God of Destruction

Chapter 3558: Festival collapse

Chapter 3558: Collapse

Soon, some of the weak-minded people were overwhelmed by the scene before them, and they couldn't help but develop a fear of war. At this time, they seemed to have forgotten a little. No one forced them to participate in the assessment. They wanted to come by themselves, and as a sacred school, how could they recruit ordinary tianjiao, without enough talent, and wishing to join the Yunxiao school, they can only say that they think too much, some are too ignorant, and fundamentally Do not know how to advance or retreat.

cruel? Xing Tian didn’t think it was cruel. Xing Tian had experienced more terrible battles. If he couldn’t bear the impact of this little bit, he couldn’t support A Dou even if he was talented. What major event, the martial art recruits Tianjiao, not soft guys, and does not even have the ability to use hands, so what is the use of recruiting disciples!

Although many people were shocked by the blood at the beginning, the assessment will not stop because of this, and it will continue. It is another person who went up to accept the assessment and fought with this terrifying killing puppet. One person keeps going up and then being thrown down. In just a few dozen breaths, more than a dozen people fail. Their fate is extremely miserable, either with severed arms or severed thighs, one by one. Have been eliminated directly!

In the assessment of these dozens of people, what surprised Xing Tian was that none of them succeeded. This made Xing Tian feel contempt for these arrogances in his heart. The result is not that the enemy is too strong, but that these **** have their own aura after playing. Being suppressed, losing their minds, if they can hold the faith of death and dare to fight for their lives, it is not without a chance of victory. Unfortunately, they have not seen this, and they have not even persisted in the first round.

collapse! Under the impact of such a terrible result, the first group of people with fragile minds soon couldn't hold on, and broke down directly, saying loudly: "If you don't take the exam, this is not an assessment at all. This is simply killing people, so powerful. Puppets are not something we can fight against. Only lunatics will participate in the assessment. I want to quit!"

Although the scene was a bit chaotic, those weak-minded people had retreat, and their roars also affected others, but these powerful people of the Yunxiao faction did not care at all, let them yell there and vent themselves there. The fear in the heart, let this meaning of fear spread, affect the mood of other people, and make more people start to fear and fear!

Seeing this scene, Xing Tian's heart couldn't help but shook his head secretly, and even such a weak mind dared to participate in the assessment. They regarded the sacred sect as something. Didn't these **** enter the virtual world and didn't participate? In the frenzied killing, don't you really feel what it is like to die, or do you mean that these **** have always been in the safe zone!

For such a situation, Xing Tian instantly understood the Yunxiao Sect’s plan. Allowing such a collapsed person to vent there to affect the mood of other people is also part of the assessment. On the surface, there is only one part of the assessment. Defeat that one. Killing the puppets, in fact, when this scene appeared, everything changed, and this terrible psychological burden became part of the assessment.


Of course, for those who are truly powerful, this is nothing at all. They will not be affected by this power. It can be said that this is also a cleanup, sweeping out those with weak minds directly. So as not to waste everyone's time, if everyone in the square is allowed to participate in the assessment, it will take a lot of time for these examiners!

Before long, some people left because of the fear in their hearts and withdrew from this assessment. For them, such an assessment was too cruel. They could not bear the impact. As these people left, it was very cruel. There are half the people in the fast square, so the square has become a bit empty.

Soon, the exam continued. Even if half of the people quit, it will not affect the assessment. Time is slowly passing by. Some people succeed and some fail. Even the people who stayed can bear the share. Pressure, but when faced with this fast-moving puppet, many people still couldn't hold on without the determination to fight to the death.

During this time and again, Xing Tian also saw a lot of talented supernatural powers, which broadened his horizons. Even if he was based on three thousand avenues, this is the highest chaos world, and the same avenues evolved supernatural powers. The difference is that under this kind of assessment, Xing Tian has also gained a great deal, and he has more thoughts and insights about Dao practice!

Although everything is just fur, the fur is better than nothing. Moreover, under the collision of wisdom, Xing Tian also slowly integrated the talented supernatural powers into his own supernatural powers, making his star refiner stronger. More terrible.

Time flies quickly, and finally it is Xingtian’s turn. At this time, all the disciples of famous backgrounds opened their eyes. Looking at Xingtian, they all wanted to see Xingtian’s failure. As long as Xingtian failed, they would be able to vent. The bad breath in my heart, although this may be very low, for those who have failed, they all hold a breath in their hearts, are looking forward to it, and are cursing Xingtian, but their curse is useless, because there is no People are proficient in the Avenue of Curses.

"Come on, this madman is finally going to play, I cursed this **** for failing, not to die!"

"Shut up quietly, it doesn't matter if you want to die, but don't hurt Lao Tzu. If this madman hears it, and he succeeds again, what is waiting for us is a catastrophe. Lao Tzu doesn't want to die, do you understand?" The voice whispered in secret, most of the **** are cursing Xingtian's failure, and they don't want to see Xingtian succeed. Only a few people have expectations in their eyes and want to take the opportunity to see Xingtian's reality. After all, the time before Xingtian shot. Too short!

For the words and actions of these ignorant people in secret, Xing Tian could hear them clearly, but he didn't care about these words at all. For those ignorant people, he felt that Xing Tian might care about them, but in fact they were wrong. For the existence of ants, Xing Tian doesn’t care about his thoughts at all. How can a strong person care about ants like ants? Doesn’t it mean that he has lost his identity, lost his beliefs, and cut his own path of practice? Xing Tian would not do stupid things. Xing Tian was not stupid enough yet, forgot his identity and stood with the ants.

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