God of Destruction

Chapter 1124: Festival Hurricane

"No!" When they felt the ruined beam of light falling from the void, the arrogances of human civilization became frightened and shouted frantically. Unfortunately, no matter how they shouted, it was useless. They They have been locked by the Destruction Demon Array, and they cannot get rid of the Destruction Demon Array's lock on them. When the Destruction Light Pillar fell, they were all attacked by the Destruction Light Pillar. The powerful can also rely on their own powerful power. Confronting it, trying to get away, but the person who is not strong enough will end up in a dead end at that moment.

This kind of result cannot blame others. If you want to blame, they can only blame them for being too greedy and forgetting where they are. In such a dangerous place, they dare to take it lightly. It is what they asked for. In such a dangerous place, if you lose your vigilance, it is completely self-defeating. They are all asking for it, and they cannot blame others.

The powerful aura of destruction suddenly killed most of the many Tianjiao who stopped to pick up treasures, and a small half were struggling to support them, madly asking for help from those Tianjiao who were leaving in advance, but no one responded to them, who They all understand that once they stop, they will be locked in by the secret enemy. At that time, they will be fierce, not for themselves, and the gods will be destroyed. Among the arrogances of humanity, no one is willing to deny themselves. Save people, sacrifice your own lives to rescue those Tianjiao who have been targeted by the Destroyer Array.

"It's a domineering attack. I didn't expect this'eternal divine boat' to contain such a terrifying power of the dusk of the gods. Then the Killing Arrow could block everything and destroy a branch in one blow. Everyone was on guard. , Watch out for the enemy's attack, don't follow in the footsteps of those people before!" Upon receiving the news of the terrifying combat power of Eternal Shenzhou, the enemies who were in front of Xing Tian were preparing to desperately block Xing Tian's edge.

"Quickly, open up the defensive field for Lao Tzu, and definitely not let the enemy's attack approach us. This God Killing Arrow attack is so terrible, it can even give out the breath of the gods at dusk." Under those orders, soon Those Tianjiao's opened defenses, in order to be able to withstand Xing Tian's "eternal divine boat" attack.

in fact. Xing Tian knew in his heart that as soon as his attack was launched, the enemy would soon be ready and take precautions, but he had no choice. If he preserved his strength, he might be able to reduce the opponent's vigilance, but he would also be in that danger, and he would be locked in by the enemy at some point, and his situation would be even more dangerous at that time.

Soon the "Eternal Shenzhou" controlled by Xing Tian appeared in front of another wave of enemies. For these enemies in front of him, Xing Tian did not have the slightest reservation. The many attacks on the "Eternal Shenzhou" opened with full force, a round of arrows Under the rain, many defenses opened by the enemy were destroyed in a round of arrows.

violence. At this time, Xing Tian had no reservations. He completely used explosive force to solve the problem. He had to break a blood path in the shortest time. Before the enemy was fully prepared, he would cut a blood path in this destruction magic array. I can retreat from here all over. If I want to do this, I naturally have to use that terrible violence. Only by doing this can I have a chance. That's it. Xing Tian didn't pause.

"No, this is not true!" When seeing the defenses that were torn apart by the arrow rain, those foreign patriarchs couldn't help crying with fear in their hearts, and they were all crazy about it. stand up. They wanted to die with Xingtian, wanted to bury them with Xingtian, but unfortunately they didn't even charge, and they perished under this round of arrow rain.

Xing Tian's violent attack on those alien arrogances did not have the slightest strength to resist, under a rain of arrows. These enemies were all dead and dead, and none of them could survive. Even if they opened their defenses, they couldn't resist Xing Tian's steps forward, and all fell into Xing Tian's terrifying attack.

"No, we can't let the other party kill so madly anymore. Soon they will be able to make a **** road. They will immediately send people to reinforce them. We must block this'eternal divine boat' for me, otherwise we The plan is all over, and all the hard work is in vain!" When seeing such crazy results, the foreign race Tianjiao who presided over the overall situation issued this crazy order. It seems that this order for reinforcements, but everyone understands this. It was an order to send death. This was completely to use human lives to resist Xing Tian's progress, and to gain enough time for their defense behind.

The idea is good, but this order is extremely cruel. Those reinforcements have no chance to survive. Such an order is cruel. Fortunately, for these arrogants, they have some dead men under them. To be able to execute such an order, or let those arrogant reinforces, I'm afraid that this order will immediately cause a crazy explosion, after all, no one is willing to sacrifice themselves and save others.

After blasting and killing many enemies in front of him for the second time, Xing Tian still didn't stop, he still rushed forward frantically. Time is life, stopping here for a second is very dangerous for them. Yes, as for cleaning the battlefield, there is no need at all. No treasure has its own life.

When the Destruction Demon Array fought back, the many Tianjiao who were only behind Xing Tian were also aware of it, and even received a call for help, but no one came to rescue them, because they all felt the horror from Destruction Demon Array. Unparalleled power, feeling how the arrogance of human civilization was destroyed by that terrifying power.

When Xing Tian rushed to the third wave of blocking, seeing the layers of defense, a gloom flashed in Xing Tian's eyes. In the face of such a crazy defense, even if Xing Tian has such a powerful "Eternal Shenzhou" in his hands A sharp weapon, but Xing Tian didn't have the confidence that he could tear open the enemy's defense with a single blow, and could kill the opponent.

The attack of "Eternal Shenzhou" was terrifying, but the defenses of these enemies in front of them were also terrifying. They were completely a tortoise shell. Although Xing Tian felt the strong defensive power ahead, Xing Tian did not stop for a moment.' The power above the Eternal Shenzhou ran wildly, and under a shower of arrows, many defenses were forcibly torn apart a lot, but although such an attack was very violent, the price Xing Tian paid was very terrifying. The power of the world was consumed, which was very unexpected for Xing Tian.

"Friend Xingtian, the enemy blocked our attack. Do you see if we retreat first, first protect ourselves, and then think of ways to tear the enemy's defenses, rush out from here, or we change direction to break through." When he saw this result, he said to Xing Tian.

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "It's too late. Everything is too late. We want to survive and we can only work hard. Whether it is retreating or changing the direction of attack, it is a lack of confidence. This is for our practice. It's very unfavorable, not to mention, you don't think that we will waste time in doing so and the enemy will become stronger. Now we want to survive. There is only one way to go, and a **** way!"

As soon as Xing Tian's words fell, the power on the "Eternal Shenzhou" was running frantically, and a series of terrifying arrow rains once again generated, frantically shooting at the enemy in a frantic round.

"Oh, are these **** really crazy? They dare to be so crazy, aren't they afraid of running out of energy?" When some alien geniuses saw such results, they all frightened and fled in their minds. This is their only thought now, worrying that Xingtian will have another wave of arrows, so they will have no way to resist.

"Kill!" When Xing Tian saw that the second wave of attacks still had no effect, Xing Tianyi boldly directly condensed the terrifying attack again. It was another round of arrows. Under that terrifying attack, the enemy's so-called direct participation was torn apart, and they were all exposed to Xingtian's attack.

This time, without waiting for Xing Tian to show off his power, the many arrogances of human civilization that followed him had already appeared, seeing the progress of Xing Tian's crazy attack. All of them were excited about it.


"Kill, give me another wave of arrows!" Amid Xingtian's roar,'Eternal Shenzhou' once again madly blasted a rain of arrows, simple and violent. This is the purpose of Xingtian. Use this simplest method to do this. Breaking a blood path, these enemies were wiped out again under Xing Tian's attack.

Moving forward, Xing Tian still didn't stop, the'Eternal Shenzhou' broke through the air directly, and the many Tianjiao behind him did not stay. They all understood that every minute they stayed here would be more dangerous to themselves, thinking There is only one choice to survive, and that is to blaze a path of blood at the fastest speed.

The power of the dusk of the gods is the nemesis of all life. Once they lose the defense against the invasion of the Huangchuang breath of the gods, then immediately people will die under the terrifying blow of the "Eternal Shenzhou". After all, all this comes too fast and they can't use many of their methods.

Time. For Xingtian and the others, time is life. For the aliens of Tianjiao, time is the benefit. With enough time, they will be able to leave Xingtian and kill them, so it is for both of them. Say that all you are fighting for is time, and see who can accomplish your goal in the shortest time.

The talents of human civilization behind, they all understand this, and they are all chasing after Xing Tian frantically. As for the talents of other civilizations, they are fascinated by the benefits in front of them. After all, it has been too long for them. When they saw the many things, their first thought was to seize!

Can oneself emerge from the whole body of this destruction magic array? From this moment on, Xing Tian himself was not fully sure. After all, Xing Tian wasted a lot of time when the third wave of enemies appeared. If the situation that he has to face next is the same, the more he will face later. The right situation is getting more dangerous.

change? No, now Xing Tian has no way to change. He has no retreat now. There is only one way to survive, even if the danger ahead is no longer necessary to face everything!

Faced with Xing Tian’s advancement, his enemy had only one choice, and that was to use the human sea tactics, desperately delaying time, and buying more time for himself before Xing Tian finally broke the formation. Make all preparations to leave Xingtian and the people of human civilization.

Regarding the enemy he was facing, Xing Tian did not have the slightest reservation. The power of the "Eternal Shenzhou" was fully deployed, and the attack was fully moved. Under such a crazy outbreak, the killing was going on frantically. Next, Xing Tian's power was consumed frantically. As the battle continued, Xing Tian's power was consumed bit by bit, his strength was weakened, and the "Eternal Shenzhou" no longer had the original crazy combat power. That indomitable domineering.

"Friend Xingtian, we can't go on like this anymore. No matter how powerful you are, it is impossible for you to slay a **** path to the human civilization. The arrogances of human civilization will follow behind unscathed. They should also give their strength!" He opened his mouth and put forward his opinions to Xing Tian. After all, Xing Tian is not an iron man. Although his inner world is strong, he can't hold on under such crazy consumption. This made the Master Tongtian had to make such a decision.

"It's time to have a good talk with them. We have done what we can do. Now we are not far from getting out of trouble. They should open the way next!" Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch also opened his mouth to speak to the Lord.

Under the views of the Master Tongtian and the Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming, Xing Tian's "Eternal Shenzhou" gradually stopped, no longer the previous indomitable domineering. Upon seeing this situation, Chen Feng and other tianjiao of human civilization couldn't help but feel heavy, and their most worried thing finally happened.

"Daoist Chen Feng, it's time for you to take action, I need time to rest!" Standing on the'Eternal Shenzhou', Xing Tian said flatly to Chen Feng and the others!

Before Chen Feng could speak, some selfish and self-serving tianjiao of human civilization said in a deep voice, "Friend Xingtian, you are the only one with strong combat power among us, you..." He hasn't waited for this person to finish. At that time, Chen Feng said in a deep voice: "Shut up! This is not your presumptuous place. You can't help but interrupt!"

Xing Tian's madness Chen Feng is very clear. This Tianjiao who wants to use righteousness to suppress Xingtian has never seen Xingtian's madness, otherwise he would not dare to speak like that. Those Tianjiao who have seen Xingtian make a big deal of human civilization . All of them remained silent, no one followed, as Chen Feng said, they are not allowed to be presumptuous here, they are not qualified to refuse, they are not qualified to oppose Xing Tian's suggestion.

Xing Tian hurried all the way. A series of breakthroughs have broken through more than ten enemy defenses, and now it’s not far from getting out of the trap. It is normal for Xing Tian to make such a request. It is impossible for them all to pin their hopes on Xing Tian alone, and Xing Tian is not responsible for himself. Take the responsibility for this breakthrough.

"Friend Xingtian don’t need to worry, we will take care of everything next!" Chen Feng is also a person who knows how to advance and retreat. He knows what to do at this time. Time does not wait for anyone. If they quarrel with Xingtian at this time, that It would waste time in vain and give the enemy more preparation time. Doing that would only ruin his own vitality, so he directly agreed.

There is no free lunch in the world. If these people refuse to take Xingtian as human beings, they are afraid that they will immediately abandon them and part ways with them, then they will not be worth the gain. The most important thing is that Chen Feng understands that the final battle requires Xingtian’s power. , If Xing Tian’s power is exhausted, even if they can reach the last level, it will be difficult to get out of the trap. After all, they have no reinforcements now, and everything depends entirely on themselves!

During this period of crazy impact, everyone knew everything that happened in the heavenly mysterious realm. In the entire heavenly mysterious realm, human civilization was already at an absolute disadvantage and was pursued and killed by the five super civilizations. And terrible race wars broke out in the heavens. In a word, race civilization cannot send them reinforcements. They can only rely on themselves if they want to survive. Under such circumstances, they can only have unity.

"Stopped, the'Eternal Shenzhou' finally stopped. It seems that his power has been exhausted, and we finally have time to take a breath!" The moment I saw Xing Tian's'Eternal Shenzhou' stopped. , The foreign race Tianjiao were all excited about it, and they finally persevered, which made them see the dawn of victory.

For them, those arrogances that don’t care about human civilization, even if these arrogances will take over Xing Tian’s "eternal Shenzhou" assault, it will not have too much influence on them. After all, manpower cannot be compared to the "eternal Shenzhou". That terrifying breath of the twilight of the gods, without the "Eternal Shenzhou", they have enough confidence to stay here and bury them here.

Under Xingtian’s crazy assault, they paid a heavy price for this alien Tianjiao. Many of the dead men in their hands had already been killed and wounded. If Xingtian went crazy, they would have no dead men to use. They can breathe a sigh of relief when none of this has happened! (.)

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