God of Destruction

Chapter 3514: Festival fight

Chapter 3514 Fighting

The potential of the sacred level is very powerful for ordinary creatures, but it is nothing to those who are strong! Especially those powerhouses who really stand on the top of the highest world, they will not attack a small holy potential ant, and the hostile strength will not madly kill themselves at all costs. !

"It's an honor, it's really an honor, but do you think that a degenerate junior can beat a sacred powerhouse of the same level, not to mention the perception of the avenue, it is just a sense of combat and the application of various avenue rules, The use of my own strength is not something I can fight against. Such an opponent is simply invincible!" Xing Tian was not honored because of Zi Xing’s words. In his opinion, let him face this at this time. The strong, this is almost never a chance to leave!

"No, you think too much. Since you can face the powerhouse of the sacred level, it means that you have the possibility of defeating the opponent, and this is a safe zone. Even if you fail, there is no big deal. If you can advance Feel the power of the sacred master, feel the opponent’s fighting awareness and power control. This is also very important for your future practice. Although resources are very important and can allow you to grow up quickly, the opportunity to fight against the sacred master is not You can have it anytime, I don’t know how many arrogant evildoers among the Supreme Chaos People are willing to get such an opportunity, but what are you not satisfied with now that you have it!"

When Zi Xing's words fell, Xing Tian suddenly realized that he understood everything, and was able to face a sacred powerhouse in the Transcendence Realm, and be able to fight against it. How hard it would be for himself, such The opportunity is really rare. If it weren't for his amazing potential, how could there be such a good opportunity, such a chance, for those Tianjiao monsters with great power behind it, that he would like to have it, but he already has it now.

Is the safe zone you entered really just an ordinary safe zone? Xingtian disagrees with this. This is definitely not an ordinary safe zone. Even if the virtual world is the base camp for human civilization to train the younger generations, there will never be too many safe zones like this. Although Xingtian has never been exposed to the rules of the Supreme Chaos World, he thinks To leave the phantom of a sacred-level powerhouse in the safe zone, and be able to suppress one's strength in the Transcendence Realm, the price paid must be staggering!

Tianjiao evildoer, this may be a safe zone specially prepared for those Tianjiao evildoers who have awakened their own bloodline power, and for those evildoers with endless potential, only this way can explain everything. Xing Tian thinks right. When entering the virtual world, all human beings will be inspected by the original power of the virtual world to understand the physical condition and potential of each human being, and then arrange according to different aptitudes and potentials. Go to different safe areas, lest those Tianjiao evildoers and mortals fall together and affect their development.

war! After being able to understand the situation of the virtual world a little bit, Xing Tian's heart instantly ignited endless warfare. As Zixing said, although resources are very important, they are not worth mentioning compared with the opportunities before them. Killing the battle zone Although you can get more resources to strengthen yourself, you still need to fight against such enemies if you want to sharpen yourself!


When Xing Tian's fighting spirit broke out, the assessment began. The sacred phantom moved instantly. He didn't make any other moves at all. He just punched Xing Tian, ​​and the momentum exploded like Mount Tai. , Dignified and vigorously sinking, there is no other means, it is to directly crush Xing Tian with this absolute power.

A punch was blasted, and the air was blown apart by that terrible punch force, and the void was torn apart. The physical power of the Demon God of Refining Body showed vividly in the opponent's hands. In Xing Tian's eyes, this was no longer a punch. , But a falling star, directly crushing it with terrible power, locking all the space around Xing Tian!

This is the horror of Refining the Demon God. It does not require the power of any laws, and the power of the flesh is enough to crush all enemies. Above this punch, Xing Tian feels only the power of the scary flesh, without a trace of earth. The true meaning, and just such a simple punch, made Xing Tian inevitable and forced Xing Tian to confront it head-on.

Xing Tian didn't dare to hesitate the slightest, he didn't dare to have the slightest reservation. The star-refining hand he felt and the trace of the origin of the stars exploded in full, the stars flickered, and the origins turned into stars, quickly welcoming this terrible one. He hoped that he could block the impact of this powerful boxing force on himself, and be able to block this fatal blow.

"How is it possible?!" In an instant, Xing Tian's pupils contracted rapidly, because he found that the star refiner he had exploded could not stop the terrible fist strength, and he could not even weaken his fist strength, that solid fist strength. It is almost impossible to resolve, there seems to be a terrible penetrating power in this punch, which is directly decomposing the evolving star fist power of his own star refiner!

penetrate! Is this a manifestation of the Golden Avenue, a manifestation of the power of law? No, this is not the case. This is just an explosion of physical power, but there is a terrible spiral force in this physical power. It is precisely because this punch is constantly rotating that Xing Tian’s erupting star-refining hand condenses The stars were directly penetrated.

Although Xing Tian wanted to avoid this blow, he wanted to dodge, but he couldn't do it. This terrible boxing power had already locked his body, the star-refining hand was instantly shattered, and the terrible boxing power was instantly blasted. On Xing Tian’s body, with just a punch, Xing Tian’s blood rolled, causing Xing Tian to be knocked into the air instantly. If it hadn’t been for the moment when that fist entered the body, the supreme magical power of Xing Tian’s physical body erupted directly. Pull this terrible power into it for refining, I'm afraid Xing Tian has been bombarded with a punch!

"Supernatural powers, physical supernatural powers, this kid really didn't lie, he really had to extract terrible physical supernatural powers, able to withstand a blow from a sacred-level powerhouse, although only at the same level, this is not what ordinary Tianjiao evildoers can do. I did it. What kind of physical magical power is this, which can even swallow the enemy’s attack. Such magical powers have terrible potential. Perhaps for this kid, the sacred level is not the end. His potential may be unlimited, and he may reach the most powerful. Degree!"

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