God of Destruction

Chapter 3518: Cruelty

Chapter 3518: Cruel

"No, even if the attack can be successful, but when it comes to the strong phantom, it fails because of insufficient destructive power, and cannot defeat the strong phantom. This assessment is not as simple as I thought. Maybe I have been doing it from beginning to end. I got it wrong, this place of assessment is actually a place of practice, a place of teaching. I should give up my previous thoughts and no longer aim at winning, but instead meditation to gain knowledge and experience from the other party, so as to take this Feel the real power of the flesh." Xing Tian's eyes flickered, as if for a moment he figured out the key to the problem!

You must know that after fighting for so long, Xing Tian still has not been hit by death, and can still stand up. If at the beginning, Xing Tian would only think that this was the benefit of his powerful physical body, but as the battle continued, Xing Tian I no longer have such ridiculous thoughts in my heart. If the phantom of the strong man in front of me really wants to end his life, it is definitely not his own physical supernatural powers that can resist it, even if the origin of the three thousand bones has fully exploded, even if It is the supreme magical power of the blood furnace that is twice as powerful, and Xing Tian does not think that he can withstand the fatal blow of the opponent!

As a strong man, even if his realm and strength have been weakened, it is impossible for him to have no assassins, and until now, Xing Tian has not seen the opponents use any assassins at all. He is only fighting with his body, if he has reached this point. At that time, Xing Tian still couldn't see the situation clearly, so he was too stupid, and he couldn't understand such obvious actions. That would be stupid!

Although this powerful phantom beat Xing Tian miserably in the battles, Xing Tian did not receive a fatal blow. Every time he beat him with pain and caused Xing Tian to bear the inhuman torture. Instead of directly killing Xing Tian, ​​sweeping him out of the game, ending this assessment battle, and ending Xing Tian's life.

Xing Tian was right in thinking. In fact, as a base for human civilization to cultivate Tianjiao evildoers, it is impossible for the most powerful people of civilization to think of how to best cultivate the Tianjiao evildoers they want, so it is impossible for Tianjiao to be evaluated. Killing the opponent in one fell swoop, hitting the opponent’s confidence, only such cruel torture can cultivate the will of the Tianjiao evildoer bit by bit, can continuously stimulate the other party’s potential, and enable those clever Tianjiao evildoers to understand this. The nature of the power displayed by the phantom allows them to continuously improve their own qualities in battle and master the real power of the great power!

Although it is difficult for a group of people in the Transcendence Realm to realize the real power, it is difficult, unbelievable, and even impossible to succeed, but there are exceptions to everything. After all, there are still heaven-defying evildoers in this world. The appearance of a statue is of great benefit to the entire human civilization, and has a great effect. What's more, such cruel torture can also make them firm their will and cultivate their fighting spirit. .

auzw.com is just such a crazy assessment. It is a terrible cruel journey for those Tianjiao monsters. Not everyone can persist. After a battle, many Tianjiao monsters will be It takes a long time to regain your confidence, and some people will directly collapse because of their weak will.

In the endless years, there are many Tianjiao evildoers in human civilization because they can’t bear this terrible torture, they have to give up the assessment and directly break through their own bottleneck to get rid of this terrible torture, thus breaking their own chances. The Shaotianjiao evildoer withstood this test, and even understood the true meaning of power from the strong shadow, and soared into the sky.

It is precisely because of the extremely cruel assessments here that even if the human civilization has countless Tianjiao evildoers, there are not many degenerate Tianjiao in this safe zone. They all need time to relax their fatigue and ease their own Spirit, so as not to suffer this terrible blow for a long time and break his Dao Heart and let his confidence suffer a devastating blow.

If you want to use such a terrible battle to sharpen yourself, you need to master a degree, not beyond what you can bear. After all, for those humans who were born in the highest chaotic world, they do not have the rich experience of Xingtian. , Has already experienced many battles and polished his will extremely firm. For their weak will, bearing too many blows will only hurt their confidence and leave fear in their hearts. shadow!

But as far as Xing Tian is concerned, even though he was beaten badly by the powerful phantom in front of him, he was knocked down again and again, and terrible pains constantly appeared from his body, but Xing Tian persevered because he was so firm. Will, as long as there is no death, as long as there is a trace of vitality, Xing Tian will not give up. The stronger the oppression, the more able to stimulate his own potential, and the more he can expose his many defects one by one, and give himself a chance. To make up!

I don’t know how long it took, Xing Tian was defeated again, sweating profusely, panting, and was directly shocked by the punch of the strong shadow. Although he has an endless source of origin, he should not have too much physical strength. There should be no such situation in the body, but Xing Tian’s mind is too exhausted. You must know that after fighting for so long, even Xing Tian’s firm will cannot stop the change of the body. This is the effect of the mind on the body. Change, not the instinct of the body!

"Boy, give up, don't try to be strong anymore. Your will is on the verge of being shattered. The exhaustion of your mind has affected the changes in your body. If you continue like this, not only will it not bring you gains, but on the contrary it will hurt yourself. Will damage your own mind, then the gain is not worth the loss!” Seeing Xing Tian’s crazy posture, Zi Xing also had to stand up and stop it. It was afraid that he would finally encounter such a talented evildoer, because he was temporarily Dominate and destroy!

give up! No, Xing Tian shook his head and said in a deep voice, "No, I can still hold on. Although my exhaustion has affected my body, this is not the reason for me to give up. Only under this terrible pressure can I fully stimulate myself. Potential, the more I reach the limit, the easier it is to break the limit. If I can break my own limit under this terrible pressure, my combat power will be improved in an all-round way, and my body will leap qualitatively. Will become stronger!"

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