God of Destruction

Chapter 3054: Knot shock

Chapter 3054: Impact

test! After entering this shattered world, Xing Tian’s clone has always faced many tests, and most of these tests are directed at people’s hearts. For the tests on the mind and soul, if there is a slight difference, you will be horrified. The power of wiping out my own mind and soul, being left in this broken world forever.

Furious, frightened, but the more so, the more Xingtian clone's heart is looking forward to the unknown in the depths of this island, and the more eager for the inheritance. The more terrifying the test here, the more it shows that the inheritance is powerful and more Make people want it even more!

Stick to your mind, inspire your own fighting spirit, and use that powerful fighting spirit to resist the true meaning of the Dao, which is constantly eroding your mind, and protect yourself from the true meaning of this Dao. Perhaps the true meaning of the Dao has a huge effect on your own deity’s practice. , But now Xingtian’s clone does not dare to stay. After all, no matter how good the Dao’s true meaning is, his own life is not as important, and as long as he can pass all the tests and finally get the inheritance from the depths of the island, everything here is still In my own control, I don't need to waste time and energy at this time!

As Xingtian's clone continued to deepen, the clouds and mists in front of him gradually dispersed, and his eyes were bright. Looking from a distance, one after another, a series of mountains appeared in front of him, and the mountains were full of clouds and mist. The sky is reflected in the clouds and mist, and a cloud of clouds steams the sky. It is indescribable. Under such a beautiful scenery, the pressure on Xingtian clone is a little heavier, and the mind is more intensely impacted by this external force. Transformed, I'm afraid it has already been controlled by this power.

The stronger the impact on his mind, the more firmly Xing Tian believed that there must be a strong inheritance in front of him. All this was just a test of himself, turning a few peaks, bypassing pieces of obstacles, before Xing Tian’s eyes Once suddenly enlightened, in the distance, a stretch of palace ruins came into view. Perhaps this should not be used as a palace ruin to describe everything in front of you, because the many palaces in front of the clone have not completely collapsed, and some palaces are still intact. The closer to the center of the ruin, the palace is preserved. The more is complete.

Looking at the ruins of the palace from a distance, Xing Tian's face was full of expectation. This is the treasure that he is looking for, and this is the existence of that heritage. Although most of the palaces have collapsed, Xing Tian can still feel the aura left in the palace, the strength of the ancient times, and the horror of the war.

In the face of such ruins, Xing Tian dare not take the slightest carelessness, because the power of the war still remains in this ruin, and the remaining power is enough to threaten Xing Tian's life, so he can't help but face it carelessly!


Cautiously walked towards the ruins, and slowly approached the ruins. During this process, Xing Tian did not receive any obstacles, so he came to the ruins smoothly, as if the restrictions outside the ruins were due to the horror. Destroyed by the Great War. But even so, Xing Tian still didn't dare to be careless, stopped carefully, and carefully looked at the ruins in front of him. Judging from the styles of these palaces, the entire palace community has never been seen by Xing Tian, ​​and he has experienced it. There is no style closer to it in all worlds, all heaven and earth, which shows that this inheritance has never been passed down to the world where Xing Tian is.

Just this point shocked Xing Tian's heart. This fully explained a terrifying problem. The war here was terrifying. Although the foreign enemy did not destroy all of this place, it cut it off. The inheritance of world civilization does not allow a little bit of inheritance to be left outside. How can such a force prevent Xing Tian from shocking?

From these ruins, it can be seen how exquisite and magnificent and powerful these palaces were when they were intact in the past. There are faint road marks on the incomplete cobblestones, but it is a pity that all of these were destroyed. The mark of that avenue has lost its original power, and it can no longer release its powerful power!

The entire palace complex was ravaged by external forces arbitrarily, and the closer it was to the periphery, the more severe the damage. The palace near the center is much more complete than the periphery. In this ruin, you can still see some paths leading to the depths of the palace ruins, but above this path is covered with incomplete weapons, with a terrifying murderous intent. If you want to pass smoothly, I am afraid that not easy.

Fortunately, Xing Tian had prepared well before, and realized that he could not easily enter the center of the palace, so I did not feel lost because of the existence of the horrible murderous intent, and did not feel angry and uneasy because of it, and wanted to inherit. All this is what I have to face, if I can't bear even this little block, then what qualifications do I have to obtain the inheritance that may exist in the palace, and the powerful inheritance left by the ancients!

Along the path, Xing Tian cautiously walked towards the center of the palace. The first step is a huge danger for Xing Tian. He has to face the impact of that terrifying murderous intent, even if he has a powerful body, he must be cautious. Be careful. The deeper Xing Tian went, the more shocked Xing Tian was at the terrifying impact of this path, and the more shocked he was at that battle. The endless years did not know how much power was obliterated, and the remaining power was still so powerful and terrifying, which made Xing Tian do It's shocked!

From these ruined walls, we can clearly see what a prosperous civilization existed here in the past. Many inexplicable brilliance gleamed on many ruined walls. There seems to be some strange road markings carved on it. After carefully looking through the ruins for a long time, some of the damaged artifacts also have some road marks engraved on them. Compared with the mysterious marks on the buildings, these road marks are more mysterious. It's a pity that these avenues are all incomplete, as if they were wiped out by some force.

Xing Tian can feel the majestic power lurking deep in these many incomplete avenue marks, and these avenue marks are something that Xingtian has never seen before, and they are completely different powers from the great avenues he practiced. This power is fundamentally different from the power of the current world. Although the mark of this great avenue does not deviate from the scope of the three thousand great avenues, it is fundamentally different. They are two civilized systems, and there is nothing in common, and this power is the composition. The root of civilization!

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