God of Destruction

Chapter 3218: Section doubt

Chapter 3218 Doubt

There is only one chance. Once you miss it, you will never come back. Moreover, such crazy killings are not always possible. The ability to gather so many powerful people is not what ordinary skirmishes can do, so some People's hearts naturally shook for it, and some **** with a bad mood naturally couldn't help but jump out of the dark.

Why do you all come, benefit! But now that the interests are already in front of one's own eyes, there are always some people who are not so condensed, not so strong, and will be affected by this external force, and will be affected by the interests that are in front of their own eyes. The temptation, when this temptation is magnified to the limit, naturally someone will jump out, then the situation will naturally become crazier and more dangerous, if one person jumps out, then the previous crazy situation will happen, and the previous killing will be reproduced. .

Fortunately, Xing Tian perfected the defense of Xiao Qian World before. Otherwise, in the midst of such crazy killings, not to mention the horrible wave impact, even this amazing **** breath would also make Xiao Qian World where Xing Tian was shocked. Affected, as long as one person loses control, Xing Tian's whereabouts will be exposed, and they suddenly exposed themselves in the overall situation of such crazy killing. Only death and destruction are waiting for them. No matter how powerful Xing Tian is, it cannot resist so many evil wolves. !

"My deity, it seems that the situation has exceeded our imagination. There are really many powerful enemies hidden in the dark, and the situation has developed to such a degree. I am afraid that it will not take long before there will be more powerful forces. After all, there are clouds gathered here. There are too many powerhouses, under such a huge temptation, all the big forces can't help but jump out!"

After hearing the words of the clone, Xing Tian's brows couldn't help but frowned. The matter was indeed beyond his imagination. The situation was really out of control. Xing Tian did not expect that this killing would develop so fiercely. Attracting so many powerful people, it seems that behind all of this there really is the shadow of the will of the universe, and the other party really wants to control himself to death!

"Why is this happening? Could it be that the cosmic will found something in his own body?" Xing Tian couldn't help but have such a thought. Although Xing Tian has confidence in his own combat power, there is no need for the cosmic will to repeat , Repeatedly hurt himself as a killer, not to mention the previous calculations, the other party has already gained something, can it be said that he has forgotten something?

At this time, under such circumstances, the more fierce and crazily the killing came, the more Muzai's heart believed that there was a shadow of the cosmic will behind it, and the more he understood that the cosmic will was really necessary. Destroying himself in the first place, what is in his body, worthy of such a cosmic will, this is what Xing Tian wants to know most.


For Xing Tian, ​​if he does not have the power that the cosmic will desires in his body, the other party cannot be so madly fighting. Although he is a person against the sky, although he has cultivated three thousand great ways, this power is not enough. In order to make the universe will be so crazy, unless the other party discovers the tree of the world on his body!

When he thinks of the tree of the world, Xing Tian's heart becomes heavy. If his secret is really exposed, the consequences are really disastrous. The will of the universe will definitely be entangled with him indefinitely. As long as he does not die for a day, then the other party I will never let go. The tree of the world has a huge temptation for any creature, even the cosmic will is no exception. If it can kill Xingtian and swallow the inner world of Xingtian, the power of the cosmic will may soar instantly. !

"No, it is impossible that the tree of the world has been exposed. If this is the case, then it should not be such a little movement. The cosmic will will directly make a big move, instead of using these external forces to persecute itself and force itself out of the dark. It's not the tree of the world. What is the purpose of the universe will doing this?" No matter how Xing Tian thinks, he can't find an answer. After all, there are so many secrets in his body that Xing Tian doesn't know what the universe will is. Come.

Of course, there is another possibility that all this is just an accident, and there is no cosmic will behind it, but this may be very small, so small that Xingtian will not believe it, if he can’t understand what the cosmic will is. Then, Xing Tian will not be able to get stability, and the other party will always bite himself. If it is only for the origin of the small thousand world, Xing Tian believes that the other party will not be so crazy. After all, the cosmic will will cause more ancient times. The vigilance of gods and demons and ancient gods has a huge impact on itself, after all, not all ancient powerhouses will be tempted!

Yes! Not all powerhouses will be tempted by Xingtian’s empty life-and-death battle. At least the Hercules Demon Panzun, who had communicated with Xingtian before, was not affected. When he rediscovered the void where Xingtian was in a battle. , He sighed involuntarily in his heart, and then continued to leave without looking back, and did not turn back. Don’t look at what he said so nicely to Xing Tian before, when the real killing war broke out, he was Will not take his own life to risk.

Just as Xing Tian said to him before, what are allies? Allies are only the objects of sacrifice to each other. No one will sacrifice their own interests for allies. The same is true of Hercules Demon Panzun. After discovering that the void where Xing Tian is located, there is another battle. , There was no idea in his heart to help Xing Tian. All creatures are selfish, and Hercules Demon Panzun is no exception. At this time, under such circumstances, it is impossible for him to risk his life to save Xingtian.

Of course, as far as Xing Tian is concerned, he has never expected to get the help of the Hercules Demon Panzun. The ways are different. Xing Tian has never placed his life on others. He needs to walk on his own. , Only one's own strength is fundamental, and external forces are unreliable, Xing Tian will not waver at this point!

After not figuring out the many doubts, Xing Tian had to give up temporarily, shook his head and said, "Wait, we have no other choice but to continue to wait. No matter how the situation changes, no matter how many abnormalities there are, we have no choice. The second option, now we have to survive to the end, even if the situation is crazy, the killing is terrible, as long as we don’t expose ourselves, that’s the greatest victory, even if there are more powerful enemies entering the field, that’s not It will affect us!"

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