God of Destruction

Chapter 3525: Chaos True Body

Chapter 3525: Chaos True Body

With such a huge force, if Xing Tian wants to break through, he can use this force to complete it, but Xing Tian still gives up. That will only outweigh the gain. After all, he has no breakthrough in the virtual world, and even less in the real world. You have to do this. Your best choice is to be down-to-earth and use this huge power to temper your body. You must know that your physical body is still too weak to bear the terrible burst of power. You can only make your physical body stronger. , Can let oneself have greater development, have more potential, the physical body is the root of the power explosion.

Huge power surging madly in Xing Tian’s body, constantly tempering his physical body, each tempering is a terrible battle, with his weak body to withstand this terrible impact. If you are not careful, you will hurt yourself. After all, Xingtian’s gains this time are really terrible. Not all creatures have such terrible gains as Xingtian. Not everyone can withstand the terrible impact like Xingtian is a lunatic. Destroy the phantom of the Holy Strong!

The power was crazily condensed in Xing Tian’s body, rapidly swelling, causing Xing Tian’s body to gradually swell. Under the impact of huge power, Xing Tian would be like a terrible fat man, if there is a little external force, I’m afraid of'bang' With a loud noise, Xing Tian will be directly exploded by this terrifying force and turn into a rain of blood!

Everything must be done according to his ability. This time Xing Tian’s gain was too great, beyond his ability to bear. Unfortunately, Xing Tian first encountered the virtual world and discovered that amazing opportunity for the first time. The origin of the return of his soul to the body was so great that he plunged himself into another crisis.

Although the gains from the virtual world are also from self-cultivation, this practice is different from real practice. If one's body cannot bear the benefits of the virtual world, it will only be harmful to oneself, but Xingtian The time of contact with the virtual world is too short, and Zixing also forgot to tell Xing Tian about this big problem, because since the emergence of the virtual world, no one can do this, and only Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, can be sacred with that super terrifying will Persevering madly under the attack of the strong, cultivating madly, and using that terrible wisdom to get a huge harvest.

"Open it to me, the real body of Chaos!" When he could not withstand the impact of that huge force, when his physical body could not bear the terrible impact, Xing Tian opened his own avenue of inheritance. An aura of terror erupted from Xing Tian’s body. As soon as the chaotic body emerged, the terrible impact was absorbed by the chaotic body. In an instant, three thousand bones were also shining brightly, caused by the power of the chaotic body. , And three of the bones exude a faint rule of power. This is the avenue of power, the avenue of stars, and the avenue of souls. It is the power of the rules of the avenue that Xing Tian has mastered!

Although the power Xing Tian obtained from the virtual world was huge, in front of the real body of Chaos, this huge power appeared very weak. Just a few breaths, the huge original power was swallowed up and was swallowed by the real Chaos. With such a huge power absorbed by the body, Xing Tian didn't even open a hole in his body. This result made Xing Tian directly dumbfounded!


Shocked, this is really too shocking, making Xing Tian unacceptable. Originally, Xing Tian believed that such a huge source of power would surely make his physical body further, but now that the real body of Chaos appears, this huge power has not even lifted a wave. stand up.

"Damn it, how could this be? How terrifying is the source of the Chaos True Body? How much source is needed for such a terrible foundation to fill it. This is simply a bottomless pit that can swallow endless source of power." At this time, Xing Tian felt an extremely weak feeling in his heart. The moment before he was held up by that terrible power to explode, but the next moment the Chaos True Body easily swallowed everything, giving his flesh again a strong feeling. Xing Tian's weakness, such an instant change of feeling made Xing Tian too uncomfortable, and it also made Xing Tian feel desperate for his chaotic body.

For such a terrifying chaotic real body, if I take the path of refining the body of the demon god, will there be a result? Even if you want to complete the simplest first step, "tempering the body," I am afraid that it needs terrifying resources. It is powerful, and it is impossible to provide so many resources for yourself to practice. It seems that you have to find another way. The virtual world may be a good choice.

Only the gods and demons need such terrible resources. If Xingtian opens up the source of the world and supports the evolution of the inner world, how many resources are needed? If you go further to refine Qi and become a god, how many resources are needed, just a little thought. As soon as I thought about it, Xing Tian felt that his head was about to explode, and he was desperate for it. The foundation cast by the Three Thousand Avenue's perfect foundation was really terrifying, so terrible that it made any creature desperate, making Xing Tian so firm. His beliefs have been shocked!

After taking a deep breath, Xing Tian's eyes condensed again: "No, I can't give up. Persistence is victory. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I can't give up. I must stick to it. If the school cannot provide enough resources. , Then you can plunder yourself, you still have a clone, you can change your identity to start the crazy plundering road!"

There is no justice and evil in the Supreme Chaos World. Everything is respected by power. As long as there is strong enough power, you can get everything you want. There is nothing wrong with being cruel and cruel in this cruel world.

The resources needed by the Chaos Real Body are too terrifying. Xing Tian dare not open it for too much time. Otherwise, his physical body will be sucked up after a long time. When his mind moves, Xing Tian puts away the Chaos Real Body and collects it in the Chaos Real Body. At the beginning, the Three Thousand Dao Bones also fell silent for an instant, and at this time, Xing Tian’s soul-knowledge sea of ​​battle experience surged out and quickly merged into Xing Tian’s soul, allowing Xing Tian to be in a short period of time. Mastered all the feelings in the virtual world.

Although Xing Tian’s previous decision was crazy and allowed his body to collapse in the virtual world, this decision was really valuable. The price he paid was a huge gain. At the moment of physical collapse, Xing Tian really had to see through. I learned the secret of my own flesh, and saw the root of the flesh.

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