God of Destruction

Chapter 1057: The killing under anger

This is the power left over from the destruction of an era. It is precisely because of the existence of this residual power that this heavenly mysterious realm is somewhat incompatible with the heavens, and although this residual power is dangerous, it still supports this god. The existence of the secret realm, it is precisely because of its existence that the mysterious realm can be preserved forever, and it is precisely because of its existence that it is impossible for a strong person above the gods to be among them.

Constantly exploring and passing by death, this is a great opportunity for Xing Tian. Under the threat of death, his own potential is constantly being stimulated, and The stimulation of the potential allows Xing Tian to have a deeper understanding of the operation of the laws of the day and the earth at the time of the transformation of the world and deepen his own understanding of the laws.

"No, we are in a trick. All this is the trick of the **** Xingtian. You idiots are still fighting with us here. If you continue like this, you will only restore the **** Xingtian's strength!" The pride of heaven who was bombarded by the ship frantically quickly became aware of it, and screamed at the betrayers frantically one by one, wanting to awaken these ignorant bastards, and wanting to be able to recover from this. Retreat from the crisis.

In the eyes of the proud people of the sky, those who betrayed themselves are a group of ignorant bastards, thinking that they are doing it completely for their own destruction. By doing so, they will not be able to seize the "eternal Shenzhou" in Xingtian's hands. In fact, the war is going It didn’t take long for some of those betrayers to see this, but they did not say anything, let alone stop. For them, the "Eternal Shenzhou" in Xingtian's hands was a huge temptation, but it was not The wealth of the treasures of the heavens is also a huge temptation for them. Among these betrayers, most of them no longer want to kill Xingtian. For them, they only longed to be able to seize a huge benefit from the pride of heaven, and then withdraw. As for the "eternal Shenzhou" in Xingtian, they didn't want to make a decision.

Originally these people were covered with heads. Coming to a crazy killing, Hezhongli first destroyed these proud children, but when these words fell, things changed. Those **** who were ambitious about the "eternal Shenzhou" in Xingtian's hands were Head hot. I was irritated by these words, one by one, instead of going to kill those proud of heaven, but turned to rush towards Xing Tian, ​​wanting to take Xing Tian as fast as possible.

When this happened, there was a hint of joy flashed across the faces of the proud ones. Not only did they fail to block the advancement of these warships, on the contrary, they quickly stepped aside to give those warships. A passage was set aside, and when this passage appeared, the formation of those warships instantly became chaotic. And the people who originally just wanted to make the idea of ​​their own favorites could not help being annoyed, but now they can’t change everything, because they all understand that those people have already been stunned by the benefits. Can't listen to persuasion.

How to do? Those people's hearts couldn't help but become tense. If they let the proud of these days get out of trouble, they will only have a dead end. This is not the result they want to see. When such a situation occurs, their moods will change. It became extremely heavy. Let them all get a headache.

Retreat, no, they dare not do it, it is just a chronic suicide. But without retreating, they can't kill those proud of heaven, because the current encirclement is surrounded by holes. As long as those proud of heaven are willing to pay a little price, they can break out of this encirclement. Kill the game.

Just one sentence immediately turned the whole situation around in a flash. At this moment, Xing Tian was directly caught in an extremely unfavorable situation, and all the good situations he had fought before would collapse. Even, if one is not careful, the whole situation will be completely overturned. His arrangements are turned into water. After all, Xing Tian is now devoting his mind to the understanding of the laws of the day and the earth, and the current situation has turned too fast. Up!

Of course, although the situation is a bit unfavorable for Xing Tian, ​​it is impossible for Shenzhou to change ownership. After all, Xing Tian still has assassins that he has no use, but if Xing Tian can’t resolve this crisis quickly, it’s for him. It is said that it will be a disaster, after all, the current situation has seen a huge shock.

The retreat of those gods made the warships rush towards Xingtian frantically. Although Xingtian possessed a powerful body, before the many warships, he seemed to be a small boat in front of the monstrous flood, even this one. No matter how strong the boat is, it will still be overturned and destroyed on the spot in the face of the overwhelming flood.

Even if Xing Tian uses the power of the Eternal Shenzhou, in this sudden upheaval, I am afraid it will not have much effect. After all, the previous battle would be a huge cost to the Eternal Shenzhou. Without preparation, being attacked by so many warships at the same time would also suffer heavy losses.

When such a drastic change occurred, as the tool spirit of the "Eternal Shenzhou", it immediately issued a warning to Xing Tian, ​​and its warning interrupted Xing Tian’s understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, which made Xing Tian angry. The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult for you to have such an opportunity in the future. Cutting off the opportunity is like killing your parents. This is a great cause and effect. Faced with such drastic changes, How could Xing Tian not be annoyed by it.

"You **** all deserve to die. I originally wanted to let you **** make a living, but unfortunately you have to die. If so, I will send you **** to hell, and let me die!" A cold voice said. Reverberating in the void, it came from Xing Tian’s mouth. In his words, there was an endless killing intent. In the face of such a change, Xing Tian not only had no cowardice, but on the contrary, it raised endless. Killing intent to kill these people!

When Xing Tian’s words fell, whether it was the proud children of the major civilizations or the betrayers, I couldn’t help but feel an unspeakable feeling, watching those crazy wars rushing to Xing Tian. Ship, looking at Xing Tian who had been directly submerged by countless attacks, they couldn't help but secretly wondered in their hearts: "Could it be that Xing Tian still has a killer skill in this situation?"

Without waiting for these people to think deeply, a voice came from Xing Tian's mouth, and instantly resounded throughout the entire star field: "The four directions are up and down, and the past and present are the universe, time is long, time is still!"

Xing Tian's words seemed to be transmitted from the ancient and mysterious time, and each word contained great power. When his words fell completely, a terrifying light burst out from his body, and that light rose into the sky and condensed into a wheel of time on top of his head. This was not infinite. Or in ancient times, this wheel of time is entirely the projection of the road condensed by the power of time. On the wheel of time naturally emits a simple sacred flower, and there is a terrifying time in that sacred flower. Power!

When this happened, everyone present couldn't help but gasped. They can all feel the terrifying power from the wheel of time, and can clearly see that there are countless road runes on the wheel of time flashing, and the power of time is circulating wildly!

Before these people wake up from the shock, suddenly a terrifying divine light bursts out from the wheel of time. As soon as that divine light came out, it rushed towards Xing Tian mightily. The warship was overwhelmed.


That divine light was vast and boundless, and before everyone on the warships changed, it immediately turned into a vast river of time. And when this long river of time formed, suddenly the wheel of time that was originally suspended on Xing Tian's head moved, as if it had escaped from Xing Tian's grasp and rushed directly into the long river of time!

At this moment, an invisible force burst out from the long river of time. The wheel of time seems to be integrated with the long river of time, and the divine light is expanding frantically outwards at an incredible speed. The snow-white divine light of time covers the entire battlefield in a blink of an eye, an unspeakable power of time. Instantly flooded the entire battlefield.

When the divine light went, only to see that the overwhelming attack, in an instant, as if it had been applied a terrible fixation method, was instantly stopped, at this moment time was stopped, this moment , That is eternity.

Whether it's the pride of the sky or the mighty warships, under the power of this long river, they are all immobilized without any obstacles! The law of time is one of the most powerful forces between heaven and earth. Even the **** king can't resist under the mighty power of the law of time, let alone these juniors, for an instant. All of his attacks have been banned, so every attack can clearly see his figure, and even the laws of the day are clearly visible!

All these scenes are truly magnificent, letting people see it at a glance, giving rise to endless shocks. The creatures on the battlefield are all imprisoned by this powerful force of time, even those in the warship. The powerhouses in China are also imprisoned, but although these people's bodies are imprisoned, their own consciousness is not affected by the force of time. After all, they are protected by warships outside.

At this moment, these people were all afraid of it, especially those who were charging. They were full of fear in their hearts. This situation shocked them all, and feared them.

"What the **** is going on, why am I suddenly imprisoned? What kind of power is this. It is able to pass through the defense of the warship and affect us? Why are our attacks imprisoned, this How could it be, it must be my dazzling eyes, how could such an incredible supernatural power be mastered by the junior Xing Tian." Some ignorant people were shouting in panic, venting the fear in their hearts.

"The power of time, the long river of time, did not expect Xing Tian, ​​the bastard, and such a killer, no wonder the **** was so calm before, the power of time is one of the most heaven-defying forces in this world, vast and invisible, but There is nowhere, among the heavens and all realms, living beings are affected by the long river of time. The magical powers of time are even rarer. Is this because the legendary time is not standing still." Some people with vision are secretly wondering. Tao.

"It's terrible, it's horrible. I didn't expect Xing Tian to have such supreme supernatural powers against the sky. However, the more time power is against the sky, the more terrifying the power will be spent, I don't know how long Xing Tian can last. , But fortunately, we did not charge forward. Even if the lunatic Xingtian wants to kill, we will not bear the brunt. Once the magical powers are over at that time, we will immediately search the battlefield and then retreat with all our strength, regardless of Xingtian and those of the proud sons of heaven. It's a big battle!" The minds and wills of countless betrayers turned around.

Everyone in the scene has their own guesses and opinions about the scene in front of them. While they were shocked, they all understood that although Xing Tian’s supernatural powers were powerful, such peerless magical powers could never exist for a long time, and it would not be too long to confine this world. After all, Xingtian’s strength Put it there. If you want to imprison this star field for a long time, unless Xing Tian is the top powerhouse in the universe, surpassing the divine emperor, surpassing the terrifying existence of the divine emperor, can it be possible to imprison the world for a long time.

Only the master of the era who has mastered the law of time can do so that can confine everything in one star field for a long time. Therefore, everyone present believed that Xingtian would never be able to maintain this situation for a long time. However, even so, Xing Tian's supreme magical powers are extremely terrifying. It can be said that as long as Xing Tian has the heart, he can definitely kill them all in a second. Even if the time that Xing Tian can imprison is short, it is enough to deal with people like them!

These people really didn't make a mistake in their estimation. If they want to maintain this situation, especially the supreme supernatural power with terrifying power, the power needed is amazing, the power of the world in Xing Tian's body. It is being consumed at an alarming rate, and the power of the inner world is continuously being injected into that long river of time.

Of course, Xing Tian is not a person who will only imprison the enemy and not fight back. For these enemies, Xing Tian will not be merciful. If it were not for the sudden attack of these bastards, how could he have ruined his good opportunities? For these enemies, Xing Tian could not wait. If they were stripped of them alive, they would naturally teach them a profound lesson!

"The origin of the five elements, derives all things. The five-color divine light comes out!" After the long river of time appeared, Xing Tian's mouth once again heard a word with vast Tianyin. As soon as his voice came out, behind it, there were multicolored divine lights, which were the five-color divine powers. The five-color divine light flowed, bursting out five bright rays, staggered and brushed in all directions unceremoniously. Past. Wherever I went, I only saw the many attacks that were close to Xingtian, or the creatures, but everything in the five elements was instantly swept away by the powerful five-color divine light.

And this did not end. When the five-color divine light brushed out, Xing Tian's mouth burst out with a terrifying heavenly sound: "The five elements restrain each other, turn into destruction, exterminate all things, and the great five elements are extinct!"

Immediately, the five-color divine light changed, and the five divine lights suddenly came together, and then the aura changed instantly, and a terrifying aura of destruction appeared, under the divine light. Those remnants of other existences in the void were all turned into ashes under the horrible Big Five Elements extinction light, and annihilated on the spot.

Xing Tian was able to come to a frenzied killing, to dispel his hatred, and instantly used three supreme supernatural powers, and these three supreme supernatural powers appeared. The enemies in that battlefield were killed by Xing Tian seven or eight out of ten. The weaker ones had absolutely no resistance at all under such a terrifying attack, and they were directly unconscious.

Xing Tian uses the inner world as the basis to urge this supreme magical power, and the power that emanates out of it is very terrifying. Fortunately, Xing Tian’s body has been integrated with the inner world, and Xing Tian’s body already possesses a trace of powerful immortality. Divine power. Although his attack was extremely overbearing, it did not cause any harm to himself. As for consumption, it was not as outrageous as everyone thought. Under the five-color light of Xingtian, there are ten of the many treasures in the battlefield. ** All fell into the hands of Xingtian, this gain is enough to make up for Xingtian's previous losses, and it is even worse!

escape? The hearts of those who survived the calamity have risen in their hearts to escape from here, whether they are the proud of heaven or the betrayers, there is only one thought in their hearts, that is, to leave this ghost place. , They didn’t want to stay in this ghost place for a second. The pressure Xing Tian brought to them was really amazing. They never thought that even without the help of the "Eternal Shenzhou", Xing Tian himself could explode. With such a terrifying power, what kind of battle is there? Xing Tian, ​​the bastard, is clearly a powerful warlord, and it is the existence of the peak warlord. They have all been deceived. This is a situation, one for them. Bureau! Even people like them couldn't help but wonder whether all this was meticulously prepared for them by the high level of human civilization, in order to deal a heavy blow to their major civilizations! (.)

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