God of Destruction

Chapter 3219: Crazy thoughts

Chapter 3219 Crazy Thoughts

After a while, Xing Tian sighed again and said: "It's a pity that everything may not be what we want. I hope that everything will go as smoothly as we thought. It is better to avoid accidents, otherwise our situation will be more dangerous. Up!"

"Yes, in such a big environment, our situation is really bad. With that terrible enemy, we have to face the threat of death at any time. We just don’t know how long the will of the universe will stare at us. It’s too long, I’m afraid we can’t hold on. After all, the pressure we have to face is staggering, and the consequences of a little carelessness are unimaginable!"

After thinking for a moment, Xing Tian nodded and said: "That's right, we can't pin all our hopes on others, and we can't pin our lives and deaths on luck. That would be irresponsible to our own lives. , So we still need to prepare for the worst, and if we can’t do anything, we will leave!"

Getting away is easier said than done, especially in such a crisis-ridden environment. It is not easy to get away. Xing Tian understands this very well, so he must start from now. Starting to prepare, if you want the entire Little Thousand World to withdraw from this crisis-ridden environment, you can only use the power of the space avenue.

Moving away from a small thousand world, and surrounded by so many powerful enemies, only the space source formation can do this. Fortunately, the defense in the small thousand world has already been perfected, even if time is tight. It's not too difficult for Xing Tian and his clone, but they need to pay a little more.

"My deity, even if we want to get away, we can't leave empty-handed. Even if we want to escape, we have to plunder and tear off a piece of meat from these bastards, so that they understand that we are not easy to provoke. We have to pay the price if we get in trouble!"

Xingtian agrees with the words of the clone. He has never been afraid in Xingtian's heart. Since he is an enemy, there is nothing to be afraid of. You can't only suffer a loss. Even if you want to defeat and escape, you have to tear it. If Xing Tian is holding the origin of a small thousand world, it is not too difficult to do this!

"Okay, let's just do this. No one can provoke us without paying the price, even if it is the will of the universe!" As soon as Xing Tian's words fell, his body exuded a strong killing intent, which was aimed at The murderous intent of the will of the universe, Xing Tian hated such an enemy very much, and its existence threatened Xing Tian's own safety.


The cosmic will is indeed very strong, but it does not mean that it is invincible. It has attracted so many powerful enemies to appear in the void where Xingtian is located. This clearly shows that Xingtian has to be immortal. What else can Xingtian take into consideration? of. Plundering the origin of the world, plundering the resources of heaven and earth, and seizing the origin of the enemy, Xing Tian has not done anything like this, so naturally there will be no fear!

Time is passing, and the war continues. As Xing Tian worries in his heart, as time goes by, this crazy **** battle is becoming more and more terrifying and more dangerous, and the scope of the war is gradually moving towards Xingtian. Moving in the direction of Xingtian, this had a big impact on Xingtian and had a big impact on Xiaoqian World.

As the war continued, Xing Tian felt a mysterious aura in this crazy **** battle, and this mysterious aura is exactly the power of Xingtian’s enemy universe will, if we say that everything before is only Xingtian’s Guessing, and now feeling this mysterious aura, Xing Tian is completely sure that the other party really has to kill him, guiding the powerful enemy to come in his own direction, constantly searching for his own location. position.

Feeling this mysterious breath, Xing Tian couldn't help revealing a frenzied killing intent, and muttered to himself: "Come on, let this storm come more fierce, let this crazy killing come even more. Strong, I want to destroy your divine consciousness in this crazy killing, swallow your original power, and let you know how terrible the idea of ​​beating my Xingtian will cost. No one can calculate me. No price, you are no exception!"

Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian had crazy thoughts in his heart. He wanted to attack the origin of the universe will, to swallow the opponent's origin and destroy the opponent's divine consciousness, if he can successfully swallow it With this original power of the will of the universe, Xing Tian believes that the potential of the little thousand world will be even higher, and will go even further. For the creatures in the entire little thousand world, that is a blessing from heaven. For Chang Xi, the lord of the little thousand world, it was also a great opportunity.

Xing Tian can split his own source into a full clone, he can use his own source to perfect this little thousand world, and he can naturally cut off the source power of the will of the universe. If the little thousand world really swallows the source power of this source world , There will be endless potential. If this world is really unable to withstand the raging catastrophe of the world extinction, at the moment of its destruction, the scattered origin will be swallowed by this small thousand world, which will cultivate A real strong man.

Of course, everything has two sides. This benefit is indeed amazing. But to get this benefit, the price Xing Tian has to pay is also huge. After all, there is nothing you can get for nothing. You want to get as much benefit as you pay. The price, Xing Tian's heart is very clear, so Xing Tian and the clone are making the final preparations in advance.

This plan, this plan, Xing Tian did not notify Chang Xi, the lord of the world, but took all the pressure on himself. He did not want Chang Xi to know all this, and did not want her to bear the terrifying pressure, which would affect it. The practice of Chang Xi would even affect the development of this small world, and Xing Tian would rather bear the pressure alone.

As a man, you cannot transfer the pressure to your own woman. That is not what a man does. Xing Tian himself is a proud person. It is even more impossible to do this, he will not do it, let alone do it, if he does Now, it will not only affect oneself, but also make one's own state of mind directly collapsed. The strong never fear all strong enemies, and will not transfer the responsibility to others. No strong will do this. Thing!

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