God of Destruction

Chapter 3520: Avenue of Power

Chapter 3520 The Avenue of Power

"What a terrible belief, what a terrifying will, as long as this kid does not die, he will become the most powerful person, because he has a belief that no one else has, and he can ignore death, be able to sacrifice everything for his purpose, and be able to take himself Gambling with his life and the future! If such a lunatic can’t succeed, no one can succeed again!” Exclaimed, at this moment, Zi Xing has endless sighs, being cruel to the enemy is nothing, cruel to himself is the real thing. ruthless!

Although Zixing did not personally experience the suffering Xing Tian suffered, he could understand how shocking the pressure Xing Tian was at this time and how terrible the suffering he endured. It can be said that Xing Tian is almost dancing with the **** of death now. The will collapse, death and soul disappear, it is precisely because it understands how terrible this danger is, so it wants to stop all of this, but unfortunately it cannot do it. Xingtian does not follow its advice at all, but will go his own way. Take the risk of your own life!

For Zixing, he thinks this behavior is a bit irrational and doesn't consider the danger at all, but for Xingtian, as long as there is a ray of life and the slightest possibility, he will do his best and will not give up. It is the ideological gap between the two parties, compared to Xing Tian's madness, Zi Xing still cannot understand as a tool spirit.

Xing Tian’s heart never thought that his own soul and his will would collapse because of this horrible assessment. This is the confidence of invincibility, and Xing Tian also believes that as a base for cultivating human civilization, he will not be here. There are too crazy consequences, and the most important thing is that you will get rewards if you pay. Only the stronger you perform, the more you can get the greatest benefit in this assessment and get an unprecedented huge reward.

In the virtual world, Xing Tian does not have a real body, everything is energized, and now Xing Tian is in the assessment, as the phantom of the strong man who presides over the assessment, naturally it is impossible to really be against such a arrogant Xing Tian. The fatal blow of the evil spirits, it can be said that as long as Xing Tian can hold on to it, there will be no danger. Everything is not as horrible as Zi Xing thought, at least it is impossible to truly endanger Xing Tian’s life, even a Tianjiao evildoer like Xing Tian. It is impossible to be hit too much. This is a base for training talents, not a place of death for destroying talents.

Whether the real situation is as Xing Tian thought, Xing Tian himself knows nothing about it, but in his heart he still insists that his idea is correct, that his choice is correct, so he will not give up. Will not flinch.

auzw.com"It’s such a strong spiral force, the power of the flesh can blast such a terrible attack. Mastering this power is almost equivalent to opening the door to the avenue of strength and opening the power of the flesh. The secrets you master, as long as you have enough will and conviction, you will be able to gain something in the battle. I have to admit that although such an assessment is cruel and ruthless, it also has huge gains. As long as you can be cruel to yourself, There will be gains!" Xing Tian's eyes once again showed a light, this kind of recognition made him more and more courageous, no longer have too many worries, no more distracting thoughts, and devoted himself to this crazy and terrible During the confrontation war, I constantly sharpened everything about myself!

In the fight against the terrifying shadow of the strong man in front of him, Xing Tian can feel how amazing his strength is improved. This shadow of the strong man is simply a mentor, able to help him find all his limitations. And with the battles and the failures, Xing Tian’s flaws became less and less. The most important thing is that in such frantic battles, Xing Tian’s physical potential was also stimulated little by little. After coming out, even Xing Tian's training hand is much more perfect!

What is the best practice of the Demon God? Naturally, it is fighting. Only in the fight can you stimulate your own potential, and only in the fight can you enhance your fighting awareness, integrate your own inheritance, master the supernatural powers and skills you have cultivated, and between life and death. The gains brought about by the great wars are not something that can be obtained by hard practice.

With the passage of time, Xing Tian’s spirit and will have repeatedly broken through the limit, and his own combat experience has also been enriched. Although Xing Tian’s counterattacks are not many, most of them only use his own body to understand The power of this powerful phantom in front of him, but under Xingtian's frenzied battle, a trace of the great road of power gradually appeared on his body. And the perception of this great Dao power was gradually incorporated by Xing Tian into his star refiner.

At this time, Xing Tian’s star-refining hand has changed drastically. Although it still has the meaning of stars, there is an extra avenue of power in the meaning of stars. This is Xing Tian’s progress in mastering his own physical body. This is Xing Tian’s physical cultivation. The income. Such an opportunity is really rare. It is such a weak ‘ant’ who can fight against the phantom of a sacred-level powerhouse at the same level. What an opportunity is this. If you don’t make good use of it, you’re really sorry.

Although there is a slight sense of perception, this is not even a fur. What Xing Tian wants is not that. He wants more insights, but Xing Tian can’t do it now. The realm limits Xing Tian’s progress. Xing Tian's heartlessness has also affected Xing Tian's mood a little bit. After fighting for so long, although he has achieved good results, he wants to be more than what he is pursuing. This gain cannot satisfy Xing Tian. The most important thing is that Xing Tian also gradually Feel the lack of one's own realm.

"Damn it, is it really impossible to go any further? Is it really necessary to give up? I'm really unwilling!" Xing Tian shouted in his heart. He was really unwilling to give up like this, even if it was only the first We fought once, but Xing Tian didn't want to end like this. He wanted to gain more insights and understand more physical power.

Seeing Xing Tian's crazy appearance, Zi Xing couldn't help but sighed and said: "Oh! Give up, you have tried your best. It is not that you are not strong enough, but that your realm limits your evolution. This has reached a metamorphosis. The limit of the mortal realm is already inaccessible, unless the phantom of this sacred strongman can come alive and can point you, otherwise you can’t go further. This is no longer done by your own groping. Yes, you need the accumulation of knowledge and the guidance of the strong, and this is something you cannot accomplish by yourself!"

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