God of Destruction

Chapter 1047: Homicide

Xing Tian is based on the principle of mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, coupled with his two great avatars, which are based on the law of life and the law of destruction. These seven principles are completely integrated, forming his unique power of the five elements of Yin and Yang. The fusion of these seven principles makes Xing Tian go one step further above the two supernatural powers of the five-color divine light and the great five-element extinction divine light, and now these two supernatural powers are completely created by Xingtian himself. Successfully promoted to Xingtian's new understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, with even more powerful power!

The five elements of yin and yang, with the help of the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, transform the power of life into yang, and transform the power of destruction into yin, forming a unique power of the five elements of yin and yang.

When this crucial step was taken, it also marked that Xing Tian had successfully stepped into certain areas of a higher realm and made a great progress. You must know that this step is very difficult. Some people cannot do it even if it takes hundreds of thousands of years. They have been stuck at this step, unable to make the slightest progress, and finally have to give up everything.

Xing Tian was able to take this step in these short hundreds of years. I have to say that he is strong. Of course Xing Tian can do this, firstly because he cultivates the invincible way, and secondly because of his own. The powerful physical body, third, is because he has a powerful inner world, and it is precisely because of such a powerful ability as Xing Tian that his ability to control the law has reached a certain level, with the help of the inner world to complete this breakthrough.

There is no shortage of Xing Tian now. This time his trip to the mysterious realm of heaven gave him a lot and a lot of accumulation. It is precisely because of all the help that Xing Tian can complete this step.

In the realm, the fusion of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements makes Xing Tian’s foundation truly firmer. Yin and Yang and the Five Elements are the fundamental and fundamental of heaven and earth. Only the five elements will not work. Only by cooperating with Yin and Yang is the most perfect root.

No one in the entire universe could do this, and only Xing Tian did it all alone. He polished his foundation extremely strong, and when he stepped into this step, it also means that he has embarked on the road of the king, and now he should also enjoy the real superhuman civilization. The treatment of genius. Can get more.

After Xing Tian consolidated his own cultivation base, he realized the mysterious power of fusing the seven laws in detail. After getting a little familiar with his own power, Xing Tian took his life treasure, "Eternal Shenzhou" and left this place.

During the hundreds of years in Xingtian's retreat, he didn't know how many treasures could be born in this mysterious realm during this period of time. It should be known according to normal principles. The more the Heavenly Mystery Realm goes to the later stage, the more treasures it will produce, the more precious the treasures are, and the higher the level of the treasures.

Treasures born over hundreds of years are definitely more precious than the treasures Xingtian obtained before. It is a pity that those treasures have no relationship with Xingtian. After the war in retreat, Xingtian flew for several days, but he did not find them. What chance is related to oneself is when it is boring. Suddenly in Xing Tian's feelings of mind, Xing Tian saw that tens of thousands of miles away, he was performing a real scene of running away and hunting down.

Killing, as time goes by, the killing in the mysterious realm of the sky is going on frantically. I don't know how many people have fallen into the killings. The killing has become a very normal behavior. , Only in those few towns can they have a little time to relax and their minds will not be destroyed by that terrible killing, perhaps because of this situation. That's why those square markets existed in this mysterious realm!

Demon Race, Xing Tian once again saw the existence of Demon Race, if among the six major race civilizations, the Zerg tribe wins by numbers. The magic number wins by quality. The low-level existence of the Zerg race can be hatched endlessly as long as there are enough. It can be said that this race reproduces very quickly, while the demons are completely different. They need more time. Spiritual practice. In the entire super civilization, the two clans of the gods and demons have the least number, and their power in the upper strata is also the most.

This time Xing Tian saw that the demons were chasing and killing some people in human civilization madly. The reason is that you don’t need to ask for the benefit. If it were not for the benefit, they would not be so crazy, and in the current mysterious realm of heaven. Among them, this kind of thing is also normal. As more and more treasures are born, as those who want to kill Xingtian have nothing to gain, they vent their anger on the heads of other races. The mysterious sky became more crazy!

Xing Tian didn’t need to care too much about this kind of killing. After all, such killings were quite normal in this mysterious realm. There was no need for Xing Tian to pay attention to such killings, but Xing Tian thought about it carefully. After the meeting, he finally decided to save these humans. After all, he is still a member of human civilization.

Although Xing Tian was dissatisfied with some people in human civilization, he asked himself that human civilization cultivated himself during this period of time. This kindness, Xing Tian will not forget, although all this did not make Xing Tian have a great influence on human civilization. A deep sense of belonging, but he will not avenge revenge.

Under the circumstances within his own ability, Xing Tian would not be unsuccessful, because that would make his conscience overwhelmed, and would form an existence like a demon in his heart, which was not the result Xing Tian wanted to see.

Of course, this time Xing Tian was able to make a decision in such a short period of time. There were other reasons. This time Xing Tian’s strength has increased again, and he himself does not know how his own strength has reached. So he just took this opportunity to learn about his fear of strength.

After making such a decision, Xing Tian speeded up and rushed towards the place where the incident occurred. He wanted to learn about the power of the demon. The last time Xing Tian was able to kill the demon was not entirely due to his own strength. Part of the reason was the result of his sneak attack, and this time Xing Tian wanted to face the opponent.

"Hand over your treasures, this demon can let you live!" The demon was yelling frantically, and the faces of the human civilizations he was staring at were extremely pale, it was obvious that they had already I was so weak that I couldn't hold on anymore, and even so. They still didn't think about surrendering, because they knew that even if they really had to surrender and surrender the many treasures in their hands, they would not let them go, so even death. They also have to try their best, after all, they still have a chance to fight, if they don't do this, they will die.

"Don’t bother, we are not fools. Even if we hand over the treasure, you will not let us go. If you really want us to hand over the treasure, it’s not impossible, unless you can swear to the Dao. We won't believe you, would you dare to do this?" the strong man of human civilization shouted in a deep voice.

"What an ant, you also want to make this demon lord take an oath, you are too dear to yourself, this demon lord has given you the opportunity. Since you don't cherish it, then don't blame this demon lord for being cruel!" The devil's face changed, and his body revealed endless murderous aura!

When they felt the murderous aura from the demon race, the powerhouses of human civilization changed their faces by coincidence. None of them wanted to die, but now they had no choice. Their situation was already very dangerous!

At this time, a strong man of human civilization that was severely injured yelled: "Damn demon, if you don't give us a way to survive, then we will all die together. Go and die!" He rushed frantically as he spoke. Towards the demons, and then made a loud noise, this powerful man of human civilization blew himself up. He wants to use his life to die with the enemy.


Under the violent energy storm, the powerhouse of the Demon Race coldly grunted disdainfully, and promptly released defensive measures to block the shock wave generated by the self-detonation. At this time, the few human civilizations People separated instantly to escape. They feel that their enemy, the Demon Race, has only one person, and cannot track their people at the same time, so how many people they can escape from is a few people. As for the final result, it depends entirely on their own luck.

Xing Tian, ​​who had been watching the situation here, was shocked when he saw that the self-detonation was over. The demon clan’s defense was too strong, and such a powerful self-detonation force did not cause them. Hurt, this shocked Mu Zai's heart, and Xing Tian was also shocked by the strength of the enemy!

When he discovered such a situation, Xing Tian had to attack there with all his strength, because he knew that if he did not appear soon, then those humans would only have a dead end, and no one could live. They simply did not have the ability to move from this respect. The demon clan’s men survived, and the demon clan’s strength exceeded their imagination.

When flying to a distance of about a thousand miles away, Xing Tian suddenly released his own attack. The power of the Great Five Elements' extinction divine light was compressed to the extreme by him, as if it were an invisible sharp arrow, it shot out instantly.

When the sharp arrow condensed by the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light shot out, the sharp arrow seemed to penetrate the space of thousands of miles, and in the blink of an eye, it had crossed a distance of thousands of miles and attacked the eyes of the strong demon clan.

The powerful Big Five Elements destroys the power of the Divine Light. It came too soon. The Demon Race did not respond. The reason for this situation is that Xingtian’s attack was too fast, and on the other hand, the Demon Race was too fast. Confident, he didn't expect that someone would sneak attack on himself, so he was caught off guard by the attack.

Although unable to evade, the demon race is very confident in his own power. He believes that his own defense can block the enemy's sneak attack, but when the big five elements of extinction light hits it in the middle of it, The powerhouse of the Demon Race couldn't help regretting it, but it was too late for him to regret it now.

The terrifying power of the Great Five Elements Extinguishing Divine Light sent by Xing Tian directly penetrated his defenses, and his proud defensive power did not even have the slightest resistance under the attack of the Great Five Elements Extinguishing Divine Light. , Was destroyed by that terrifying force at once, and the powerful force directly blasted on his devil heart!

A scream of "Ah..." resounded from the strong man of the Demon Race, that scream spread throughout this heaven, and when those human civilizations who were fleeing heard such screams, All of them turned their heads involuntarily. At this moment, they saw that the enemy that frightened them was destroyed by a powerful force. The demon heart was blasted in half by a terrifying force. The blood flowed frantically from the demon heart, and that demon blood was the source of this powerful demon clan.

Originally Xing Tian thought that his sneak attack should have enough power to kill the opponent, but Xing Tian was wrong. His attack did not completely kill the opponent. When he saw this situation, Xing Tian did not hesitate. The second blow came out frantically in an instant, without giving the demons a chance to react.

After being attacked by Xingtian, although the Demon Race did not perish, his vitality was seriously injured. He has only half his life left. Even if he was in his heyday, he would not be able to escape Xingtian's attack, let alone now under this severe injury. When Xingtian's second blow came out, his heart Although there are many unwillingnesses. However, he couldn't change the result, and he fell directly under Xingtian's blow.

When they saw that the demons were beheaded, the few people of the human civilization who were originally fleeing were overjoyed when they saw this. Their complexions changed in an instant, and they shouted: "Everyone, kill it, kill it. This bastard!" When they spoke, they turned their heads madly and rushed towards the demons.

These people of human civilization are not really going to work hard, but want to plunder the treasures of the Demon Race. As for who killed the Demon Race, they have forgotten. At this time, there was only the endless temptation in their hearts. They wanted to believe that as long as they could seize the many treasures of the Demon Race, they would have a chance to escape, because they had already notified other powerful people of human civilization when they fled. Come to meet yourself.

When seeing these human civilizations making such a choice, Xing Tian's expression could not help but sink, and the anger in his heart burned frantically. He underestimated the greed of these human civilizations, and he even gave up his life. To the point of not giving up money, to the point of being ungrateful, such a person is what Xing Tian hates most.

"Ignorant bastards. I originally wanted to save you a life, but I didn't expect you to live and die, ungrateful, since you are so shameless. Then I will send you a ride!" Xing Tian snorted coldly. Its terrifying power broke out again, and it directly hit the person who rushed in the front.

When he felt Xing Tian’s horrible blow, the human civilization only then came to his senses, and he couldn’t help but yelled, "No!" It’s a pity that his words could not affect Xing Tian, ​​the power of the five elements that exterminate the light. It blasted directly on his body. He didn't have the powerful physical body and defenses of the Demon Race. Under Xingtian's attack, he was directly beaten into a **** mist, and under the great five-element extinction light, he was directly destroyed.

"No!" When they saw that their companion was killed by the terrifying Big Five Elements Extinction Light, the other people became frightened. With a roar, they wanted to turn around and escape again. They are already late, and Xing Tian will not give them a chance to escape. For Xing Tian to cut the grass and get rid of the roots, these ungrateful people are not qualified to live.

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian waved his hand, and the terrifying power of the Big Five Elements to exterminate the divine light madly shot out. As soon as the terrifying power came out, the people of human civilization felt the crisis of death, and this time they all understood that they really were. There is no way to survive, and everyone is yelling frantically: "You **** can't die, even if you can kill us, you don't want to live, our companions will avenge us!"

When their roars fell, Xing Tian's heart could not help but moved. With a move of his mind, he immediately looked at the message of his **** space, and saw that there were already a message of asking for help, and that direction was himself. In the region where he was, when he saw this message, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel annoyed at it. He knew he underestimated these bastards!

After seeing such a situation, Xing Tian had no choice but to act, madly throwing the treasure of that person into his fearful hands, and then immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed into the depths of the mysterious realm that day!

Not long after Xing Tian’s figure left, a terrifying breath rushed here. It must not be the reinforcement of human civilization as Xing Tian imagined, but the breath of the demon. The powerful demon aura cannot help Xingtian. Surprised.

"Fortunately, my own actions, or the consequences are unimaginable, I am afraid that they will be surrounded by the enemy, then it will be very detrimental to his next actions!" Xing Tian couldn't help but secretly secretly said.

Although he was extremely shocked in his heart, Xing Tian's actions did not stop in the slightest, and he still swiftly advanced to the depths of the mysterious realm that day, and after the horrible demonic energy broke out, dozens of horrible auras soon appeared. That is the reinforcement of human civilization, and soon these dozens of auras will fight that devilish energy! That horrible breath swept across the entire void madly, and the entire void was shaken up by it. (.)

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