God of Destruction

Chapter 3517: Honing

Chapter 3517 Sharpening

"Star Refining Hands!" Xing Tian continued to fight back frantically, punching fist after fist, like a crazy and angry God of War, constantly blasting out terrifying fists of the stars, acting on the origin of the stars. Below, Xing Tianzhou's body at this time exudes the light of silver-white stars, which contains a powerful aura of stars, as if he had already turned into a star at this time!

If Xing Tian had not chosen to cultivate his own true meaning of the stars before, but chose the true meaning of the stars of Ziwei, under such terrible tempering, he has truly mastered, has truly mastered the hands of Ziwei's star refiners, and even has become small, not There is no way to get started now. After all, Ziwei Star Refining Hand is a complete inheritance, but Xing Tian walks on his own road, which can only be used for reference, but cannot be copied, so Xing Tian's cultivation speed will naturally be extremely slow.

"It's a pity, this kid is too crazy and too arrogant. If he is willing to choose to cultivate a complete Ziwei Star Refining Hand, he has already broken through under such terrible pressure, and his combat power has also improved, but now it is not good to break through. It's a long way, without the complete true meaning of the stars, just want to achieve something through my own perception, this is not something that a small Transcendence Realm can do!"

Did Xingtian choose the wrong one? No, you can’t be right or wrong in practice. If you have a complete cultivation of Ziwei Star Refining Hand, although you can advance by leaps and bounds, it is not Xingtian’s own way after all. Even if it is able to achieve great success, it cannot be the most powerful. The power of self-understanding is different. Although it is slow in the early stage, it will not have any influence on itself in the later stage. It can truly integrate into itself and burst out the most terrifying power. The most important thing is that this is also the most suitable Tao. .

In the face of Xing Tian’s frenzied eruption, the phantom of the sacred strong man in front of him was the simplest punch, instantly smashing the power of Xing Tian’s star-refining hand, and the power of fear hit Xing Tian’s body again. Once again, Xingtian was knocked into the air.

In this battle, Xing Tian did not use other powers, did not take the opportunity to understand the other three thousand great avenues, but continued to temper the avenues of stars he felt, and tempered his own star refiners. Under this terrible confrontation, Although Xing Tian failed again and again, Xing Tian felt every time he failed. He was able to perceive his own shortcomings and could take the opportunity to adjust.

After failing again and again, Xingtian’s star-refining hand, the trace of the avenue of stars he has felt, has also evolved and changed, although it is still vulnerable, but with every adjustment and change, Xingtian’s avenue of stars will be improved. And this is the result Xing Tian is willing to see. Failure is not terrible. What's terrible is the breakdown of his beliefs. As long as he persists, he will make progress. He will correct his own shortcomings time and time again and make his own avenue of stars. Go further!

For the now weak Xing Tian, ​​he is not eager to improve his combat power, but is able to continuously sharpen himself and sharpen his path. Although this is very difficult, it will have huge gains after accomplishing something, and this is also the most suitable for him. Dao, time after failure, time after correction, time after contact, gradually Xing Tian is not only making progress in his own avenue of stars, but also able to understand the attack of this sacred powerhouse phantom, although still It's just a little bit of fur, not even a fur, but Xing Tian's grasp of his own power has improved, which makes Xing Tian very happy!


Time passed bit by bit. Xing Tian has been in this duel for a long, long time. Fortunately, this is a virtual world. In this world, Xing Tian also has an endless source for support, and he has enough physical strength to do it. For support, but such a crazy duel has a huge impact on Xing Tian's spirit, and he can't help feeling a little tired.

If it is an ordinary creature, an ordinary Tianjiao evildoer, when such a situation occurs, he will choose to give up and choose to rest, but Xingtian did not do this, but continued to persist. From Xingtian's perspective, the more exhausted he is, the more he will be under tremendous pressure. The more I can stimulate my own potential and sharpen my own will and beliefs. Only with this continuous tempering can I be able to change bit by bit. It is a crime against myself to choose to rest in such an environment. Waste your time!

With persistence and tempering time and time again, Xing Tian’s will and beliefs have been constantly evolving and evolving. Although it is slow, they are actually changing, allowing Xing Tian to truly feel the changes in himself. With continuous progress, Xingtian will gradually be able to have a counterattack, but even if Xingtian’s counterattack hits the phantom of the sacred strong man, he will be easily resisted by the opponent and unharmed. This is not because the opponent’s body is too strong. It was that Xing Tian's attack was too weak, unable to exert his strongest attack power, and naturally he could not break the opponent's defense and cause him no harm.

"It's too strong. Even if this phantom of the sacred strong man can only exert 60 to 70% of his own strength, it is still too strong. Compared with him, I can't even exert one third of my own strength. What a terrifying gap."

After the real battle with the sacred strong shadow, Xing Tian truly understood his weakness and understood that the same rank invincibility is not only a strong foundation, not only a perfect foundation, but also requires the mastery of his own strength. Power cannot be mastered perfectly. Even if it is to break through its own bottleneck and improve its own realm, it will only help it. The increase in combat power brought by it is only with endless defects. When facing the real strong, Still vulnerable!

At this time, Xing Tian truly felt the mastery of the phantom of the sacred strong man over his own power. It was as vast and unfathomable as the ocean. This was no longer as powerful as usual, but the more he imagined, he reached another realm. For such a strong man, even if he doesn't use combat skills or rules, just use his own power to strike casually, it has terrifying destructive power!

As for Xing Tian’s attacks, in the eyes of the opponent, they are just babies and can be broken easily. This is the gap, this is the gap in the control of one's own power. Under the same realm and power, Xing Tian’s attacks are extremely weak, and think The only way to bridge this gap is to polish oneself, master one's own strength, and even be able to feel the opponent's strength with the help of this powerful enemy's power, and feel the opponent's strength, thereby enhancing one's own combat power!


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