God of Destruction

Chapter 3555: Rules

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifth Chapter Rules

None of the Tianjiao evildoers who can stand here are fools, and no fools will stand here. Everyone understands the horror of Xingtian’s terrible killing technique. A lunatic like Xingtian is definitely capable of successfully joining the Yunxiao faction. In my heart, I would not have taken care of it at all. What heavenly sword time, what iron-blood kingdom, is not worth mentioning in front of Yunxiao faction. If you have the status of a disciple of the Yunxiao School, what else is there to take into account? What kind of identities like these kingdoms are!

Xing Tian defeated Tiezhan with a single blow, and stood in place with a sneer, faintly looking down at the Tiezhan lying at his feet, with a look of disdain on his face. I completely lost the opportunity to join the Yunxiao faction. Although Xingtian could not hurt the killer because it was a red sun star, Xingtian would never be merciful to the enemy. That blow contained terrifying power, which directly hurt Iron War. The origin of the other side cut off the other's path of cultivation.

Compared with the sons of Wang Hou who are still watching good shows, although they are shocked in their hearts and shocked by Xing Tian’s combat power, they can all remain calm. After all, they have received elite education and can remain calm in the face of major events. But those ordinary casual cultivators and small forces Tianjiao couldn’t do this. They lost their voices one by one. To them, they couldn’t believe their eyes. The famous Tiandaohou son, with a blood heritage. Tie Zhan was knocked to the ground by such an unknown casual cultivator like Xing Tian, ​​reluctant to live and die. This really refreshed their concept!

"Oh my god, did my eyes sink wrongly, and Iron War was killed by a single blow? This is incredible!"

For these casual cultivators and small forces of Tianjiao, this is an incredible result, but for those of famous backgrounds, they don’t think it’s incredible. Such people are not uncommon in the Supreme Chaos World. The Tianjiao who grew up in the suicide killing has terrible combat power, even to the level of invincibility of the same level!

For ordinary casual cultivators, offending a talented arrogant like Tie Zhan is simply looking for death, but for a crazy evildoer like Xing Tian, ​​everything is different. There is nothing in the mind of a lunatic, who is an enemy of them. Endlessly. Although Tie Zhan has not been beheaded now, all people from famous backgrounds understand that Tie Zhan has no chance. Waiting for Xing Tian to become a disciple of the Yunxiao faction, waiting for Xing Tian to become stronger, and waiting for him is death. Even because of the ignorance of the Iron War, Wei Tiandao also provoked a life-and-death battle, causing it to face tremendous pressure and even the threat of death.

"Who else thinks that I am not qualified to stand here and can stand up and compare with me!" Xing Tian looked at those who came from famous families, and said calmly, although his voice was very flat, but here But there is a terrifying murderous in the ordinary, giving people an extremely domineering aura, making those arrogant people feel the coldness of their bodies!

auzw.com asshole! This **** is too arrogant! When they heard these words, all the famous disciples around were so angry that their faces turned green. Xing Tian was clearly provoking in public and beating them in the face, but these famous disciples could only endure this bad breath, because they They didn't dare to take action, they didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the Iron War. These famous disciples did not have the confidence to defeat the lunatic Xing Tian!

For these famous Tianjiaoes, they are not without combat experience, but their combat experience is far from Xingtian. If Xingtian is a wild grass growing in the wild, then these famous disciples are the vitality in the flower room. The flowers in this country can't stand the wind and frost at all. In the face of weeds like Xingtian, no one has the confidence to win.

Among the many famous disciples, there are also high-level existences. They can suppress Xingtian with their realm, but they also dare not take action. They are concerned, worrying that they will be seriously injured under the crazy counterattack of Xingtian, a lunatic, and lose their membership in the Yunxiao faction. Compared with their own future prospects, they would rather endure their anger than stand up!

It’s impossible for these high-level disciples to take the risk of their own failure to teach Xingtian. They have no obligation to help everyone out. There is no need to take their own future. Taking risks, knowing that you have a bright future, but taking huge risks on impulse, is foolishness.

"What's going on? What happened here? What are you all doing around here, don't you know that private fights are not allowed here? Don't you know the rules here?" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, from Yunxiao. The managers finally showed up. They didn't want to see things go on, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

If the managers of the Yunxiao faction do not know the situation here, it is a lie. Everything in this square is under their control. The previous fight between Xingtian and Tiezhan was also their default. When everything is over At that time, they naturally have to stand up to prevent the deterioration of the situation, so as to avoid uncontrollable situations.

When this voice sounded, the famous disciples immediately became nervous, because this time the Iron War took the initiative to cause trouble, and they are also contributing to the situation. If they are held accountable, they will all bear the responsibility. As for Xing Tian, ​​although he took action, he passively responded. Moreover, the victor is not to blame, so Xing Tian has no responsibility.

Respect the strong and survive the fittest. This is the rule of the Yunxiao School. You can take the initiative to choose things, but you must win. If you win, there is no responsibility. If you fail, you have to bear the cost. When this manager appears , Those famous disciples naturally have to worry about their own future. As for Tie Zhan, if they hadn't worried about their own future, they had already abandoned them. However, at this time they also had to stand up for the iron war, so as not to affect themselves!

"No, no, you have misunderstood. Nothing happened here. We don't need to disturb you adults. We are just playing around!" Soon several disciples stood up and lifted the iron war to cover each other so as not to be in front of them. These managers were taken away. Once this happens, people like them will also be implicated, and they will have to pay a high price for it, and even affect their own future. This is a result they don’t want to see and cannot accept. !

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