God of Destruction

Chapter 1055: Betrayal

Even so, the pressure on Xingtian’s "Eternal Shenzhou" was terrifying to the extreme. There were small cracks on the colorful mask, which looked terrifying, but the defense power of the colorful shield was still very high. Strong, even in the face of such a crazy attack, it still has not been destroyed.

And at this moment, suddenly from the void, a terrible coercion blasted like a tide, and a purple war spear appeared. This war spear looked very strange, as if it were caused by a series of roads. It is formed by the condensing of small thunder lights, and the whole body is glowing with a bright purple light. Its speed is as fast as lightning. It breaks through the void in an instant, with the ultimate sharpness, and appears on the battlefield at an immeasurable speed. In between, it was before the'Eternal Shenzhou'.

In the thunder light war spear, a terrible divine power was naturally revealed. In that divine power, there seemed to be a hint of the edge of ancient gods and demons, containing the terrifying will of destroying the sky and the earth, capable of suppressing the sky and destroying the sky. . Such a terrorist power is obviously not something that ordinary people can have. This is a terrifying blow from ancient times.

In the thunder light that composes this war spear, each path contains the power of thunder, and the power of thunder contains the will of the law of thunder and lightning. This is one of the most terrifying powers in the world. The power below has a terrifying suppressive power, because that lightning power already contains a complete lightning avenue, which has a terrifying destructive power.

It can be said that in this war spear, there is a terrible lightning avenue directly contained in it, with the power of punishment, a spear shoots out, the world is shattered, and the void is shocked! This was a terrifying blow from the demon warship, and this blow was a terrifying force exploded from ancient times.

A spear shot out and appeared in front of the "Eternal Shenzhou" in an instant, and unceremoniously bombarded the colorful shield. When the thunder broke out, a shadow of the ancient Thunder God appeared in the void. It is the Spear of Thor, with the terrifying power that destroys everything and invincible. It was Thor's roar.

This terrifying attack came too suddenly. The Thunder God’s spear was as fast as lightning. It appeared almost immediately when the many attacks had just ended, and with an unbelievable speed, it bombarded the'Eternal Shenzhou.' 'Above that powerful colorful shield. Previously, the entire defensive shield was able to withstand the destructive attacks from the Demon Cannon, and it was not easy to be able to resist those many attacks and maintain itself unbreakable. It can be said that it has reached the limit of defense, and this Thunder God The appearance of the spear. As if it was the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, it directly gave the "Eternal Shenzhou" a fatal blow.

I saw that the cracks on the colorful shield on Xing Tian’s "Eternal Shenzhou" increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a blink of an eye, the colorful shield covering the entire "Eternal Shenzhou" was broken. the edge of.

"No, this is the supreme power of law and divine power. The defensive shield cannot withstand such an impact. Master, the defense on the Shenzhou is about to collapse. Please be prepared." The face of the spirit of the'Eternal Shenzhou' There was a solemn look on him, and it seemed that this attack made him feel boundless pressure.

Originally blocked the Demon Cannon and other attacks, this defense has reached its limit, and now it is a fierce Thunder God's spear, completely exceeding the limit that the "Eternal Shenzhou" can withstand now, and the fragmentation is almost in sight. The defense is broken, this is already inevitable! Danger, at this moment, the danger has come completely, covering the entire ‘Eternal Shenzhou’!

When they saw the changes in the "Eternal Shenzhou", those people were extremely crazy, shouting: "Shoot, everyone will give me the best shot, the defense of the "Eternal Shenzhou" will be broken, don’t do anything. Keep all your shots. Without the defensive shield, this'Eternal Shenzhou' will definitely not be able to withstand our attack. Let's take action together to completely suppress the'Eternal Shenzhou'. Victory is here, everyone kill!"

"As long as you can break through the defense of the Eternal Shenzhou, you can seize the Eternal Shenzhou in your hands, and then you will have the supreme background. Kill, I must take this Eternal Shenzhou. !" Under such a change, the group of people was extremely crazy, and they rushed forward frantically, for fear that if they were a step too late, waiting for the defensive shield of "Eternal Shenzhou" to be torn off, then Shenzhou Will fall into the hands of others.

The people around were all staring at the changes in the "Eternal Shenzhou". Under such circumstances, they all roared frantically, and they all launched their most powerful attacks. They all rushed forward frantically, and on each of the warships, terrible coercion was transmitted. A series of terrible attacks swept in like a tide, and every attack contained incomparably amazing destructive power.

In an instant, the "Eternal Shenzhou" was overwhelmed by the overwhelming attacks. Under such a intensive attack, even the "Eternal Shenzhou" itself is extremely powerful and has a strong defense force, but it is also unable to resist such a terrifying. attack. You must know that at this time those people are already crazy, and they are all bursting out terrifying power.

With a soft bang, the defensive cover on the "Eternal Shenzhou" was finally torn apart. Under that powerful attack, the defense of the "Eternal Shenzhou" broke and its body was exposed naked/naked. In front of everyone. When I saw this moment, there was a burst of shouts from the ships charging ahead!

In an instant, a number of figures appeared on the battleships. As soon as these figures appeared, they rushed madly towards the "Eternal Shenzhou" where Xingtian was located. At this moment, among the many battleships On the other hand, they stopped attacking. They didn’t want to attack anymore, because they were worried that they would directly destroy this extremely powerful “Eternal Shenzhou”. They wanted to enter the “Eternal Shenzhou” and fight Xingtian in a hand-to-hand fight. Xing Tian seized this'eternal divine boat' from his hands!

"Retreat to Lao Tzu, if anyone dares to stand in front of Lao Tzu, there is only a dead end!" A roar came out from the crowd. It was a strong man from the orc, a pinnacle of earl. The strong man is screaming frantically at the'enemies' who are trying to rush in front of him. When he roars frantically, he can't help but attack those'enems'.

Yes, at this moment in front of this orc powerhouse, those who dare to stop him are his enemies. Those who dare to compete with themselves for the right to the "Eternal Shenzhou" are also his enemies. Naturally, he does not need to have reservations about the enemies. He frantically launched an attack on these people. His move was a killer move. Soon the ‘enemy’ who rushed in front of him had not had time to react. He was directly torn to pieces by his attack.

"Asshole, you dare to kill me, let me die!" Soon there was chaos in the battlefield. There was a conflict between the many masters who rushed out of the ship, and they were fighting frantically. After all, there is only one "Eternal Shenzhou", so there is only one person who can finally obtain the fruits of victory. Under such temptation, even if they are brothers of the same race, they have a hostile relationship. After all, the temptation of "Eternal Shenzhou" is something no one can resist.


Perhaps in the eyes of those **** kings, the temptation of "Eternal Shenzhou" is not too great, after all, they all understand that external force is still external force after all, and only their own power is the most reliable, and even if it can be captured from Xingtian's hands' Eternal Shenzhou’, but it’s impossible to re-refining it into the destiny and treasure. After all, this Eternal Shenzhou is different. If it can’t be refined into the destiny and treasure, it will lose its meaning to them. .

It is eternal life that the **** king pursues. That is detachment. Of course, it does not rule out that there are different views of the **** king. After all, for those **** kings with families, they have such a powerful ‘eternal divine boat’. Even if it can't be sacrificed to become the destiny treasure, it is also very beneficial, and it can greatly enhance the power and heritage of the family.

When seeing these frenzied enemies charging forward, Xing Tian's face flashed a sneer, people died for money, and birds died for food. This is nothing more than normal. For these people who charged forward, Xing Tian’s eyes revealed endless killing intent. Although the defense of "Eternal Shenzhou" was broken, for Xing Tian, ​​this was nothing, as long as the origin Without being damaged, Xing Tian can recover it again in a little bit of time. This is the benefit of the treasure of life, not to mention Xing Tian has the help of a powerful inner world!

Speaking of it, Xing Tian is able to break out again, able to fight again and give those enemies a fatal blow, but if you do this, it will damage the origin of "Eternal Shenzhou;" this is not what Xing Tian hopes to see. For Xing Tian, ​​he wouldn't do this unless he had to do it. He didn't want to kill chickens and get eggs, and would damage the source of his life's most precious treasure, and he could no longer evolve to a more powerful level.

"Okay, very well, these **** really do not live or die. Since they have all rushed up, let's stay in this void. Under this outbreak, the energy of their warships must have been consumed to the limit. Let me bury them all at once. The light of the stars bury this star field!" Xing Tian muttered to himself. When his words fell, his body emitted endless light of stars, his inner world The'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' in it began to run frantically.

Just as the people were killing frantically, as they charged forward, suddenly, the fluctuation of the space in front of them, the "Eternal Shenzhou" that was in front of them disappeared in an instant. This change made them feel They were so shocked that they were crazy about it. What was going on? Who took the'Eternal Shenzhou'?

Just as these people screamed frantically, the space was fluctuating again, and a figure appeared in their line of sight. It was Xing Tian. For these strong men in the mysterious realm of heaven, they treat every one of them. The hunting lists set up by the super civilization are all very familiar. When they saw Xing Tian's figure, they immediately knew his identity.

"It's Xing Tian. He is a figure on the orc hunting list. Everyone will kill him. Even if we don't get ‘Eternal Shenzhou’ to kill this bastard, we can still get a good harvest and kill me!"

"Asshole, I see you as an asshole. You orcs are a group of idiots with no brains. The disappearance of'Eternal Shenzhou' is absolutely related to the **** Xingtian. If we take him down, we can force him to hand over'Eternal Shenzhou'. 'Come on, if you dare to kill, I will kill you foolish fools first!"

"Xing Tian, ​​hand over the'Eternal Shenzhou' to Lao Tzu, if you hand over this treasure, Lao Tzu will let you make a living!" All the people who charged first became crazy about it, and rushed towards Xing Tian frantically. , And this time. The people who stayed in their warships were also crazy about it. The temptation of "Eternal Shenzhou" to them is also very powerful. They all took care of it before the "Eternal Shenzhou" disappeared. All need to put their minds on the "Eternal Shenzhou" to prevent Xingtian from driving the "Eternal Shenzhou" to escape, and prevent Xingtian from using the powerful attack of the "Eternal Shenzhou" to launch a devastating blow to others, but now everything has changed. , The disappearance of "Eternal Shenzhou". Let them all liberated, and the moment they were liberated, their ambitions burst out frantically.

"Kill, kill people, as long as you kill people, then I will be able to seize the'Eternal Shenzhou' alone. No one can withstand the attack of the warship!" In an instant, the remaining personnel among the major forces were crazy about it. When they got up, all of them became extremely cruel and cruel, and locked their goals on those of the same race who were charging ahead.

Suddenly, successive terrorist attacks erupted from the battleship. Their goal was not Xing Tian, ​​but their own clan and other people who stood in front of them. Under the sudden attack of the warship, the powerful people of many civilizations who were charging wildly in front were beaten by one. They were caught off guard. Although they all increased their vigilance one by one, it was only aimed at the'enemies' who were fighting with them, but they did not guard against the warships of their own race civilization. So when these warships broke out, they all suddenly Become a tragedy. All of them were severely injured by the terrifying attack. Those powerful and defensive masters did not receive a fatal blow. And those who have no defenses are directly destroyed by this wave of sneak attacks.

"Asshole, you dare to betray the racial civilization, you are not allowed to die!" A series of curses sounded in the starry sky, but it is useless to curse them no matter how much, all this has already happened. They have become the target of the warship attack. For them, those who manipulate the warship are obviously determined to kill them, because if they can't kill these people, once they escape, then their There is only a dead end, so no matter what the price is, they must kill these people. Only in this way can they feel at ease.

"Kill!" The people who manipulated the warship snorted disdainfully, each of them detonated the endless murderous in their hearts. When they were forced to stay behind, there was a trace of unwillingness in their hearts. Dissatisfaction, and now all of this has been detonated, they are all crazy to launch the most fierce attack on those who have oppressed themselves.

When seeing such an astonishing reversal, Xing Tian’s face showed a sneer, greed makes people crazy, and under the absolute temptation, there was an explosion among the proud children of these major civilizations. The most tragic rebellion.

No, it’s not correct to say that it’s a rebellion. In fact, when the time comes to the mysterious realm, the so-called racial civilization constraints have been reduced to the extreme. For those people, there is no more consideration. The reason why they would interact with other people Cooperation, it is completely self-protection, but now they all see the opportunity for change, so they have such an attack.

Betrayal. This is a large-scale betrayal. It is not the betrayal of that side’s civilization, but the betrayal of the whole. Although some people do not want to do this in this betrayal, it is a pity that they cannot change the result. The betrayers were killed, people died for money, and birds died for food. Under that powerful temptation, they were all crazy about it.

Who is to blame for this happening? Blame Xingtian? No, Xingtian can’t be blamed. I can only blame this mysterious world. Because of the existence of the mysterious world and the environment here, it only detonated the evil in that person’s heart. They all went crazy about it, "Eternal Shenzhou" The temptation of 'is great, but the temptation of the proud of heaven is not small. For those who betrayed, even if they do not get the'eternal divine boat', then they can plunder the many backgrounds of the proud of heaven. It is also a huge gain for them.

The subordinates who were despised by him were betrayed. This was a heavy blow to the proud ones of heaven. They were all angry at it. Unfortunately, under the current situation, even if they are angry, it is useless, because they The result can't be changed. They have lost the initiative. They have become bereaved dogs. They were beaten to the head by those betrayers. They were beaten all over, and they lost the power to fight back. They could only bear this shame silently. (.)

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