God of Destruction

Chapter 3529: Festival Red Sun

Chapter 3529: Red Sun Star

Ten years is a flash for practice. Although Xing Tian's heart is eager to be with his Taoist companion and to be able to accompany the beautiful woman, the reality makes him have to give up, and he does not know if he is not in the supreme chaotic world. His insignificance, the more he understands the Supreme Chaos World, the stronger the pressure in Xing Tian's heart, and the more he dared not relax himself!

A trip to the virtual world was a huge gain for Xing Tian, ​​but it took a great deal of time to digest it. After ten years, Xing Tian kept his promise and never entered the virtual world again. Your own body condenses the origin of the Avenue of Thunder, and uses the destruction and vitality of the Avenue of Thunder to sharpen your body and polish your foundation.

Although in the real world, Xing Tian does not have a huge source to absorb, and there is no amazing opportunity to come, but Xing Tian has not been shaken by this. Ji is not terrible, and the terrible thing is that he is restless and firm. For Xing Tian of the will, polishing the physical body may be boring, but this is what must be faced in practice, Xing Tian still patiently persists.

In a twinkling of an eye, ten years have passed. Xing Tian has also consolidated his foundation. Perhaps ten times the virtual world can make Xing Tian go further on the path of cultivation. After all, ten times the time is there, but Xing Tian did not. In this way, the virtual world is good, but it is not too important to Xingtian. No matter how fast the virtual world is to polish the body, once it returns to reality, it will take time to run in. If the foundation is not firmly established, it will only be for yourself to advance. The road of spiritual practice leaves hidden dangers!

"Outer Territory Red Sun Star is here, get ready, we will land soon!" Zi Xing's voice suddenly rang, reminding Xing Tian who is in the process of cultivating, so as not to have an accident and damage Xing Tian's origin. After all, Red Sun Star Out of the ordinary, unprepared circumstances are likely to cause unnecessary damage to Xingtian's mind and affect the fundamentals of Xingtian.

"Here? It's so fast, time is really too short, and ten years passed in a blink of an eye!" Xing Tian opened his eyes, and he was immersed in cultivation for the past ten years, and he was constantly familiar with his own body. , I feel the changes in my flesh, the more I feel, the more I can feel the wonder of my flesh now. If you can fully stimulate your potential, then your cultivation base will have an amazing breakthrough, the three thousand great avenues will be united, and your power will be infinite, and your combat power will be a qualitative leap!

auzw.com However, Xing Tian has only a little insight now, but even if he has only a little insight now, Xing Tian feels that he has benefited a lot, and his combat power has almost improved again. Time has not broken through the essence of his own body, and so has his realm, but after ten years of consolidation, Xing Tian has been able to initially grasp the power of the physical body, and the fighting power that has erupted will naturally be qualitatively improved! The stronger the physical body, the more terrifying the combat power he can erupt!

"Is this the Red Sun Star?" Xing Tian looked at the outside universe scene through Xing Yao, only to see a vast and huge planet appeared in front of him, and the purple star's light in front of such a planet was almost like dust, not worth it. Mention. And this planet seemed to be surrounded by colorful gas, blocking Xing Tian's line of sight, also blocking Xing Tian's spiritual consciousness, and could not see the true situation inside. However, Xing Tian could feel the horror of this planet. The entire planet seemed to be shrouded in countless mysterious formations, containing terrifying energy. Once it broke out, it would definitely be earth-shattering.

There are densely packed small stars outside the Red Sun star, rotating around the Red Sun star. Above those small stars, Xing Tian can clearly feel the power of terror, although Xing Tian doesn’t know the real purpose of these small stars. But Xing Tian believed that if an enemy invaded, he would be blocked or even destroyed by these small stars in the first place. Because these stars all draw the power of the origin of the stars and vaguely condense into a terrible formation.

If it hadn’t been for Xing Tian’s understanding of the Avenue of Stars, he would not be able to feel the origin of this little star, and he would not know the existence of this terrible formation. Even a small outer star has such a terrifying background and can condense so many small stars. Astral body, the origin of the stars needed is astonishingly large, and the origin of stars that I have obtained before is nothing compared to any small stars. Even Outland is so powerful, one can imagine how terrifying the Yunxiao Sect is so powerful! Compared with these big powers, casual cultivators cannot be compared with them at all, and are not worth mentioning. This is the gap in resources, the gap in foundation!

"I feel it, those small stars are actually not formed naturally, but are built by the strong using the origin of the stars. Their existence is to protect the red sun star from attack. Once an enemy invades, even if it is far away, Being detected by this star array and destroying it far away is the horror of the Avenue of Stars. We were able to reach it so safely because Ziguang Xingyao had been completely crippled and lost its attack power, otherwise We can't get close at all!"

Awesome! It's really amazing. Compared with the formation of the small stars, the "Star Dou Great Array of Zhou Tian" that I know is really not as good as the fur. This great array seems to be able to connect the entire star field. At the same time, it can mobilize the supreme power of the entire star field. If you can master this star array, it will be of vital help to the transformation of your inner world. It can make your inner world go further and transform more. The origin of the stars can accelerate the evolution and transformation of the world tree that supports heaven and earth in your own inner world! When Xing Tian entered the Supreme Chaos World, the resources needed for the transformation of the World Tree were really terrifying. No matter how Xing Tian cultivates, it will take a long time to complete!

There is one thing that Zi Xing did not say. The star array in front of you is not only to defend against enemy invasion, but also has the huge ability to collect the origin of the stars. It can transfer the huge origin of the stars to the red sun. This ability allows Xing Tian's eyes were so enthusiastic that Xing Tian wanted to get it. After all, this power was of great help to the evolution of the world in Xing Tian!

And all that Xing Tian feels is only the strength of the tip of the iceberg in the outer realm, and there are more terrifying powers hidden in the dark. They will not be detected by such a small'ant' like Xing Tian. This is one side. The power of the overlord!

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