God of Destruction

Chapter 3530: Section gravity

Chapter 3530 Gravity

Although Xing Tian is based on the Three Thousand Dadao to condense the supreme foundation, it is impossible to truly understand the true background of Chiyang Star. It is still impossible. If it is such a small "ant" can feel the background of Chiyang Star, then I am afraid that Chiyang Star has long since ceased to exist, it has already been swallowed by the long river of history, and completely disappeared!

"The Red Sun Star is really lively. There are so many Stars dazzling. Every star is extremely powerful. It seems that this place is really amazing." Xing Tian looked around, even though he had not entered this one. Among the planets, but he also saw that in this space of the universe, in addition to his own purple stars, there were also many stars flying over.

These stars come in a variety of models, and they also have different uses. The purple star stars are sacred stars even if they have been maimed, but they still have the background. They can still have good abilities and can make Xing Tian felt the power of the many stars in the starry sky, enabling Xing Tian to understand the horror and horror of the Supreme Chaos World! At a glance, at least hundreds of thousands of stars are constantly shuttled, coming and going are different! Even if Xing Tian had prepared, but after seeing everything in front of him, he instinctively felt a touch of surprise, a touch of shock!

"Of course it is lively. The Red Sun Star is at the core of this outer starry sky. Countless strong, countless small and medium-sized forces must respect this Red Sun Star. There are also countless creatures who will come to participate in the recruitment of Yunxiao Sect. At the beginning, all the Tianjiao evildoers in the entire outer starry sky will come one after another, and even the farther outer Tianjiao will appear. No one can resist the temptation of the Yunxiao faction, and no one is willing to give up the opportunity to reach the sky in one step, even if it is Difficulties, we will fight with all our strength!"

Xing Tian nodded silently. As long as he embarks on the path of cultivation, no one can resist the temptation of cultivation. An extremely powerful sacred sect has an irresistible charm for any weak person. Taking a deep breath, he calmed his ups and downs, and Xing Tian said, "Purple Star, let's go in. It's useless to say more here. What's going on with Chi Sun Star? You only know what happened to Chi Sun Star. , We are not here to visit!"

boom! With a bang, Ziguang Xingyao passed through the atmosphere. Through his own spiritual knowledge, Xing Tian saw the situation of Chiyang Star and saw a huge city under Xingyao. Humans in this giant city are similar to ants. And in a corner of the city, there is a vast port of anchorage. This is a place where many stars can park. You must know that not all stars can be incorporated into the body, not all stars can. flexible.

After entering the Red Sun Star, Xing Tian soon received voices from the outside world and asked Xing Tian to register the information. As the first Red Sun Star in the outer realm of this supreme chaotic world, not everyone can enter at will. To enter, you need to register, if you refuse, you will be directly expelled, or even directly destroyed in this starry sky!


Zixing, who has countless experiences, quickly handled everything without making Xingtian embarrassed. This is the advantage of being able to use the instrumental spirit. There is no need for the Lord of Xingyao to register himself, which can save his time and avoid many unnecessary troubles. .

"Fortunately, Xing Tian doesn't need to register for identity. After all, he met Zixing and got the inheritance. He has the identity of human civilization. Otherwise, just the first step will stump many creatures. Not everyone can get the virtual world. Rings, ordinary creatures want to buy a high-quality virtual ring, they need to spend a huge amount of original spirit coins, and Xingtian already has all these, so Xingtian did not encounter much resistance when entering the red sun star !"

With a sound of "Huh!", Ziguang Xingyao stopped on Chiyang Star. When Xing Tian came out of Xingyao, he instantly felt the extraordinaryness of this planet. A powerful force of gravity was acting on Xing Tian's body. Gravity is more than ten times stronger than ordinary planets. Not to mention the rich original spiritual energy in this planet, just this gravity is a huge help for practitioners, especially the body-refining devil, in such gravity Cultivation in middle school is much faster than in ordinary planets!

There is such a planet in an Outland, how powerful the Yunxiao Star where the Yunxiao Sect is located, when thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, the gap, this gap is really too big, maybe casual cultivator Able to have freedom, but without sufficient resources, and without a good environment, naturally cannot grow up. In the supreme chaotic world, there is a world of difference between casual cultivators and the evil spirits among the major forces. This gap will It gets bigger and bigger over time.

Feeling the enormous force oppressing his body, Xing Tian couldn't help showing a faint smile. This is exactly the environment he wants. Under such an environment, the pressure on the body is more than just a function. On the surface, it can even affect every aspect of the body, which for Xing Tian speeds up his grasp of the physical body.

It’s a pity that I’m still a bit late. If I can practice in such an environment several years or even decades earlier, my physical body will go further and become stronger. When I join the Yunxiao Sect, I will get More resources.

The environment like Chiyang Star is also a test for many Tianjiao evildoers, and it is a test for those who want to join the holy sect and even those of other small forces. If this is even resisted There is no strength, even more than ten times the gravity cannot bear, and he is not eligible to participate in the apprenticeship assessment. It can be said that the gravity of the red sun is the first round of the elimination round. At this time, Xing Tian also understands why there are many human talents entering early. Chiyang Star, they are all in order to adapt to the environment here, make advance preparations for the recruitment of sacred sects, and enable themselves to face the assessment with perfect qualifications!

With a thought, Xing Tian’s power of qi and blood began to circulate, and the power of the physical body slowly started. After a few breaths, Xing Tian completely adapted to the environment here and adapted to more than ten times the gravity. This is the body-refining demon god’s Powerful, it can be said that to a certain extent, the body refiner has an advantage over other practitioners. The powerful physical body makes it easier for them to adapt to the environment here and adapt to the terrible impact of heavy blows than other practitioners. It is easy to explode its own potential.

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