God of Destruction

Chapter 3349: Freedom

Chapter 3349 Freedom

No matter how arrogant the thoughts are in the minds of those exterminating the world, but under the threat of death, they still have to compromise and bow their heads to a group of'ants' who were originally under their own hands. It is better than in this catastrophe. The dead soul disappears in the middle body, and they still have a ray of life when they bow their heads. They can still hold on to the final decisive battle of the world extinction. If they insist on that ridiculous arrogance, they will only make themselves die faster. The choice between life and death, they naturally have to Choose life, not death!

"Time waits for no one, I don’t care what you think, no matter how you look down on that Zerg, in front of life and death, no arrogance or arrogance is worth mentioning. If even your own life is ruined, no matter how much What's the use of arrogance and arrogance? I don’t think any of you are willing to face death. If so, then take action and let the Zerg know our mind! At the same time, let them know how dangerous the situation they are facing is. If you win, you will lose both!"

After this voice fell, it directly gave instructions for the next preparations for the destruction of Shura. This is the order. In the entire army of the destruction of Shura, no powerhouse of the **** king level stood up, because they all understood that this was themselves. The only reliance for survival in the next dangerous environment, even if some people still have some unwillingness in their hearts, but in the face of life and death, they have to compromise, have to tacitly accept this order, have to follow the order, life More than anything.

If the Zerg race before can not be compared with Mieshi Shura, after all, Mieshi Shura is like a son in front of the mysterious chaotic life, and he is born with the blood line inheritance of the power of the chaos, but the Zerg does not have this. Ability, this makes the Zerg instinctively to fear the destruction of the world, and to listen to the order of the destruction of the world, but now the big environment has changed. After the endless chaotic aura poured into the universe, the Zerg itself has undergone earth-shattering changes. They The origin of the has also completed the transformation, although this slight transformation is very light, but this slight transformation allows them to completely get rid of the fear of the destruction of the world, so that they can no longer be restricted by the destruction of the world, and let them have freedom .

Freedom, this is the right that all living creatures desire, even the lowly intelligent Zergs are no exception. What's more, among the high-level Zergs, they are not low-powered. They also have extraordinary wisdom. When such opportunities arise At the time, how could they not grasp it well, take advantage of the trend to get rid of the control of the destruction of the world, and be independent.

It is precisely because of the desire for freedom and the changes in the general environment that the Zerg race can complete the control of freedom in the shortest time, making them an independent race, no longer affected by the destruction of the world, but only a change in the general environment. But it was not over. No one thought that Xing Tian guided Chang Xi and Chang'e to practice and caused changes in many ancient powerhouses. This changed the overall situation and made the destruction of the world and the Zerg face more terrifying enemies. , Making their environment more sinister.


The dangers that can be seen by the Destroyer Asura, how can the Zerg leaders who are wise creatures fail to see it, but the high-level Zerg tribes who have just become independent are not willing to accept the rule of the Destroyer Asura, so they are unwilling to interact with the Desolate Asura. Contact, for fear that the Shura Clan of Destroying World will take this opportunity to once again forcibly turn their Zerg into subordinates and be enslaved by them!

Just when the Zergs are also worried about the changes in this big environment, just when they are worried that the ancient power’s restoration of the strength of the heyday will threaten themselves with death, and when they are at a loss, they destroy the world. The powerhouse of the clan appeared among the Zerg. This time, the Shura clan of Destroying the World did not have the arrogance of the past, but used an equal mentality to talk with the high-level Zerg.

Rather than talking, it is more of cooperation. There is no high or low level of cooperation between the two races. There is a compromise that is only self-protection. Whether it is the destruction of the Shura clan or the Zerg clan, none of them Confidence can face the ancient powerhouses in the heyday of recovery alone. After all, the ancient gods and demons and the ancient gods are powerful. Under such a huge threat, even the Zerg race is still wary of the exterminating Shura family. , But in order to survive, they still agreed to cooperate and agreed that the two races would gather together to resist the life and death crisis that they would face next.

Time, as far as Asura and Zerg are concerned, what they are fighting for is only time. As long as they can delay time and drag the war to the moment when the barriers of this world collapse, then they will win the final victory. Void barriers are already full of cracks, and the time to support is limited. This is the belief that they are determined to fight.

Although they were both vigilant and wary of each other, under the influence of the general environment, the Zerg still decided to cooperate with the Destroyed Shura. The entire Zerg race went to the station of the Dessed Shura clan, although many Zerg masters thought There are also worries, but the messenger of the Destroyed Shura clan makes sense. Although the Zergs have wisdom, they still have insufficient knowledge of defense against the formation method. They simply cannot organize a strong defense system, and Destroyed Shura can do it. So the Zerg can only accept his fate!

When the Zerg made a decision, the entire Zerg army immediately took action, and such a huge action immediately attracted the attention of the major forces in the universe, making the ancient powers feel heavy, one by one. They are all beginning to worry about the next war. If the two races are divided, the major forces don’t care, even if it’s the biggest war, they will also have an advantage. But now the Zerg is once again united with Destroyer Shura. It's a big deal, and the dangers that everyone has to face have multiplied. If you want to overcome the enemy's defense, you need to pay a greater price.

Prevent all of this from happening and immediately launch a counterattack? No, the major forces can’t do this, because those ancient powerhouses with small thousand worlds are practicing in retreat and are recovering their combat power during their heyday. At this time, if they are forced to leave the customs, they will only break their chances. The meeting ruined their future. The consequences are unbearable by any party. Therefore, under this kind of big change, the major forces in the universe can only watch all this happen and can only watch. As the Zerg army is integrated into the system of Destroying Shura, they can only watch the two races unite once again. Even if some new generation of strong men are unwilling, they can only endure it. After all, they cannot unilaterally with the enemy. Battle!

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