God of Destruction

Chapter 3350: Fear

Chapter 3350 Fear

"Damn, those **** ancient powerhouses are too selfish. If they didn't want to change their previous plan for their own benefit, how could such an accident happen? How could the Zerg and Destroy Shura Under threat to make the decision to reunify, these **** are too selfish. It's no wonder that the original will of the universe will always suppress them and not give them the opportunity to recover and strengthen themselves. These **** are really harmful!"

A series of angry voices sounded among the various forces of the new generation. Those forces were dissatisfied with the many powerful people in the ancient times, and pushed the responsibility of this accident on these people, but they forgot, this It is the Great Tribulation of World Destruction, no one has selfishness, even they themselves have selfishness, let alone these ancient powerhouses!

The harm is not shallow. In this world-destroying catastrophe, no one will be selfless, even the original will of the universe and the world has selfishness, not to mention those ancient powerhouses, for many ancient powerhouses, what they pursue It is transcending the universe. As long as they can transcend themselves, they will not worry about any problems. What's more, if their strength is restored, there will be a greater chance of plundering and destroying the origins of the world's Shura and the Zerg. There are more possibilities. Transcend the world at the moment of the final battle of the Great Tribulation!

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. No matter how angry the powerful people of this era are, they can’t change the facts in front of them, and they can’t influence many powerful people in the ancient times, and they don’t even have enough resistance to resist. In today’s cosmic world, these ancient powerhouses are the main force against Destroyer Shura and the Zerg race, and these powerhouses of this civilization era, without sufficient practice experience, even if they have this great opportunity , There is no way to advance by leaps and bounds, this is the irreversible gap between them and the ancient powerhouse, this gap makes them have to bow their heads!

"Wait, these **** can't keep practicing in retreat, or they will suffer in the end. After all, time is on the side of Shura and the Zerg. The enemy has enough time to wait, but we and those ancient **** have nothing. So much time can be wasted, no matter how selfish they are, they will not ignore their own safety!"

Although these words are very reasonable, they have no momentum. They are completely resigned, because they have lost their backbone and have no backbone, and they have some hope of survival in this world-destroying catastrophe. , This is just a big issue that worries all living beings. It is irresponsible for one's own life to pin one's own destiny on others' body!

In the catastrophe of the world, you can have no strong combat power, but you can’t have the courage to give up your life, you can’t have the backbone. Under the cosmic world will let go of all restrictions, as long as you have enough courage to dare to give up your life. Fight, then you can have the opportunity to make a way out for yourself in the endless killings. Why did Xing Tian let go of the restrictions on his subordinates, so that they can let go and fight in this terrifying world. In the midst of the robbery, they made a way out for themselves, but for the powerful in this civilized era, they lost this courage.


When the powerful in this civilized era did not dare to make a big move, Xing Tian’s subordinates did not give such consideration. Although the Zerg army gathered together, there are always some weak Zergs who cannot keep up with their pace and will be alone. At this time, Xing Tian's many fighters would make a big move, strangling these Zerg races, plundering the luck and origin of the opponent.

As for Xingtian’s surprise attack, the many Zerg powerhouses were also aware that, although these powerhouses were also very angry, thinking that this was a provocation to the Zerg, but under the overall situation, they had to give up because they did not dare. To persuade them rashly, they are worried that this is a trap, a decoy, which is deliberately leading them to get out of the army, and throwing the entire Zerg race into crisis for a little weaker subordinate, this is not advisable.

Listening to continue to report this sudden attack, the many Zerg kings calmly said: "Let these **** go, they are just a bunch of abandoned'ants', they are using their lives to come. To lure us to attack, for the sake of the overall situation, we must bear this loss. As long as we merge with the Asura, all problems will be solved at that time. These little ants will naturally retreat and come to us. Say, this loss is still affordable, it's nothing, you don't need to care about it, worry about this little problem!"

Although this is a good excuse, although there are certain reasons for these remarks, it shows that many powerful Zerg people are afraid and uneasy, otherwise they will not even dare to exist like these'ants' If you let go of a battle, you don’t dare to destroy it. Just such a small tentative battle is enough to show that the Zerg’s confidence is insufficient. Unfortunately, with such a great opportunity, other forces in the universe are afraid to fight. I have to say it is a great sadness!

Although the scope of the remote place is very large and vast, it is nothing to the Zerg army. With their strength, they quickly entered the area of ​​Destroying Shura, even if there is Xingtian along the way. Those subordinates’ attacks, but to the entire Zerg army, this loss is really not worth mentioning, and even the Zerg’s fur was not injured. After all, the number of the entire Zerg is extremely astonishing, and a little loss is for them. In terms of recovery at hand.

However, for many fighters under Xingtian, the gains were amazing. Although they also suffered losses, some people lost their lives in the raids again and again, but this loss is also worthwhile. Enhance the strength of these fighters and let them grow up from that constant killing.

When the Zerg army entered the area of ​​Destroying Shura, even if it was unwilling in his heart, the soldiers under Xing Tian still had to retreat. Faced with the fast-moving Zerg army, they could take the initiative to attack each other. That weak existence, but after the Zerg and Destroyer Asura converged, everything changed. Under this circumstance, if they still don’t know how to advance or retreat, but they still have to take action, then they are ruining themselves. This is something wise. For, so they can only retreat silently!

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