God of Destruction

Chapter 3524: Festival success

Chapter 3524: Success

Boom! With another loud noise, Xing Tian's ordinary punch hit the phantom of the sacred strong firmly, and the spiral force instantly exploded, rushing into the opponent's body, erupting a terrible shock. , It seems that at this moment, the opponent's virtual body seems to be condensed into substance, producing a circle of spiral waves, sweeping in all directions. The ground of the entire school seemed to have a cracking smell, producing terrible tremors and shocks.

Suddenly, there was another loud bang, and the saint phantom broke apart and disappeared in this space. And in an instant the space returned to calm again, only Xing Tian was left alone, the phantom of the strong man was directly blown up by Xing Tian’s terrifying power, and was directly destroyed, even in the virtual world. Even with a trace of the original power, it was also crushed by the terrifying power of Xing Tian. At this moment, Xing Tian's fist strength really had the ability to crush the void with a trace of strength.

"Kacha!" After seeing the phantom of the sacred strong man under his fist, Xing Tian's body instantly became extremely fragile, and cracks appeared on the surface of his body, which was impossible for Xing Tian's physical body. Withstanding this terrible power, while destroying the enemy, his body was also destroyed in this terrible outbreak.

"This is power, this is the great avenue of power, my physical body is different from the gods and demon refining body, my dao is the avenue of power, and the power of power smashes the void!" At this point, the crack on Xing Tian's body Even more, as if the body would be shattered in the next moment, and it would collapse directly. In such a terrible situation, Xing Tian still showed a smile, and did not fear or worry about the injury of his virtual body at all. He didn't even care about the pain passed from his flesh.

With one punch, Xing Tian exhausted his own strength and all his vitality. If this punch fails to defeat the enemy, then he will inevitably retreat completely, and will no longer be able to fight, because his physical body will come to an end. , Also to go to destruction!

"Congratulations to the tester, who passed the assessment perfectly, and rewarded the sacred strong with supernatural powers." At this time, a mechanical voice resounded throughout the martial arts school. After successfully winning, Xing Tian also received the strongest reward, and inherited it. The light flooded into Xing Tian's Soul Consciousness Sea, and settled in Xing Tian's Soul Consciousness Sea.

"Abnormal, this kid is really terrible. In such a short period of time, he realized his own physical avenue, and with his own supernatural powers, he exploded the phantom of a sacred strong man with one blow! "When Zi Xing, who had been standing by Xing Tian's side, saw this result, he was shocked. Although he knew that Xing Tian's background was very powerful and understood that Xing Tian was crazy and enchanting, he was also very speechless about such results. Unexpectedly, Xing Tian could actually pass the assessment at one time, and passed it perfectly, exploding the phantom of a sacred powerhouse, and beating him without the ability to fight back.


Although this is an assessment, the criterion for passing the assessment is not to kill the opponent, but to defeat the opponent. As long as the slightest suppression is obtained, then it can be passed. However, the lunatic Xing Tian directly defeated the opponent. How terrible is the combat power? Can you keep Zixing from shocking, such a Tianjiao evildoer also makes Zixing cheer for him, because this is its new owner! Such a crazy evildoer, the sacred strongman is definitely not the end, what an honor it is to be able to follow such a evildoer!

Unfortunately, Xing Tian didn’t have time to understand the shock of Zi Xing. After the light of inheritance fell, Xing Tian’s physical body collapsed with a bang. After exploding with all his strength, Xing Tian’s physical body really had to come to an end and could no longer sustain it. Although Xing Tian could directly withdraw from the assessment to avoid this time of harm, Xing Tian did not do so, but quietly waited for death to come, not caring that if he died in the virtual world, he would have something to himself. hurt.

Why does Xing Tian insist so madly? There is only one reason, and that is enlightenment. Xing Tian wants to feel all the collapse of his body in this virtual world, and feel all the destruction of his body. Only in this way can he truly understand what this blow has caused to his body. Only by injury can you truly control your physical body.

For many creatures, no one wants to do this, because this is not worth the gain. If you want to control your own body, you can use time to explore it bit by bit. You can't be so crazy, but Xing Tian doesn't have so much time to waste. Moreover, this most intuitive feeling can truly understand everything about the physical body, without any concealment.

When the physical body collapsed, Xing Tian’s soul returned to the body and withdrew from the virtual world. When Xing Tian woke up in the purple starlight, he found that he had actually left the virtual world and the soul returned to his body. And at this moment, the vast amount of experience gained in the virtual world poured out like a tide, and countless insights merged into one's own body, seeming to be integrated with one's own body.

Xing Tian took a deep breath and worked hard to calm his mind, so that he would not be affected by the impact of the force, and quickly feel the transformation of his body. You must know that this is also a great opportunity and an understanding. With the opportunity of his own body, Xing Tian felt that the cells in his whole body were trembling, and the three thousand bones were also trembling, and a large amount of origin also burst out from the depths of his body in an instant and quickly merged into the body.

This is the gain from the breakthrough in the virtual world. This is the power gained under Xingtian’s frantic battle. As long as the power breakthrough in the virtual world, it will be integrated into itself when it returns to the body. It is the terrible thing about the power of human civilization. With such a powerful virtual world, how could the arrogance of human civilization not grow wildly? Such power is really terrifying, terrifying, even Xing Tian will do it. Shocked.

The ability to transfer the power of the virtual world back to the physical body of the real world has exceeded Xingtian’s imagination. It is difficult for Xingtian to understand what kind of power can do this. Human civilization is What kind of realm the high-powered person is on? All this makes Xing Tian feel shocked, and all this makes Xing Tian want to find out, because this is the Tao!

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