God of Destruction

Chapter 3559: Seckill

Chapter 3559: Second Kill

When Xing Tian appeared on the scene, a smile appeared on the examiner's face. After so long, a good disciple was finally recruited. For those who are ignorant, they don’t know the power of Xingtian, but for the chief examiner, it is different. Although he can’t see through Xingtian’s roots or know the secrets of Xingtian, he can feel the hidden in Xingtian’s body. In his eyes, Xing Tian is a monster with powerful talent and powerful fighting ability.

"Although he solved the iron battle just now and showed no small strength, it is only a fighting skill. Facing the terrible defense of this terrible killing puppet, if he does not have sufficient attack power, he cannot succeed. He succeeds. The odds are only 50-50. It's not as terrible as you think. No matter how good your fighting skills are, it won't be possible without sufficient strength as support."

"Indeed, the guy from Iron Wars should have been too careless before, look down on this kid, he will be caught by his flaws and knocked to the ground with one blow, but this killing puppet is different, it has no feelings, and it is not small. Looking at anyone, they have terrible defenses. It is almost impossible to win by just relying on skills. I am not optimistic about this bastard."

"If this kid fails the assessment, then there will be a good show. It is not a joke to offend so many powerful disciples. Once Chi Sun Star is out, it is when he died. He was too arrogant. It is unwise to know how to compromise and plunge oneself into a crisis for a moment.” At this time, those who came from casual cultivators and small forces were also chatting about Xingtian, and they were also jealous of Xingtian. I also want to see Xing Tian’s failure.

Xing Tian didn't have the mind to pay attention to the words of these ignorant people, because this word couldn't shake Xing Tian's will. His figure flashed, and he instantly came to a clearing in front of the killing puppet, his expression was very flat, and there was no tension or tension on his face. Uneasy, everything is so plain and easy, as if he didn't regard this assessment as the same thing, everything was in his own control.

"Unarmed? Don't you need a weapon?" The examiner glanced at Xing Tian and felt a little strange, because Xing Tian didn't carry any weapons or equipment. You know, in order to pass this assessment, other people are basically fully armed. What magic weapon and weapons are all taken out!

Of course, powerful treasures are still forbidden, and only common magic weapons and weapons are allowed. Otherwise, it is not assessing personal strength and talent, but assessing everyone's financial resources, and this is naturally a great advantage to those disciples from the rich and powerful. They will not suffer any resistance at all, after all, even in remote places. , There are also extraordinary treasures!

When hearing the examiner's words, Xing Tian smiled calmly and said: "I don't need any weapons or magic weapons. My fist is the best weapon. External force is always external force. Only when I am strong is truly powerful. I don't need external force. ."

auzw.com bastard, this **** is so crazy, dare to say such words, this is simply slap them in the face, the faces of those famous and powerful people have become even more angry, they They all need to fully arm themselves, but this kid doesn't need it. This is not clear to laugh at their incompetence, but this is not a place where they can make trouble, no matter how great the anger is, they can only endure it, and their hearts can only be vicious. The earth curses Xingtian, hoping that Xingtian will be killed by this killing puppet with one move!

"Okay, courage, determination, yes, you are very good, put a puppet." The chief examiner nodded with satisfaction and announced the start of the examination, and the chief examiner's satisfaction even more annoyed and hated those people from rich and powerful backgrounds. Xingtian.

As soon as the chief examiner's voice fell, this killing puppet's eyes showed a trace of blood in an instant, and the terrible evil spirit gushed out of his body again, and his body rushed towards Xing Tian like lightning. Although the people present watched this situation many times, they still couldn't help but marvel at it now.

Fast, extremely fast, this is the horror of killing puppets. Once activated, the extreme speed will be activated immediately, and the enemy will be caught off guard. The ordinary Transcendence Realm cannot withstand this terrible impact, but for Xingtian, this impact is really not good. What kind of.

In the face of such a terrifying shock, Xing Tian didn’t seem to have seen it, and didn’t react at all. At this moment, some ignorant people couldn’t help but say, “I’ll just say that, this kid is nothing great. His failure was just an accident. Tie Zhan himself was too careless and gave this kid a chance to attack, otherwise how could he win!"

"It makes sense. This kid is lucky. When I met the stupid match of Tie Zhan, we will not be calculated by him at all!" In an instant, all those who hated Xingtian were excited about it. It was incredibly fun, as if he had seen Xing Tian be defeated by this killing puppet, all smiling!

"Star Refining Hand, Dismantle!" Xing Tian shouted, and swiped his right hand directly into the terrible impact of the killing puppet, and then there was a loud bang, only to see that the killing puppet that placed everyone's'hope' had fallen. On the ground, one of its paws was gone, and the body only lost its balance and fell to the ground in the extreme impact.

It was just a moment, just a single blow, to dismantle one of the claws of this killing puppet. How could this be possible? Those Tianjiao evildoers who desperately yearn for Xing Tian's failure are shocked. They can hardly believe everything in front of them. !

After losing his balance, no matter how hard the killing puppet was struggling, it was useless. He couldn't stand up from the ground at all. Xing Tian's attack really managed to attack his weakness. One blow destroyed the killing puppet and made him lost. Combat ability, that is, Xing Tian deliberately hides his own secrets, does not want to expose too much power and cause unnecessary trouble for himself, so he did not explode with all his strength, only used this clever power to break the attack of this killing puppet.

Are fighting skills really useless? Facing this terrible killing puppet, that terrifying defense doesn't make any difference? Now those ignorant people are finally slapped in the face. It’s not that fighting skills are useless, but that they can’t do it at all. They don’t have Xingtian’s terrifying hand speed, let alone Xingtian’s terrifying vision, and they can’t find anyone who kills puppets. weakness!

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