God of Destruction

Chapter 1046: Retreat

"Shenguang, I have to say that your vision is really short and pitiful. We have only one goal now, that is, to enhance our own background, strengthen our own strength, and strive to attack the control area to seize greater benefits. Rather than the so-called momentary quarrel, I will take a big shot to offend a evil star, and it is also an unidentified evil star. With the strength of that evil star, I am afraid that it is still above all of us. Don’t forget, Ye It’s always going to happen if there are too many roads. I won’t take any action this time. It’s nothing to do with who wants to go.” It’s another genius who stands up to oppose it. Don’t look at them as a coalition. All have different plans in their hearts.

Among them, there are also different competitions, so some people are unwilling to offend a evil star for a little bit of profit. If they can succeed, it is better to say, once they fail, then they will have endless troubles. .

When they heard these words, many people in the audience stopped talking. They could do this before because of their interests. The interests of doing so were too great and they could not resist the temptation. But now everything is different. In the mysterious realm of heaven, it is really worthy of its name. There are really treasures everywhere, especially in this core area, that is, from time to time, there are supernatural beings. These people have mixed here for such a period. Over time, there are a few powerful people on the scene, which one is not a hundred-fold increase in wealth, and no one lacks ordinary, so why take the risk to deal with an unidentified fiend?

"Ha! Ha! Ha! I didn't expect that the courage of a few people would become so small. Don't forget, everyone. We have now lost Xingtian's whereabouts, and the King of Good Fortune is the most suspicious, this time If we can't kill Xingtian, we won't have a chance again after the mysterious sky is over, and he will definitely become our enemy in the future!" Shenguang sneered and said with a tyrannical light in his eyes.

There is also competition among racial geniuses, and there is also competition among major forces. The forces behind these people and the Void God King behind Xing Tian are opposites. If they can't kill Xing Tian and wait for Xing Tian to grow up, it will be a huge threat to them. Will make them pay a heavy price.

"Oh! Shenguang, why are you doing this? If you have full evidence, then it would be no big deal for us to shoot, and we also have enough excuses to kill, but now you do not have enough evidence. Everything is nothing but Your own speculation, if this is a trap laid by the **** of the orcs, you can think about what will happen to us people. Don’t treat everyone as fools. If the king of good fortune really doesn’t understand anything. , Then it is impossible for him to have such strength, I'm sure, this must be a trap!" The Blood Prison said in a deep voice, his tone full of confidence, although he didn't know if he thought the same way. However, no matter what he thinks in his mind, one thing is clear, he will not make a move, because the benefits and risks are completely ineffective, so he does not want to offend a fiend for no reason.

When seeing the expression of the blood prison, Shenguang gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "After the thing is done, I don't want anything and I will be rewarded for the reward. I only ask everyone to kill each other." With Shenguang to these people present. Understand that even if these **** were tempted by the mystery of the sky, they still couldn't resist this temptation. Because they are all greedy people, as long as they have enough benefits, they will definitely be tempted.

When hearing the words of divine light, the eyes of everyone present flashed a light. The Blood Prison, who was resolutely refusing, changed his face, and said in a deep voice, "Well, since you have to persist in this way, we can't ignore the brotherhood for so many years. This time we will help you!"

When hearing the words of the blood prison, Shenguang's heart was sneered again and again. Help yourself, so that the ridiculous master knows the blood prison can be said, if he hadn't paid such a price, would he do it!

Although I was very disdainful in my heart, but the divine light did not show the slightest expression, but nodded indifferently, with the consent of the blood prison, and soon some people also spoke out, and among the people present, only a few People were still not moved by Nali Zhanghui's body, and resolutely refused. Their refusal made Shenguang's mood very bad, because one less person would lose a point of strength, but he could not force the other party to agree. I can do it.

"Well, since most people are willing to participate in this battle, let's find the whereabouts of the king of good fortune separately, find him, and kill him!" Shenguang roared, his expression was extremely excited, I really don't know why he must do this, or why he is so sure that the king of good fortune is Xingtian.

"Shenguang, don’t forget. The King of Good Fortune is an out-and-out master. He has no livelihood until now. We can’t have the slightest care about this person. Either don’t do it, or do it. Kill him directly with the momentum of the thunderbolt, and don't give him a chance to resist." The Blood Prison said softly, and his voice was full of endless murderous intent, even if the King of Good Fortune was a new existence. He did not underestimate each other.

When they saw that the people in Shenguang and the Blood Prison were so crazy, the few who refused the battle shook their heads involuntarily. In their opinion, whether the king of good fortune or not, they didn’t need to take risks. , It's not worth it for them to do this. Although the forces behind Xing Tian are opposed to them, it doesn't mean that they have to risk their lives to become enemies.

Xing Tian didn’t know that his avatar of the tree of life would be guessed by Shenguang, and the other party also attracted so many people to attack him. In human civilization, Shenguang and the others are not the only ones in human civilization. With this preparation, in the entire human civilization, there are still many people who are thinking of killing Xingtian, and many other super civilizations are also thinking of killing Xingtian, and they all want to kill Xingtian, the tree of life, and destroy it. This enemy who dared to provoke them.

For those super-civilized powerhouses, they don’t want to see Xingtian’s tree of life clone go so crazy, because they know that if Xingtian’s clone goes so arrogantly, it will shake their foundation and cause a lot of free cultivators. When they came up with their idea, it was a disaster for them. They could not tolerate such a thing, so they had only one choice, which was to kill Xingtian and use Xingtian as the tree of life to warn others. .

Killing Liwei. This is the only super-civilized powerhouse that can resolve the impact of Xingtian’s madness. Only by killing the lunatic Xingtian can they resolve their current crisis. After all, they don’t want to see themselves attacking the controlled area. Time. It was calculated behind the scenes.

Although Xing Tian didn’t know the calculations of Shenguang and others, when he was madly sweeping everything, when he madly killed the super-civilized disciples, Xing Tian understood a truth. One day those super-civilized powerhouses would not bear it. Live it yourself. So Xing Tian is still prepared for what will happen next.

Xing Tian's whereabouts were very concealed. Every time he made a move, he immediately hid him. He didn't give the opponent a chance to besiege himself or give him a chance to make a move, so Xing Tian was still very at ease.

Xing Tian didn't go to the human civilization and reunited with those talented disciples, because he had been guarding people, including the people of human civilization, for him there was no credible person in this mysterious realm. Xing Tian had realized this point not long after he came in.

Clearing the field, for those super civilizations, before they control the area, they will take a clearing action to clean up the enemies that threaten their existence when they enter the control area. There is still a long way to go before such a thing. It will take a while, and the appearance of Xing Tian made them have to advance the clearing!

The control area has not been opened yet, and its exterior is surrounded by a layer of invisible power, and the people outside can't be in it. Even those with the strength of the King of War cannot break the ban, and no one knows when the control area will be opened, so they are now devoting their energy to finding the Xingtian Life Tree clone.


In such a long period of time, Xingtian's harvest was extremely terrifying. And under that huge amount, Xingtian’s natal treasure "Eternal Shenzhou" finally made progress. Under the constant nourishment, Xingtian’s natal treasure "Eternal Shenzhou" has undergone amazing changes, and a big Changed, even people familiar with Xing Tian couldn't see Xing Tian's identity from this'eternal Shenzhou'. This shows how much this treasure has changed.

Xingtian’s avatar of the tree of life flies aimlessly in the mysterious realm of heaven. He has obtained nine supreme items in these years, and one of the ancient treasures of heaven and earth has been integrated into his own "eternal divine boat" by Xingtian The "Eternal Shenzhou" has a powerful detection power. And the small world in Xing Tian's "Eternal Shenzhou" has also undergone an astonishing transformation under that huge, possessing a stronger original power.

All of this is nothing. The most important thing is that the consumption of Xingtian’s natal treasure "Eternal Shenzhou" has been reduced by ten times this time. Since then, Xingtian had also let go of the phonograph, but now it is gone. With so much consideration, I can completely let go of my hands and feet.

In fact, for Xing Tian, ​​the domain type supreme or the origin type supreme he wanted most, he has never gained much. Although it is amazing in the mysterious realm of heaven, such treasures are rare, and Xing Tian has also gone. In a few towns, there was no such exchange of treasures.

In fact, for such kind of treasure, no one will exchange it, because such a treasure will be collected by everyone and become a killer, and will not be exchanged. I want to find this kind of treasure in the market. It is impossible for a heavy treasure. Even if such a heavy treasure is exchanged, it is also exchanged in the racial civilization. The harvest is even more amazing.

Although there is no such gain, Xing Tian is not in a hurry, time is still long for him, so he can't be so impatient. Now Xing Tian is planning to find a quiet place where he can retreat and practice. These years he has been in the universe with the universe. The master hands of many racial civilizations, after a series of battles, made him feel a lot, and he wanted to digest it well, turn everything into his own heritage and enhance his own strength.

For those powerful earls, they dare not easily break through, because they are afraid that if they accidentally achieve the fruit of the gods, they will be directly thrown out of the mysterious realm of heaven and waste a great opportunity. , And Xing Tian did not take such consideration, because Xing Tian's own realm is very low, even if it is a breakthrough, it will not cause the counterattack of the origin of the mysterious realm of heaven, so Xing Huangu can conflict with his own bottleneck without any consideration!

Xingtian's inner world is like a moving cave. Actually, he doesn’t need to go to the city of Nafang to retreat and advance the trouble as much as other monks. He only needs to find a hiding place, and then the real body escapes into the inner world, even if there is a great danger. Will be weakened countless times. It is difficult to threaten Xing Tian's life.

Xing Tian did not look for a treasure with sufficient vitality, but directly found a relatively poor and hidden valley, and then randomly found a cave, and then with a thought, his destiny, the treasure of "Eternal Shenzhou", was infinitely reduced. , Hidden into this cave. Then began his own retreat.

Xing Tian didn’t know about his retreat. The outside world had already fallen into a quarrel. You must know that the major super civilizations attacked with all their strength. They went to Xing Tian’s whereabouts, and wanted to use Xing Tian to attack him. Unfortunately, no matter how much power they put in. , They couldn't find the clone of Xing Tian's Tree of Life, as if Xing Tian's clone had disappeared in this world, they didn't have the slightest clue, couldn't find the slightest shadow.

"Asshole. How could this happen, Shenguang, if you don't give us an explanation, we have been looking for hundreds of years, but we have not even seen a shadow. Do you know how much our losses have been in the past century," And all this is only caused by your **** mentioning!" After a hundred years of fruitlessness, the blood **** finally couldn't bear to turn to the divine light.

Facing the accusation of the blood prison, Shenguang couldn't help but smile. He didn't expect that things would turn out to be such a result. The **** Xing Tian disappeared without a trace, and the king of good fortune seemed to have left the mysterious realm of heaven. No matter how many people they used, they could not find the other party's whereabouts.

It's not just blood **** that is annoying. There are also those truly strong people trained by super civilizations, they are angry for them, they have paid such a high price, but they can't find the whereabouts of the enemy, how can this not make them angry and angry for them. Unfortunately, anger is useless. They still cannot find Xingtian.

"Could it be that the bastard, the king of good fortune, saw the opportunity early and took the initiative to jump out of the mystery of the day when he discovered that something could not be done. If the other party really had to do this, then I really have to admit that this bastard's vision is indeed amazing, and he was able to advance Seeing so many things!" Some super-civilized powerhouses couldn't help but secretly thought.

For such a strong person, they all suffer from it. They have to know that their time is limited, and they can't put all their energy on one person. Their goal is not to kill the Xingtian tree of life clone, but to control In the area, to grab the treasure, everything else can be left behind in the face of this problem.

Xing Tian frantically retreats in the hidden valley and digests his own harvest. His retreat is a hundred years. In a hundred years, Xing Tian finally absorbed the harvest, and his strength has finally increased. Having crossed the realm of Viscount and became a strong man in the realm of Earl, it's just that the strength of the Earl of Xingtian is still very insufficient!

You must know that the realm of the earl looks very good, but it is still an ant. Xing Tian does not want to be an ant. His goal is the stars and the sea, so he naturally has his own opinion and is accumulating strength frantically.

In a hundred years of time, the black lotus clone of Xingzai and the tree of life clones have also been greatly improved. Each of them has reached the pinnacle of earl’s strength. You only need to take another step and it will let you They are proving the realm of the gods. The reason why Xing Tian didn’t do this was not because of his lack of background, but because he didn’t want to be kicked out of the mysterious realm of heaven. As long as Xing Tian is not a fool, he would not do such a thing. The opportunity cannot be lost, and the loss will never come again. This is unchangeable.

In a hundred years, Xing Tian finally made his integration of the Five Elements Rule a step further. Although only a little progress, a little bit is already very good for Xing Tian. After all, this is only a hundred years. Xing Tian was able to do this is great.

After the enhancement of the Five Elements Rule, Xing Tian has also achieved a more amazing improvement over the two supernatural powers of the Five Colors of Divine Light and the Great Five Elements of Extinguishing Divine Light. A battle with Xing Tian, ​​even those true geniuses, may not be able to fight Xing Tian head-on.

Although those geniuses were powerful, Xing Tian was not given for nothing. After this opportunity, Xing Tian's strength was greatly enhanced, so there was no fear of all Xing Tian, ​​but there was a hint of excitement in his heart! (.)

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