God of Destruction

Chapter 1125: Tragedy

For Xing Tian, ​​he did not explain anything to Chen Feng, nor did he need to explain anything. He had his own plans, and what Xing Tian believed was that the most dangerous moment appeared, and he still had the ability to get out of his body! Regarding the situation of the alien race, Xing Tian could guess that when he stopped, they would breathe a sigh of relief and would make them unable to fight for themselves, so that all the methods they had hidden would be displayed.

Although Xing Tian has a little thought in his heart, the most important thing for Xing Tian is not to preserve his strength, but to lure out his biggest enemy, and then kill him in one fell swoop. Xing Tian believes that the alien race can be in the battlefield of the gods. There are so many powers deployed by Shangqie, not to mention in this secret realm. The most important thing is that Xing Tian believes that foreign races have knowledge of the situation in the battlefield of the gods, so be careful, and Xing Tian will listen to the gods. With the persuasion of others, Chen Feng also took the opportunity to stop the pace of the war.

To leave the mysterious realm alive and return to human civilization in safety, Xing Tian must remove all obstacles in the shortest time and maimed the enemies in the entire secret realm. Only in this way can he get rid of the enemy’s Pursuing and killing can have the opportunity to safely return to the human civilization.

The Mysterious Sky Realm is not a safe place. Staying here for an extra minute is a bit more dangerous for Xing Tian. With his strength, the leaders of the alien race will definitely kill him at all costs, so Xing Tian has to be careful. Be cautious and make many arrangements for yourself, so as not to accidentally ruin your life.

Under the command of Chen Feng and others, the Tianjiao of human civilization soon formed an army to launch a raid. During the first raid, they did not encounter much resistance. After all, for those alien Tianjiao, their hearts With some worry, they worry that this is a trap. A trap against them, they worried that Xing Tian did not lose his power, but deliberately tried to confuse them, so the battle was naturally very simple. Under the impact of a wave, the arrogance of human civilization has won victory.

After carefully sailing the ship for ten thousand years, only two more rounds of raids followed. Xing Tian still did not make a move, and the resistance encountered by human civilization became much stronger. After three consecutive trials like this, the geniuses of human civilization finally breathed a sigh of relief, confirming that Xing Tian was really injured and had no strength to make a move.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Our temptation seems to be okay. The original power of the'Eternal Shenzhou' has been exhausted. We don't need to worry about his threat anymore. Without this'Eternal Shenzhou', we just rely on it. There are a group of ants in human civilization, and we can kill them with backhands. I think we don’t have to try anymore. It is better to concentrate our efforts to kill the **** of human civilization. How about ending this war?" Among the coalition forces, a strong demon clan spoke plainly, and he had no doubts about all this in front of him.

"I think we should try a few more times. After all, this is not a trivial matter. If you make a small mistake and make a small mistake, it will be a huge harm to us. I think everyone should stop a little longer. Time is up!"

"No, we absolutely can't test it anymore. It is all false to be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, and we all understand that although the'eternal Shenzhou' has lost its attack power. But we still cannot take it lightly to avoid I fell into the enemy's trap by accident!"

Soon for these alien Tianjiao, it was a crazy conversation. They were all madly distributing their own interests. I have to say that they were happy too early. Before they could fully enter human civilization, They will not act rashly. After all, this is not a trivial matter!

"Enough, take action, we don’t have so much time to waste. After all, none of us knows Xingtian’s hole cards. If the time is too long, then the problem will be serious. After all, this time they are humans. The arrogances of civilization, the power of the "Eternal Shenzhou" is the water lily, so we have only one choice if we want to be, and that is to let go. After all, none of us know how much defense the other party has."

Under this analysis, the forces of the alien coalition soon began to take action, one by one under the instinctive guidance, they rushed to Xingtian and his party frantically, wanting to have a frontal battle with Xingtian and accumulate a lot of power. .

Soon the alien coalition forces made a decision. They began to gather their strength to prepare in front of Xingtian and the others, waiting to kill Xingtian and the others directly, and end this crazy battle.

I have to say that the idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Xing Tian is not as weak as they thought, and the people of human civilization are not for nothing. They do this to seek the last chance for themselves.

Under the leadership of Chen Feng and others, the time-based instinct of human civilization soon gave the enemy crazy killings. Under this series of victories, they all became excited.

"Are you ready? This time we have to wipe out the enemy and end this battle at the fastest speed, otherwise we can't explain to the ethnic civilization, after all, this time we have lost too much!"

"You fellow daoists, please rest assured, everything is ready. When we chose to set up here, didn’t we have confirmed everything? We can now use that battlefield to have a life and death duel with human civilization. , I believe they can’t fight against us no matter how powerful they are!"

The army of human civilization is advancing on the ground. Along the way, everything they see has been different, but in just a short century, everything here has undergone earth-shaking changes, and soon the arrogance of human civilization has appeared before the eyes A vast battlefield. The huge battlefield is almost incalculable.

Why do you say that, because the scope and size of this battlefield is not directly reflected in this mysterious realm, but exists independently in a space. This space in Qiaqia blocks the path of many arrogances of human civilization, this place This battlefield is as big as the space is, and this battlefield exists in the secret realm.

The battlefield in front of you exudes a terrible aura, and the battlefield is full of endless killing, chaos, death, despair and many other terrible negative auras. There are countless seals and various prohibitions everywhere here. Such a battlefield, even Xingtian must be cautious, after all, this battlefield is too terrifying!

Formation space, this is the assassin prepared by the many alien tianjiao, and it is also the place of the final battle, and their last support. Previously, many of their efforts were in this battlefield before their eyes, and now they have to use this battlefield to have a life-and-death duel with many arrogances of human civilization.

"What a huge ancient battlefield, such a battlefield actually appeared in this secret realm. It seems that these arrogants of the alien race are determined to kill us people, otherwise they will not create such a powerful formation space! "At this time, Chen Feng's eyebrows showed a dignified look, and said slowly.

This battlefield was not opened up by the terrible destructive power generated by the fighting, but the array space opened up by the many alien celestial arrogances forcibly with the destruction magic array. The killing battlefield, which was opened up directly in this secret realm and evolved from the flesh and blood of countless creatures, is a battlefield full of death and danger. These arrogances of human civilization are here against those alien races. How many people fell into it.

Regarding this, the many arrogants of human civilization know in their hearts, but now they have no choice. They can only bite the bullet to face all this, because this is their only way out.

"It's the **** of the Demon Race. I didn't expect that these **** could provoke the power in the secret realm and form a black hole-like array space here. It seems that they are determined to kill us!" The face of Tianjiao of Invincible King's human civilization changed drastically, and said aloud.

On this killing battlefield, the arrogances of human civilization can clearly see that the sky full of demons are lurking in various battlefields, constantly attacking the enemy, and people are constantly falling here. In the film battlefield, there are not only the enemies of foreign races, but also many arrogances of small and medium civilizations, and these arrogances have become the objects hunted by this division. Crazy, in this battlefield, there are endless killings everywhere!

auzw.com"Well, what a foreign race. I didn’t expect that they would have paid such a crazy price to deal with us. It seems that they want to master the entire sky mysterious realm, and they must completely control the sky mysterious realm. In the hands of you!" Watching the countless killings taking place, watching the endless death breath rushing into the sky frantically, people's complexion can't help but change drastically!

In this killing battlefield, all the racial powers of the five super civilizations have all appeared. There are all kinds of demons and gods here, almost endlessly, and every race is very scary and weird. The methods it has displayed are even more invincible, which is really terrifying.

And on the other end of the killing battlefield, the opponents are even more weird and have everything. The two of them are fighting frantically in this killing battlefield. Someone must be madly destroyed every time!

Blades, lights, swords and shadows flicker and dance in this killing battlefield. The battle between the two sides has increased the power of this space. Here everyone is desperate, all of them are retained by the liver, and all are attacking with all their strength. It is an endless frame. formula.

"What should we do, what should we do?" The Tianjiao of human civilization saw this crazy killing battlefield. Can't help but ask, they are worried, after all, the atmosphere of this killing battlefield is too terrifying, they are all a little timid!

In this killing battlefield, killing is going on at every moment, killing is performed frantically, every creature here is fighting with all his strength, as if losing his soul, relying entirely on instinct. Fighting.

This is not only a battlefield used to deal with human civilization, but also a decisive battle place used to clean up the entire secret realm. This is the ultimate killer that many alien tianjiao has prepared, although they have many calculations, but in the end everything is still Depend on strength to speak.

Under the gaze of God’s eyes, this huge ancient battlefield was filled with killings everywhere, even the weakest, outside was a real monk, and these people were full of blood. Qi, these people were screaming frantically. They knew the situation they were facing, and they were very energetic.

In this battlefield, everyone is roaring, roaring, and fighting hard to kill the enemy. This is a meat grinder-like slaughterhouse, and countless creatures are fighting frantically. No one can be an exception.

When looking at the crazy battlefield in front of him, Xing Tian's face showed a dignified breath, otherwise he wouldn't let Xing Tian take a breath on the spot. In such a battlefield, the strong may not dare to say that they will definitely survive. it's here. Ten monks entered, I'm afraid that in a short time, nine of them will fall.

"It's a terrifying layout. It seems that the other party has paid a heavy price for this. We want to break out of this battlefield, I'm afraid it is not an easy task. Everyone is ready, we will start the war immediately. "Chen Feng solemnly announced to the crowd the words that shocked the arrogance of human civilization.

"It's a terrible killing battlefield. It seems that these **** have already focused on us, otherwise they wouldn't be prepared to be so crazy, but that's good, we can also use this battlefield to fight the enemy!"

Xing Zai saw the strength contained in the alien race in this battlefield, and his heart became heavy. You know, in this formation space, that is no longer a normal situation, but a crazy killing is being staged at any time!

In this formation space, every drop of blood falling on this formation space becomes a strong point.

"To leave the secret realm, we must pass through this killing battlefield. Moreover, in this killing battlefield, there should be more assassins that have not been displayed. A **** path was made at the speed of the speed, and then everyone rushed out together!" Xing Tian took a deep breath, and a steadfast intent to fight appeared in his eyes. This is a danger, and it is also an opportunity. It just depends on how you came to the problem.

"Participate in the war? I want the entire military army to participate in this crazy war. Let them get a strong temper, how can they develop and strengthen themselves without experiencing wind and rain, and there is no blood in the palace. That's just a polite thing!"

This kind of war, even if Xing Tian has the "Eternal Shenzhou" in his hands, is definitely a drop in the ocean. In such a crazy battlefield, there is only killing, and there is no kindness to speak of. This shows the danger of this war. And cruel!

"Fighting through war is the best shortcut for us to transform and evolve. Whether it is'Eternal Shenzhou' or other people, no one is confident enough to leave alive, and there is only one way for us to survive. , Then let go." Xing Tian's words suddenly exploded in everyone's minds, and no one thought that things would happen to this point.

"What a foreign race, I can do this calculation. I have to admire their methods. Since there is nothing to say, then we will fight to the death. I just take you **** to give a sigh of relief. Kill!" Xing Tian roared, and the light above the'Eternal Shenzhou' exuded a terrifying breath.

With Xing Tian's hands-on advancement, waves of horror flew above the "Eternal Shenzhou". It was Xing Tian's puppet army, and the puppet army came out. People are shocked, and all this is just the beginning.

"Fight, we don't have a choice!" Chen Feng just yelled, and then as if mad, Xing Tian madly launched a lore attack on the enemy. .

It has to be said that these arrogances of foreign civilizations are still crazy to the extreme, they are extremely violent and crazy when they make a move, and when their move is placed on the opponent, they are all madly fighting the enemy.

When Xing Tian rushed out, his heart could not help but secretly said: "What's the matter, why no one has subnet masks and come to stop me, can it be said that I really did not calculate it wrong, the enemy did not imagine it? So scary!"

Xingtian was not wrong, but this war was just beginning. Many arrogants of the alien race were using human bomb tactics to kill Xingtian and them at the least cost. The idea was good, but the reality was awake. When entering the battlefield, everything has changed, and Xing Tian and others have fallen into the crowd!

"What's the matter, why are people attacking us, Fellow Xingtian, we are in the midst of it. This is a trap. Everyone retreats at a speed. You can't let the other party surround us, or we will all have to die!" At the time of the game. Chen Feng was yelling frantically, but no one would be able to retreat. After all, those foreign race Tianjiao who had put such a large cover could not be prepared, but they couldn't change everything.

Yes, this is indeed a trap. This trap is not only as simple as they seem to be on the surface. Everything they saw before was just a ridiculous fantasy. The enemy is not as simple as he thought. When they all rushed into this space, people soon felt a powerful force destroying crazily in their bodies. All this was just a game, a game aimed at the arrogant of human civilization, and a game to be destroyed. Their bureau.

How to do? Many people were terrified of it, but Xing Tian didn't have the slightest right on his face. He understood that there was only one option to survive at this time, and that was to fight for his life and use his strength to kill a **** path! (.)

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