God of Destruction

Chapter 3055: Space Avenue

Chapter 3055: Space Avenue

"What kind of civilization is this, and what kind of inheritance of power is this system. Can I integrate this inheritance into my own practice? Will it conflict with my own strength!" Feeling the distinctive mark of the Dao , Feeling the immense power within, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel a faint doubt in his heart.

It is not an easy task for different power systems to merge together. It will face great dangers. Especially when the ancient civilization that I see is fundamentally different from my own practice, Xing Tian will My heart is even more disturbed, once I cannot integrate this power, it will cause a chain reaction, and even push myself directly to the edge of destruction!

Out of awe of this ancient civilization, coupled with the fact that these avenues were not known for the power effect, Xing Tian decided to temporarily stop at this periphery. Slowly feel the nature of this power, so that you can gradually adapt to the existence of this power, so that even if there is any danger, you can quickly escape from this place without being affected by it.

After turning around in the ruins on the periphery, Xing Tian found thousands of complete avenue marks from these ruins. These Dao Brands were compared and restored from countless identical runes, and the duplicates were eliminated. From them, thousands of complete runes were summed up. However, no matter what method Xing Tian used, the Dao Brand could not be driven. This makes Xing Tian very disappointed.

In the process of sorting out the runes, he stayed around the ruins of the palace for about dozens of days. After confirming that he had gradually adapted to the environment of the ruins and had a certain understanding of the dangers here, Xing Tian acted again. , To go deeper into the ruins, after all, time does not wait for people, I cannot stay here for a long time, otherwise I will gradually wear out my confidence, obliterate my beliefs, and let my heart feel damage!

Walking past the collapsed temples, from the ruined walls, Xing Tian saw the prosperity of the temple in the past. However, no matter how prosperous the past is, it is now buried here and has become a part of the long history!

When Xing Tian slowly approached the center of the palace ruins, the ancient aura became heavier and heavier. The more you walk towards the center, the higher the integrity of the palace, and the stronger the ancient aura. From these palaces that still maintained the basic framework, Xing Tian saw more avenues and felt the impact of a stronger ancient atmosphere.


Although these well-preserved palaces have many avenue imprints that Xing Tian did not collect, Xing Tian did not stay there, but continued to explore the depths slowly, and finally Xing Tian came to the most central palaces. When approaching. Most of the several palaces here are very well preserved. I don’t know if it’s the material or the buildings here are almost intact. These palaces look different from the previous palaces, and they have a jade-like luster. Those avenue brandings seem to be alive, circulating on the palace, exuding a touch of avenue atmosphere!

When he saw the scene in front of him, Xing Tian's heart was even more certain. This is where the inheritance lies. This palace is enough to explain everything. Only standing in front of the largest palace in the center, Xing Tian hesitated a bit and did not dare to rush forward. Into the palace. Because he didn't know whether there was any danger in this palace, he might endanger his life if he acted rashly. After all, above this well-preserved palace, there is the atmosphere of that great road, and there are perfect restrictions!

Time is gradually passing, Xing Tian is carefully cracking the restriction on the palace in front of him, but when facing a force he is not familiar with, it is not easy for Xing Tian to open this restriction, it will take a long time. However, Xingtian didn’t have so much time to spend here. After a few trials, Xing Tian was cruel and waved and pushed towards the gate of the hall. As a result, Xing Tian was greatly surprised. His actions did not receive any resistance. The door of the main hall was gently pushed open.

Standing outside the door, Xingtian can clearly see the situation inside the hall. The whole hall is made of no material. The interior is bright. There is no pillar in the entire hall. The empty space makes Xingtian very empty. It was an accident.

Although there was still a hint of anxiety in his heart, Xing Tian did not hesitate any longer, strode into the hall. After several trials, Xing Tian found that his body seemed to be able to blend with the power in this island. At the same time, he made himself less likely to be rejected and counterattacked by the restriction, so he entered this hall in large numbers.

When he entered the hall, Xing Tian couldn't help but was shocked. When observing outside, he could see that the hall was huge, but it was within his own range. But when he really stepped into the hall, Xing Tian only I found that what I had seen before was not real. This hall was not as simple as what I saw outside. In this hall, there was a powerful space and great power. Standing in this hall, Xing Tian felt like he was Just like coming to the kingdom of giants, everything is huge and incomparable. I am so small here that my body can accommodate tens of millions of people in such a hall.

After feeling this powerful space avenue, Xing Tian finally understood why there are no pillars in this hall to support it. With that powerful space avenue, there is no need for pillars at all, and the power of space is enough to support all buildings. Under all the pressure, it can be said that this hall is the display of the space avenue.

When Xing Tian cast his gaze to the depths of the hall, there was a huge throne standing in the center. Divine light faintly appeared on the throne, making Xing Tian as if he had seen the master of the former hall sitting on the throne. In response to this situation, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly. No matter how powerful the existence was, the body and soul would disappear in the terrifying battle, and there would be one day of destruction, and this faint phantom appeared only It's just a trace of the master of this hall. Perhaps it is because of the existence of this silk that the hall can be preserved from the erosion of the external force, and it has not been destroyed in the endless years and let his breath. It can be saved to the present, so that Xing Tian can see the ray of light of this strong man cherishing the sun and feel the majesty of that strong man!

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