God of Destruction

Chapter 1056: Ending Power

For these proud children of heaven, they also have a trace of fortune in their hearts. Fortunately, Xing Tian did not take the opportunity to attack them at this time, otherwise they would have to pay a greater price, and even their own lives. Lost here, after all, in their current situation, once they are flanked back and forth, even if they have great abilities, there is only a dead end, after all, they have consumed a lot of strength before!

Flip back and forth, cooperate with those betrayers? No, Xing Tian is not stupid enough yet. Xing Tian will not be stupid enough to do so. Don’t look at those traitors who are now frantically launching attacks on their civilization’s proud sons, seemingly trying to destroy these gods. , But once he participates in it, it will change things, cause the betrayers to fear, and make them divert their targets. Xing Tian didn’t want such a situation, so he sneered in the void. Looking at this battle, watching the crazy internal fighting between the major civilizations.

Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, this is the only thing Xing Tian can do. When things have developed to this point, everything has gone beyond Xing Tian’s expectations. Xing Tian is also cautious about it, even though Xing Tian has already been laid in this world. With the sky and the earth, but under such drastic changes, he also had to be cautious, after all, his carelessness could cause a crazy change, which would turn his layout into flowing water.

Although Xing Tian has confidence in his arrangement, he has been careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. Today's changes have caused changes in the world. The endless evil spirits are condensing frantically, and an inexplicable situation has occurred in this space. The change, and this change made Xing Tian feel a trace of fear in his heart.

Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian had a trace of fear in his heart, fear of the unknown. He was worried about the changes in this world, and worried that the mysterious realm of the sky would have irresistible drastic changes, so he did not dare to act rashly.

Xingtian is not as timid as a mouse. But such a situation has happened before. Long ago, an endless killing detonated the transformation of the mysterious realm of heaven. Those who were shrouded by the killing were all dead. So Xing Tian had to be careful, he had to be cautious, after all, he didn't want to ruin his life in this mysterious realm.

go away? Xing Tian wanted to leave here very much in his heart, but it was a pity that he didn't dare to do so, because it seemed that he had been ignored by the people of the major civilizations. No one cares about their own existence, but that is only the superficial situation. If you really want to leave here, it will cause people to kill and change the current situation. This is not what Xing Tian wants to see, so Even if the danger here is extremely dangerous, Xing Tian can only stay, watching this crazy killing and watching this **** killing with cold eyes.

In this crazy killing. There are many powerful human civilizations. For these people’s lives and deaths, Xing Tian agrees, even if they seem to be of the same civilization, Xing Tian is not a good old person, if it weren’t for the unexpected changes in this star field, Xing Tian had already personally killed these bastards, beheading them all here, devouring their essence and blood to sacrifice his destiny, "Eternal Shenzhou".

The space is changing a little, although the changes are very slight. However, Xing Tian can clearly feel this slight change, because Xing Tian is proficient in the laws of space, and also masters the power of Yin and Yang and the five elements, and even possesses a soul treasure like the tree of the world. So even if the changes in this star field are very slight, he can feel it.

Standing in the void, Xing Tian's mind is divided into two, a small part is used to watch the crazy killing in front of him with cold eyes, and the other part is used to observe the changes in this star field. , For such changes. Xing Tian attached great importance to it. He imprinted every single change in his mind. Then, with the help of the tree of the world and the power of the clone, he was constantly deducing, trying to find out the changes. The impact it can bring.

Xing Tian’s mind was carefully comprehending the changes in this star field, and with his attention, Xing Tian gradually discovered a little change, which was originally only a change from space, but as that space change continued to advance. , Xing Tian soon discovered that the origin of the Five Elements in this star field was also undergoing a slight change, and this slight change made Xing Tian see the changes in the Five Elements Rule.

The Five Elements Change, this is the name Xing Tian gave to the changes in this star field. The change of the origin of the five elements became clear on that day and the changes in the Five Elements Rule between the earth and the earth. Xing Tian’s comprehension of the Five Elements Rule was frantic when watching such changes When he discovered such a change, Xing Tian's heart was excited about it.

Opportunity, this is a great opportunity, even if Xing Tian has had many opportunities before, but when facing this opportunity, his heart thumped and his heart was turbulent for it.

You must know that this can improve the understanding of the law, such an opportunity, even the **** king will be shocked, even the **** king must be ecstatic, let alone such a small person like Xing Tian who has just arrived in the realm of earl.

Watching such a change, it is no worse than enlightening the law of God, and even worse than that. After all, there are too many personal wills in the law of God monument, but the changes in this star field are Without such existence, this is a spontaneous change. Although there is a certain external force pushing, it does not affect the change of the five elements. Without the existence of external will, everything is a change in the law of the five elements of heaven and earth.

"Okay, it's really great, I hope this change will last longer!" Xing Tian couldn't help but pray secretly in his heart. All the methods he had prepared could not help but stop, Xing Tian worried that they would affect this area. The changes in the star field will affect his understanding of the Five Elements Principle. After all, such an opportunity is very rare. He doesn't want to ruin his great opportunity, even if he pays a little price for it, Xing Tian will also Whatever it takes.

The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come, especially the opportunity like this. Once it is missed, it is difficult to encounter it again. It takes a long process to know that the mysterious sky will not open at all times. The most important thing is this. Mutations are not possible at any time, and it also takes chance. Combining these kinds of circumstances, we can know how rare this opportunity is, and Xing Tian is naturally unwilling to give up this opportunity.

With a thought in his mind, Xing Tian gradually withdrew that part of his mind aimed at the enemy's defense. Putting all his mind into this opportunity, he is fully comprehending the changes in the Five Elements Law of Heaven and Earth. Although it is a bit dangerous to do so, Xing Tian is willing to take on this danger. After all, this opportunity is too rare. . Even if he has a little bit of enhancement, Xing Tian is willing to take a chance, after all, it is too difficult to comprehend the law.

Xing Tian took back his mind, and his own defense was pinned on the spirit of his life’s precious treasure "Eternal Shenzhou". Although the existence of the spirit could give Xing Tian a good warning, his defense power would decline. After all, it is impossible for Xing Tian to make a defensive move. Its existence is only to remind Xing Tian of the danger of sending one, and nothing more. Xing Tian doing so from defense will make himself very dangerous. Once something really happens, Xing Tian will probably be seriously injured by the enemy before he can make a defense, or even be killed by a single blow.

Although it sounds a bit exaggerated, it is actually true. After all, the enemies Xing Tian faces are not ordinary existences. They are all the favored sons of heaven among the major civilizations, and these favored sons of heaven are one by one. All of them have a desire to kill Xingtian, so if you don't make a move, they will be shocked and overbearing. Cruel.


Xing Tian also understood how dangerous he was doing this, but he still did it. For him, seizing this opportunity is worth the risk. Once he succeeds, it will greatly speed up his understanding of the law. Even at the same time, Xing Tian has a mysterious feeling in his heart. Once he can fully comprehend this change, he will In terms of practice, it is very important. If I miss this opportunity, I am afraid that my future road will be much harder.

Xing Tian’s mind gradually became involved in the changes in the world, feeling the transformation from the origin of the five elements of heaven and earth. Every change is very beneficial to Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian can deepen the law of the five elements of heaven and earth. With this understanding, Xing Tian’s mastery of the Great Five Elements’ extinction divine light and the five-color divine light is a step further.

This time, the change of heaven and earth is not only as simple as the five elements, but also has a deeper change. In that change, there is a power to destroy everything and end everything. Although that power is very weak, Xing Tian can I clearly feel the horror of this power, that power seems to be able to end the world and the era.

"What kind of power is so terrifying?" Xing Tian couldn't help but wondered in his heart. Xing Tian wanted to figure out this power, because he felt that this power might be related to the end of the era. If you can master this power, then you won't be afraid even if you face the most powerful enemy.

Xing Tian’s idea is good, but it is not easy to master such power, and this power is hidden deep, if it is not for Xingtian’s incomparably powerful soul, it is even more like having the tree of the world. The extremely powerful soul treasure helps him, it is impossible for him to feel this terrifying power!

Although Xing Tian also understands that this trace of power is not so easy to grasp, he will not give up. In fact, Xing Tian is not to say that it is grasping, even if it can be understood, it is very difficult. Although he can sense this horrible force now, But he couldn't get in touch with this, because that trace of power was really terrifying.

It’s not that Xing Tian didn’t want to touch this thread of power, but that he did not have the strength to withstand that thread of power. Xing Tian just used his divine sense to sense this thread of power, and he was madly backlashed by this thread of power. If it weren’t for his powerful inner world, If he had not possessed a trace of immortal divine power in his body, and if his soul had the mighty tree of the world as the soul treasure, I was afraid that his soul would be destroyed at the moment of contact. The horrible power eroded, and Xing Tian's soul would be directly terminated in the face of those horrible powers.

End, this thread of power has the ability to end everything. Such a terrifying power is not something Xing Tian can fight against, let alone something he can control. Even in Xing Tian's heart, facing such terrifying end power, that I am afraid that the Lord of Era will also have to back down by three points. After all, this is only a trace of strength, and he is only just touching it with his spiritual sense. Just let his soul tremble for it, and his inner world trembles for it, which shows how terrifying and cruel this complete power of ending is. But the more so, the more Xing Tian wanted to master such power!

If he could master such power, Xing Tian believed that even if he left human civilization, even if he was alone in this heaven, he would be able to break out of the world. Able to stand firm in this heaven.

There is nothing wrong with Xing Tian's thoughts. The power he senses does have such power. What kind of power is this? This is the power of ending. For the power generated at the end of an epoch, the mysterious sky is a small piece of world left after the end of an epoch, and in this small piece of space, the end of the epoch is retained. After that, the trace of end power that remained, this excessive killing, the horrible killing aura that gathered from the clouds, finally aroused this trace of power, which caused such an astonishing change in this star field.

Five fundamentals of behavioral power. But to end everything, the power of the five elements is naturally the existence that must be terminated, and the law of the five elements is the foundation of power, so the power of the law of the five elements can retain the power of ending and can always exist in this mysterious realm. .

In the entire battlefield, apart from Xing Tian, ​​no one can feel this cruel and mysterious power. The most important thing is that people have long forgotten the taboos in this mysterious realm. That mysterious legend. They didn't take it in their minds, they thought it was just a ridiculous excuse, an excuse to shirk responsibility, and the reason why such a ridiculous legend appeared. That's just a ridiculous arrangement made by a shameless person for himself, and such a thing is impossible.

Killing people and stealing treasures, in the hearts of their proud sons of heaven, would only regard that legend as a story of killing people and stealing treasures, no one would really think that something like that had happened in this mysterious realm.

Xing Tian's mind was feeling little by little the changes brought about by that trace of power, and the transformation of the origin of the five elements of heaven and earth under the action of that trace of power. I was comprehending the changes in this star field, the movement of the five elements, and the reincarnation of life and death. This kind of power insight is of great help to Xing Tian's cultivation.

While Xingtian was frantically using his time to enlighten the Dao, his enemies were still fighting frantically, constantly fighting frantically. It can be said that someone would perish at every moment, and in those days, the proud ones Under the frenzied counterattack, those seemingly invincible warships also suffered losses, and several warships were destroyed by those gods!

Of course, for such a proud man of heaven, they never thought that they would accept an apology from the enemy. In their hearts, they would not tolerate those **** who betrayed themselves. For them, those who dare to betray themselves. They have to die, because it is related to their face, they have to make such a decision that if they don’t die together, they can only have a **** battle against those enemies who have betrayed themselves and use their blood. Show your great power.

Although all the talents of the gods are great, it’s a pity that their opponent is Xingtian, an existence that has been refined into an immortal body, and an existence that has the power of terror. To deal with an existence like Xingtian, Those strengths simply don't have that opportunity, they simply can't resist the crazy backlash from this strength.

Xing Tian has been fighting the idea of ​​the mysterious power, and for many people, they don’t pay attention to such existence. For them, what they want most is fighting. Only fighting can arouse many people’s hearts. courage!

To touch this mysterious power of ending, although it is very dangerous, Xing Tian is constantly tempting, constantly in contact with it, and constantly with the help of a little bit of contact, is constantly absorbing and devouring this little bit of power. Strength, although every contact is only a short period of less than a breath, but the time of this breath is a good opportunity for Xing Tian. He himself can continuously improve himself with the help of this breath.

Xing Tian was frantically using his spiritual knowledge to continuously test the mysterious power. Although every contact would cost Xing Tian a heavy price, Xing Zai did not give up. He still kept on insisting and still wanted To figure out this secret, still want to master this power! No matter how dangerous the future is, no matter how cruel and terrifying this trace of power is, it will not scare Xing Tian, ​​and it will not make Xing Tian involuntarily retreat. After all, all this came too suddenly, and it also made Xing Tian. Feel the danger of death! (.)

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