God of Destruction

Chapter 3557: Killing puppet

Chapter 3557: Killing Puppets

After no external provocation, Xing Tian was able to wait for the assessment to arrive. Although there was a little accident in the middle, which offended some ignorant brothers, Xing Tian believed that this accident would be of great help to his subsequent assessment. So overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so Xing Tian didn't care about this accident.

After a short while, perhaps it was the strong people of the Yunxiao faction that when they saw that there were no more conflicts in the square, they finally decided to start the assessment. There were more than a dozen strong people flying in the sky, all of them radiating. With a strong breath, in an instant, everyone in the entire square calmed down, staring at the powerhouses in front of them seriously. They all knew that these powerhouses were all elders from the Yunxiao Sect, and they were real. The big people are big people they can't afford to sin.

Such a strong person, if it is not for recruiting disciples, otherwise it is difficult to see them. They either sit in the secret realms of the Yunxiao Sect or practice in retreat. This shows that the Yunxiao Sect valued the recruitment of disciples once every 100 years. Sending so many strong men to ensure safety, so as not to have accidents, and let these weak Tianjiao enchanting evildoers die in vain.

For the Yunxiao Sect, the Tianjiao evildoers are the future. They will not let their own sect's future die in a careless manner. We must know that there are too many Tianjiao evildoers in those endless years, all because of the sect’s carelessness. Fallen!

Soon a chief examiner stood up and said: "You Tianjiao, this time the assessment task for you is very simple, there is no complicated link, there is only one link, that is, who can defeat this puppet, who can become My outer disciple of the Yunxiao school becomes a member of the school, and the loser is conceited!"

Whoosh! With a soft sound, a huge figure appeared on the ground. It was pitch black and exuded endless ferocity and brutality. It made people feel the terrifying killing machine. It was obvious that this was a real killing machine. .

Xing Tian carefully looked at the huge puppet in front of him. The puppet's body was covered with armor-like scales. Its two claws were as sharp as blades. The body was full of terrifying muscles, full of terrifying power.

"No, this time the assessment is really that simple. Just knock down the puppet?" Some people couldn't believe it, thinking that the assessment task this time was really too simple, thinking that they could easily pass the level with their own ability!

"Simply? Really ignorant, visionless bastard, you don't know how terrifying this puppet is. It is a killing puppet made from the corpse of a chaotic beast. Its whole body is as hard as fine gold. It is an ordinary attack. It doesn't work at all for it. If you don't have enough magical powers and strong offensive power, you won't even be able to break its defenses, let alone defeat it. Do you still think this assessment is simple now?" Those casual cultivators, those Tianjiao from small forces, it is obvious that these background Tianjiao can know the terrible assessment.


For these people in the square, most of them could not stop the blow of this killing puppet. After all, they had not really come into contact with killing and had no strong combat experience. When facing this killing puppet, they would only be affected by that. The terrible murderous intent took the mind!

"Who is willing to come up to accept the assessment now, life and death is conceited, you have to think clearly, this is not a joke." The chief examiner ignored the fear and fear of these people in the square and directly announced the start of the assessment, but for the safety of these people , The examiner still made a reminder, so that these people can be prepared, after all, this is not compulsive, anyone can withdraw!

Without really seeing the terrifying power of this killing puppet, no one will withdraw because of this serious warning, and soon someone will stand up and accept the test, thinking that they are capable of defeating this killing puppet!

At the beginning of the assessment, the killing puppet was activated and let out an astonishing roar, and then swiftly moved towards the examinee like lightning and killed it. The terrifying claws instantly pierced the void and erupted a terrible sound. For the people in the Transcendence Realm, they couldn't see the speed of this killing puppet at all, they just felt a flash of light before their eyes.

"Ah!" The examinee didn't even have a chance to react. He was immediately attacked by this killing puppet. One of his arms was cut to the ground on the spot. When the **** breath radiated, he was lying on the ground. Screaming, at this time his face has lost the previous confidence, and instead is endless fear and grief.

With just one blow, the Tianjiao of the Transcendence Realm was defeated, was severely injured, and lost the ability to fight again, and the exam was not over yet, the killing puppet did not stop at all, and continued to attack. When the instructor stopped everything in time, or when the next blow was the end of the person's life, there would be no possibility of surviving.

In fact, this is also deliberately arranged by the examiner. Otherwise, there will be no such small damage at all. If you don't kill the puppet, it will be a killing. It will not break its arm at all, but directly cut off the opponent's head. .

"The examination failed, the next one will come up!" As the chief examiner, he was very natural with such a result. He grabbed the man who fell on the ground while waving his hand, and threw him behind the medical staff. They help to treat the injury, but they will ignore the psychological trauma. Since they dare to participate in the assessment, they must be psychologically prepared.

For this person, is this assessment really hopeless? No, in fact, the true power of this killing puppet is not as terrifying as everyone thinks. It is just the power of a normal Transcendence Realm. It is a pity that this person has not experienced real killing at all, and has not much combat experience. There was a trace of distraction, so there was such a result.

"How is this possible? A puppet has such a terrifying attack power. Under one face, the person is directly defeated, and one arm is also cut off. This is terrible. You must know that the person also has the late stage of Transcendence. The strength of ah! If it weren’t for the examiner to take action just now, I’m afraid he would really be killed in this one moment. This is just an assessment. It would be too cruel to break his hands and feet at every turn. Such an assessment really applies to us. On human bodies, do we really have the ability to defeat this puppet?"

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