God of Destruction

Chapter 3515: Section gap

Chapter 3515 Gap

The horrible physical supernatural power of the blood furnace has extremely terrifying potential in Zi Xing’s eyes. Such supernatural powers are almost impossible to kill Xiaoqiang for the physical strong. You can attack, but you can’t kill with a single blow. Will be dragged to death bit by bit by this terrible magical power, and this is just the beginning, no one knows what terrible hole cards Xing Tian still hides.

Although Xing Tian didn’t explain anything, Zi Xing knew in his heart that Xing Tian must have reservations about himself. The truly powerful trump cards will never be exposed to outsiders. When there is no despair or life and death crisis, the real 'S hole cards never appear, once the magical powers and hole cards are used, they can no longer be their own killer.

As a sacred treasure, Zixing thinks that his knowledge is extraordinary, but with his vision and wisdom, he still can’t see through the essence of the blood furnace displayed by Xingtian, and I don’t know what the law is. The supernatural powers of the physical body condensed by the power, it can only guess that this supernatural power may be related to the swallowing avenue, and Xing Tian may condense the supreme foundation by swallowing the avenue!

Unfortunately, Zi Xing was wrong. Xing Tian is not as simple as it thought. Xing Tian’s physical supernatural powers are not based on laws, but real physical supernatural powers based on their own energy and blood, which are completely physical powers. Supernatural powers are the most terrifying. As long as the vitality and blood are inexhaustible and the supernatural powers are immortal, if you want to cut off Xing Tian's qi and blood that has the god-given chaos true body, this is a fundamentally impossible thing, unless someone with great supernatural powers can do this Boom killing Xingtian. For those truly powerful, they would never pay attention to ants like Xing Tian, ​​and would not waste their energy and identity to do such a ridiculous act!

Although Xing Tian’s qi and blood furnace supernatural powers are powerful, no matter how powerful it is, the terrifying fist strength of the enemy in front of him cannot be fully resolved. There is still a powerful force acting on his body, acting in his own body, spiral. The penetrating power formed by the force of the force will still cause huge damage to Xing Tian. If it weren’t for Xing Tian’s bones were three thousand bones, under such penetrating power, they would have been smashed to pieces with three thousand bones. With the power of the blood furnace, Xing Tian was still beaten with blood and blood by this terrible punch, and a severe pain spread all over his body.

"This is the power of the sacred-level powerhouse. It is really terrifying and too powerful. Under the same level of power, the opponent can perform such terrible attacks, which is unbelievable!" Xing Tian originally thought that with his potential, With his own powerful combat power, he can fight by leapfrogging, truly standing above the invincible realm of the same level, but now he finds that he still overestimates his abilities, and he is still inferior to the powerhouse of the sacred level. Far!

auzw.com In this safe zone, the phantom of the sacred strong can be used as a means to sharpen the arrogance of human civilization. It can be seen that in the entire human civilization The arrogant Tianjiao who is confronted by the powerful phantom, his own background is not worth mentioning, his pride is just a big joke, he also needs to be a low-key talent!

Facing the phantom of a sacred powerhouse with the same strength as himself, he was beaten with no power to fight back, and was completely suppressed by the opponent, which made Xing Tian speechless. If the opponent used the power of the law of heaven and earth, Using powerful skills, Xing Tian was able to make excuses for himself, but the opponent was only using the simplest blow, using only physical power, and with such a simple blow, he did not hit him. The strength of the fight back made me embarrassed!

One force breaks ten thousand laws, maybe this is the real one force breaks ten thousand laws, maybe the real way of strength is not as simple as I thought before, if I can master this skill from the opponent’s attack, master this Power may be able to touch the rules of the Great Dao of Power, and it can truly step into the level of one force breaking the ten thousand laws.

What is the strongest physical attack? In Xing Tian’s understanding, it is the Great Dao of Power, which is a force that breaks ten thousand laws. Now Xing Tian believes that the phantom in front of him possesses this ability, at least with this kind of combat power. Known as invincible of the same rank, now he is only fighting against the opponent, not a life and death duel. If it is a life and death duel, Xing Tian believes that with his current combat power, he is not an enemy of the opponent at all. Will be killed directly, even if it is the power of the three thousand bones and the blood furnace can not protect your safety!

Although he was invincible, Xing Tian would not back down because of it. He endured the terrifying pain and continued to fight against it. He was still trying his best to explode his potential to fight with him, although no matter how he broke out, how to strengthen the star refiner. Power, but they couldn't stop the penetrating power of the terrible spiral fist, and the terrible impact was still raging on his body madly.

boom! With a loud bang, the phantom of the sacred strongman hit another punch, instantly tearing open Xingtian’s star-refining hand, and slammed his fist on Xingtian’s forehead fiercely, blasting him out and throwing him away. It was hundreds of meters away and hit the wall directly! ]

Replaced by ordinary creatures, they had already been killed under this terrible attack. Even if someone could bear such an impact, the terrible pain would make them collapse, but Xing Tian persisted, because he He has an incomparably powerful will, even no amount of pain can make him give up his beliefs, and he will not shrink back. For Xing Tian, ​​he will either die in this confrontation or continue to fight. Stop yourself from completely falling down, you will never collapse because of the strength of the enemy, and you won't just fall down easily!

"Come again!" In an instant, Xing Tian's eyes showed a raging war intent, and that terrible war intent could ignite everything. He saw a carp standing up, and immediately jumped up from the ground, showing that he was still alive, not because of his body. Pain and flinched, not overwhelmed by the terrible attack of the divine powerhouse. This is the power of a strong will. When there is such a firm belief and crazy will, no matter how strong an enemy is, no matter how terrible the enemy is, it will not make it retreat or give birth to it. Desperate thoughts, such a will will not appear on those indoor flowers, only those who have experienced endless trials and countless killings and walked out of that blood can have them!

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