God of Destruction

Chapter 3560: Section isolated

Chapter 3,560, Isolation

"What a terrible shooting speed, what an amazing observation ability, yes, this disciple is really good, and he has such a talent for fighting that is worthy of the martial arts!" When Xing Tian passed the assessment so cleanly, the examiner's eyes He couldn't help showing a hint of shock. He didn't expect Xing Tian to be so crazy. He would directly end the battle with his fighting skills, and slapped those who slandered him, letting them know that it was not their fighting skills, but they. No such ability!

"So powerful, this **** is so powerful, it seems that our hope of revenge is completely shattered!"

"No, his attack is not strong, but his shooting speed and observation power are too terrifying. He was able to grasp the weakness of the killing puppet in an instant and directly successfully overturned this puppet. It seems that this lunatic has thoroughly seen it. If you know everything about this puppet, otherwise you won’t be able to get it in a single blow. You have to admit that Tianjiao who has grown up from killing has very terrifying abilities in battle. The **** of Tie Zhan was defeated without complaint, even if he didn’t. To the effect, it is not the opponent of this lunatic!"

"That’s right, we still don’t provoke such a lunatic in the future, and we can’t afford to provoke it. Even if this lunatic’s background is insufficient, but with his terrible fighting talent, he will also receive strong support from the school. It is necessary to be an enemy of a strong man because of the momentary anger, and to provoke an enemy of life and death for himself!"

Soon the remarks were reversed. The surrounding Tianjiao had to change their minds once again, and had to admit that they were not Xingtian's opponents. Although Xingtian still did not show strong enough attack power in this blow, the terrible hand speed , That terrible power of observation is not something that ordinary people like them can fight against. Even if everyone joins the Yunxiao Sect, their status and status are vastly different. If they don’t even have this vision, then they would be really ignorant and stupid. Up!

With his status as a disciple of the Yunxiao Sect, Xing Tian can initially establish himself in this supreme chaotic world, and he does not have to worry about his own safety. Moreover, even though he has revealed a little bit of power in the assessment this time, he hides deeply for those who are hidden in the dark. For the enemy, Xing Tian is not worthy of their actions. After all, Xing Tian's performance is not against the sky in their eyes. Such a talented talent in fighting is not lacking in the Supreme Chaos World.

Xing Tian didn't care about the reactions of those around him. After passing the assessment, he stood quietly in another area, and in this area are all those who passed the assessment. As long as everything is over, everyone can follow the Yunxiao Sect. The strong man left Chiyang Star, joined the Yunxiao Sect, and entered the new environment to practice.


Because of Xing Tian’s identity and actions before Xing Tian, ​​even Xing Tian performed very well, but no one in this area stood up to communicate with Xing Tian. They didn’t want to offend more people, and didn’t want to make those because of Xing Tian. The disciples who were born in power hated it, after all, not everyone had the terrible fighting ability of Xing Tian.

For the indifference of these people around, Xing Tian also behaved very indifferently. No one bothered him better. He could observe everything in the assessment quietly, draw nourishment from these candidates, and expand his own way, although these people have different strengths. , But no matter whether they are strong or weak, those who can stand here have a certain ability, so Xing Tian can also absorb the nutrients he needs from them, and have a deeper understanding of the rules of the Supreme Chaos World.

While waiting, Xing Tian could not only continue to comprehend the magical powers of the Dao Dao, but also learned a new message from the people around him. The end of this assessment does not mean that their exam is completely over. This is recognized. Residency is just the beginning. After entering the Yunxiao faction, everyone will have to compete for a newcomer ranking to measure their strength and potential!

Of course, this is also a battle to determine everyone's status, but before this, there is another test that more fascinates Xing Tian, ​​and that is the test of savvy talent. All successful people will enter the core of the Yunxiao Sect and understand it. Dao’s magical powers. If someone performs outstandingly in the Dao of Cultivation, they will be directly regarded by the masters of the sect, and will be directly separated from the identity of the outer disciple and become the inner disciple, even the core disciple.

For many forces in remote places, they value talent and bloodline more, but for sacred sects like Yunxiao Sect, they pay more attention to comprehension. It does not matter if there is no strong physical bloodline. As long as they have enough comprehension, they still can Being valued by the sect and being vigorously cultivated by the sect, it is difficult for small forces to solve the blood aptitude, but for a large sect such as Yunxiao Sect, it is nothing. There are enough heaven and earth treasures in the sect to change One's potential.

After hearing these news, Xing Tian gradually understood why he was isolated. The reason is simple. These people are afraid of their terrible fighting ability and worry that they will take away their opportunities. Unfortunately, these people are not at all. Knowing that they are not in the same grade as Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian has never thought about participating in the ranking battle. For Xing Tian, ​​what he wants is the performance of his savvy talent. Only in this way can he be vigorously cultivated by the school, and he can There are enough resources to improve one's combat power and improve one's realm. You must know that to build a foundation with three thousand avenues, Xingtian lacks resources most.

With a strong enough intellect talent and a terrifying fighting talent, Xing Tian believes that the Yunxiao faction will definitely nurture himself, and he will also attach importance to the protection of his own safety. Before he does not have strong enough abilities, he will not let it easily. If you leave the Yunxiao faction, you won't have any dangerous tasks to yourself, so you can have enough time to improve yourself.

For ordinary Tianjiao evildoers, they all focused their attention on the newcomer's ranking battle, but for Xing Tian, ​​they had ignored the ranking battle and directly focused on the part of the insight talent, because of this The ring is the most important thing. As long as you have a strong enough savvy talent, any problem will be solved in a short time, and it will not become your own problem. There is only one opportunity. Xing Tian doesn't want to waste it. You have to know that this is the best choice to hide his biggest secret, so that he can resolve all crises. Besides, Xing Tian can't think of any other good way to hide himself!

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