God of Destruction

Chapter 3519: Festival power

Chapter 3519: Strength

"Crazy, you are really crazy, oppressing yourself so madly, pressing yourself so madly, this is taking the extreme road, once there is a glitch, what is waiting for you will be destruction, with your aptitude and talent completely There is no need to squeeze your own potential so madly, there is no need to take this extreme road, that is not necessarily a good thing for you!" Zi Xing continued to persuade Xing Tian, ​​wanting Xing Tian to give up this terrible and crazy idea and stop. This crazy fight.

"Time, I lack time, I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough resources. Even if I join the Yunxiao faction, I cannot grow up quickly in a short time. Only under this crazy pressure can I be able to inspire all of me. Only with potential can I continuously improve my strength. I have no choice. This is the only way to succeed!"

When Xing Tian’s words fell, Zi Xing stopped speaking, and his mood was very heavy. It was all related to him. Unless the resources he had at his disposal could not be used, Xing Tian would not do it if he was restricted by the old master. Such a crazy decision will not take this terrible extreme road, which makes it extremely heavy and makes it a little harder to face Xing Tian!

Did Xing Tian not know that Zi Xing had reservations? Didn't he know that the Lord of Xing Yao would still hide huge resources? Knowing, it is precisely because of knowing that Xing Tian has a sense of urgency, and he has to explode with all his strength and has to take this extreme road. As he said, he has no choice. This is the only way to succeed. To send people to the head ground, if you want to be valued by the sect, Xing Tian must show extraordinary talent. Without sufficient resources, Xing Tian can only rely on himself. It is better to rely on himself than on people. Xing Tian does not want to trust his future on others. , That is irresponsible for one's own life!

With repeated failures and confrontations, Xingtian’s Avenue of Stars has gradually embarked on the right path, and that trace of insight has become stronger in this crazy battle. Also in this failure, again and again During the confrontation, Xing Tian also gradually realized the physical power of the strong man in front of him. This is not a great way of power. It is just the use of physical power and the control of the physical body. If it were not for Xing Tian, ​​he had countless combat experience and possessed. Terrible will, with his current realm, it is difficult to come into contact with such a power, because no one is pointing him, all questions need to be explored in battle, slower than those with powerful backs. There are many, but relatively speaking, the more you groped in the battle, the more you grow from these failures, the more powerful Xing Tian's grasp of his body will be, and he can integrate the gains he has gained into himself, so don’t worry. What are the hidden dangers, because all of this is the power he feels!

"What a terrifying physical force technique, such a terrible physical mastery. I didn't expect that the body refining demon **** in the highest chaos world could have such terrible physical skills. I thought that even if the opponent did not use his full strength, he would use six or seven points. Power, but now it seems that I am still very wrong. The power displayed by this strong man is only three or four points, and even half of the physical power has not exploded, and this is how I can do nothing. This is What a terrible physical body exerts its strength, the Demon God of Refining Body is really powerful!" After gaining a little bit of insight, Xing Tian's heart was born with a more shocking feeling. If he does not use the power of the law, the way of strength is not used, it is just a physical body. Power can achieve this level, how can Xing Tian not be shocked!


Such a technique, such a terrible attack, let alone a battle of the same tier, even if it is a battle of a higher tier, the opponent will be instantly blown up if they don’t have a strong enough defense treasure body. What kind of original defense is in this terrible force. The bottom will be shattered, this terrible spiral penetration force can almost restrain all defenses, perhaps this is the most terrifying power of the body refining demon god!

For a moment, Xing Tian understood the horror of the body-refining demon god, and some understood why the most powerful human civilization would prepare for such a terrible assessment. Everything is guiding the participating Tianjiao evildoers, a Tianjiao who has mastered the secrets of the flesh and a Tianjiao who has not. , There is a qualitative gap, especially when taking the road of refining the devil, which is even more terrifying.

"Okay, very good. This is the power I want. This is the result I want. As long as I fail and confront again and again, only when I truly feel this terrible power can I realize this physical body. The secret is to be able to master this terrifying power. If you master such a power, you will definitely be valued even in the Yunxiao Sect!"

Strength is the foundation of everything. Xing Tian, ​​who has endless experience, naturally understands this. It is possible for the most powerful human civilization to put such horrible body-refining skills in the safe zone of this Transcendence Realm. This shows such a physical body. After understanding the importance of the Secret of the Body Refining Demon God, Xing Tian naturally became even more crazy about it.

I saw that there was a light in Xing Tian's eyes. Although his body and mind were extremely exhausted, Xing Tian didn't want to stop and rest after he realized a trace of the secret of the body. That would only waste his previous efforts. Resting at this time, the pain you have suffered before, and the price you have paid will be turned into nothingness, and the little insight you have finally gained will disappear in the rest. At this time, even if you are tired, even if it is difficult, Xing Tian Have to continue.

"Come again!" Xing Tian shouted, ignoring his tired body, regardless of his tired mind, rushed up again, and continued to fight with the strong phantom in front of him, feeling the phantom from the strong That terrible attack. At this moment, Xing Tian gave up all attacks and threw himself into the perception of that power.

Use your body to withstand terrible attacks, and then to feel the fluctuations of the power, feel the fluctuations of the body, this kind of behavior is really crazy, and the purple star is shocked by Xingtian's terrible behavior. So, such a crazy move also made Zixing dignified. Although this is a safe zone, this is a virtual world, even if you die during the assessment, it will not have much impact on yourself, but no one wants to In the face of death, no one dares to be so crazy, to be able to ignore death, to ignore all their own pain, such Xing Tian shocked it!

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