God of Destruction

Chapter 3556: Section warning

Chapter 3556 Warning

In fact, the managers of these Yunxiao factions really want to hold accountable. Even if these famous disciples don’t cover up, they won’t ask questions at all. Instead, they just start to get people. The reason for these words is that To warn the other party is to give them a chance to conceal. If they can't catch even this chance, then it's no wonder they hurt the killer. Fortunately, these famous disciples know how to advance and retreat, and know how to choose, even if they hate it in their hearts. Iron war, also had to help!

"It's fine if nothing happened. The assessment will start soon. Don't make trouble for me, otherwise no one can keep you. This is not your presumptuous place, you know?" The managers who appeared looked coldly. To those famous disciples, he said with a strong face in a deep voice, warning these'ants' generation fiercely!

If it weren’t for the fact that the Yunxiao faction needed the forces behind these famous disciples to do things, they would have already taken down these ignorant bastards, instead of letting it go easily with just a few words. As for Xingtian, this big shot man, these managers seem to be I just ignored it, and did not say at all. This is the attitude of the Yunxiao School. The strong will not be punished. At least this is the case here, because this is under evaluation, and these gods and evil evildoers need to let these arrogant evildoers give full play to their strength!

After the warning, these managers turned around and left. They believed that the distinguished disciples would not dare to cause trouble again. Of course, this warning was also a test. It would test the fighting will of these distinguished disciples. If anyone can stand up and continue to take action, as long as the victory remains There is no punishment. If you fail, you will have to bear the responsibility. It can be said that the Yunxiao Sect has also worked hard to recruit disciples and made sufficient preparations, taking all factors into consideration and making use of it!

It is a pity that none of those famous disciples dare to stand up and continue to make big moves. It is not that no one can see through the intentions of the managers of the Yunxiao School, but they have all thoughts in their hearts, and they are worried that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, will pull himself to death. After all, Xing Tian It was the arrogant who grew up from the killing, which made them feel extremely jealous.

Although some people are dissatisfied with Xingtian's arrogance, no one has stood up at this time, because they are unwilling to offend Xingtian, the demon evil demon who almost stepped into the Yunxiao faction, for this little thing, and are unwilling to set up a life and death enemy for themselves. !

Little intolerance leads to chaos. For these distinguished disciples, they can only join the Yunxiao Sect with one heart and one mind. It is nothing to endure a little provocation. Everything is important to join the Yunxiao Sect, and the rest can be put down for the time being.

auzw.com After seeing the reactions of the famous disciples, Xing Tian’s heart was sneered. With Xing Tian’s wisdom, he could see through the thoughts of these arrogant evildoers. For these famous disciples, Xing Tian was even more Disdain, patience is a good thing, but too much patience will only jeopardize one's fighting spirit, and only one's own heart! However, this result also made Xing Tian very satisfied. No one shot, which also means that he does not need to fight again, so he does not need to expose more methods, and he does not have to worry about his own foundation being seen through by others and let himself fall into death. In danger!

"These powerful disciples are really disappointing. All of them have lost their courage and the blood that a cultivator should have. With their current state of mind, even if they can pass the assessment, it will be difficult for them to make a difference in the future. The kid is cruel enough, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, he is really killed out of the grass, and the murderous is terrible, if it is not in his heart, I am afraid that the blow is not to stun the opponent, but to kill directly. It's a pity that his background is too shallow!"

"There is nothing in the background. The juniors of the Transcendence Realm have not really stepped into the door of cultivation, and there are still opportunities to make up. As long as they can pass the assessment, they will naturally be vigorously cultivated by the martial arts. Maybe he is not able to go Peak, but also has extraordinary achievements, will become an important force of the sect, even more promising than you and me!"

A Tianjiao who has come out of the grass, even if it is lacking in aptitude, but his character is strong enough, especially Xing Tian is a way of killing like this, and he is more valued by the sect. You must know that not all Tianjiao evildoers have With such a terrifying combat ability, even if such a Tianjiao can't reach the peak, can't become a sacred powerhouse, but can become an important force of the sect!

"Speaking of it, I really want to see this kid's combat ability. Under one-on-one, I can't see his true combat power. Unfortunately, the powerful disciples are too weak. No one dares to stand up and challenge. Blind their strength!"

"You can't say that. Compared with those who are from casual cultivators, those who are born in small forces, these disciples from famous sects naturally know how to choose. They all know that they are carrying the expectations of the family. For them, it is not a last resort. It is not easy to make a move, and will not offend that sloppy-born junior. This is also a wise choice. It has a good overall view and an extraordinary heart of patience. In contrast, I am optimistic about them!"

Among the managers of the Yunxiao School, they also have different views on this conflict. Some people think that the famous disciples do not have the blood of a practitioner, while others think that this is a wise choice and has a big picture. People's standpoints are different, so their concepts are naturally different, but they are able to maintain a calm attitude, and they are all just talking about things.

"Forget it, we don't have to argue over this little matter. They have not passed the assessment now. It is too early to say anything. If they fail the assessment, naturally there will be no value for discussion. Everything will be discussed after the assessment is over. Well, and all of this can’t be up to you or me. We’re just here to undertake the task of the sect. It is the elders of the sect that really determines their fate, not our little disciples. Whoever can laugh to the end depends on their own Power to decide!"

After the conclusion of the conclusion, the managers who controlled this Yunxiao Sect’s assessment were silent for it. This is a fact, a fact that cannot be changed. It is useless to talk more before the assessment is over, no matter what it is. Whether it’s enthusiastic or wise, it’s worth talking about without passing the assessment. If you want to be qualified to be the object of their discussion, you need to show strong ability in the assessment, at least to pass the assessment, or everything else is false. of!

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