of course. Now that you already know it, I don't want to hide it. I know all the experiments back then. Of course your birth was one of them. I gave you your name."


"Why? Don't you believe it?"

Ziyue shook her head. "No."

"I know you are very curious, now sit down and let me tell you what happened."


I quickly pulled Ziyue and sat down. Dad took a sip of tea and then sat down opposite us. "That was 40 years ago. The first time the laboratory completed the three theories. I was not the person in charge of Longyuan at the time, and at that time was your grandfather group. A very talented doctor designed a human enhancement plan. But no matter how hard we try, we can't complete a complete embryo. Until 31 years ago, by chance, we got a complete cell, a truly synthetic human cell with the ability to divide."

"Is that me?" I asked.

Dad nodded and said: "It should be said that it is your system error! -0x000000008,112619180 and your dead compatriots."


"This cell is the ancestor. We divide in parallel on it, and then we get many identical cells. But none of these cells can develop normally. We have used catalytic technology to obtain many experimental subjects, but they are not Deformity is a congenital defect. During the whole process, more than 300 subjects died. Later, we checked the cause of the failure and determined that it was the DNA tail chain problem. However, a doctor suggested that a virus should be used instead of molecular probes for synthetic operations, but we found We couldn’t find a suitable virus, and then we decided to create a virus directly. This process took a lot of time, until later we acquired German and French technology and completely bought out their virus gene pool. Finally, B13 was born. We put It merged with one of the cells, and after 24 hours of silence, this cell suddenly began to divide wildly. But I don’t know why it suddenly became two separate individuals during the division process."

"That is the two of us?"

"Yes. These two individuals are you two." Dad said: "After that, we decided to look for a surrogate mother. At that time, a couple of agents of the National Security Agency who were working at the base decided to accept this task. Then Zhuyue you were born. When the embryo was vaccinated, your mother was already pregnant, and the other fetus in her belly was your sister. We were afraid that the appearance of the two children would cause unnecessary danger, so we helped your sister make some changes."

"My parents are from the Security Bureau?"

Dad laughed. "Can we just pull a pregnant woman in the hospital to be a pregnant mother? Of course we need to find someone who can rest assured."

I asked, "Then why am I not put in?"

"Put all the eggs in one basket, what if the fox finds out? During the safety period, we decided to separate the two embryos as a surrogate. Even if there is an accident, we can save at least one."

"So you decided to let the mother complete the birth of another child?"

Dad nodded. "No one is more reliable than us. Embryos can be stored for a long time before they are formed, but you have formed primitive embryonic cells at that time, and time is very tight. Surrogate mothers are not easy to find, and they must meet many harsh physiological conditions before they can be surrogate. What a system error! -0x000000008,112619180 Besides, we still need reliable people, so we only came by ourselves. But your mother said that since you are born as an individual, you must treat you like a normal person, so we decided not to be our own Child, raise you as your own child."

"Then what's the matter with my appearance? Why is it so feminine?"

"This actually shocked us. The progenitor cell is actually a female gene cell, and its **** chromosome is XX. But after you were infected with B13, you split into two individuals. The individual Takezuki maintained the female gender. , Your individual cells were sorted wrongly when sorting, and the **** chromosome became XY. As a result, you became a boy. But your embryo split on the female chromosome for the first few days, and then only **** changed. The chromosomes and other things are basically unchanged, so you look like a girl. But you can rest assured that the chromosomes have completely become male standards when you are born and will not affect your future life."

Zhuyue stared at me for a long time and suddenly smiled, "So we are sisters!"

My face was brushed to the neck. "Don't talk nonsense. Didn't you listen to my dad? He was completely male when he was born, but the embryonic period was spent in a female state."

Dad also smiled and said: "This is a small technical error, no harm. I am more concerned about your thoughts now. Knowing all this, what do you think of me and your mother?"

I thought for a while and said: "I thank you for your care and nurturing of me. I and you don’t even have children. I am really touched. Although there is no blood relationship, we have lived like this for more than 20 years. I I think there is no need for those nihilistic things to mess up the current good life."

Dad patted me on the shoulder excitedly: "Good boy. We will always be your parents."

Zhuyue said somewhat lost: "But what about my parents?"

Dad said to Zhuyue: "I suggest that you still don't talk to them. The price for them to be a surrogate parent is to be able to live a normal life without the spy department. You can maintain it like this, and don't mess with things anymore. It's complicated."

I hugged Ziyue's shoulders affectionately and said: "You should be happy. There is no reason why I am such an older brother."

Zhuyue immediately said: "Who said you are older than me? We are two people who have split from one cell, at most the same size."

I immediately pretended to be old-fashioned and said: "From the perspective of my psychological age, I am still older. You should be your sister obediently!"

Ziyue's conversation changed: "My younger sister is my younger sister. Would you give me a meeting gift for your brother? Don't you still have the angel crystal? Hand it over? Just treat it as a meeting gift for your sister."

"Aren't you already full of pets?"

"Then you just leave it alone, whether I am happy to use it myself or give it away, it's my business anyway. Give it to me!"

Dad saw that we were back to normal and left the office grinning, Ziyue and I also slapped around and left the room.

Although today's test results were unexpected, I am still very happy. Although my dad is not my biological father, I don't have much to say about the care my parents usually take to me. I am not born that kind of melancholy, as long as everyone cares about whether he is a natural person. What's wrong with me being a cyborg, I have what others have, and I have what others don’t, and I don’t suffer.

Since Ziyue is here today, I don't plan to send her away immediately. Dad said that our family would have a meal together, and that Ziyue would stay for dinner together. After all, Ziyue is my real relative, the only living person in this world who is related to me by blood.

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