God of Destruction

Chapter 3561: Blood Day

Chapter 3561 Blood Oath

"Boy, you can hear all of you. After you enter the Yunxiao Sect, show your talents for understanding. Your insight is enough to shock everyone. As long as you can successfully impress the seniors of the Yunxiao Sect, you can become a core disciple. The destiny will undergo a fundamental change. I hope you can do your best to impress the hearts of the Yunxiao sect and get the full attention of the senior sect. Only in this way can you turn your huge background into your own foundation. Grow up quickly, otherwise the foundation cast by your huge background will only become a big burden for your own strength breakthrough!"

Although Zi Xing's remarks were alarmist, Xing Tian attached great importance to his own situation. Xing Tian's heart was clear. Although the supreme foundation cast by the Three Thousand Great Dao has endless potential, it is now just as Zi Xing said. Those who got it also became a huge burden for his sudden breakthrough, forcing him to spend his mind to prepare more resources.

Xing Tian smiled indifferently, and said: "I understand that it is not practical for you to remind you. I also understand in my heart that if my roots are not too deep, the gains from my previous virtual world trips are enough to make me go further. You have to urgently need the huge source of origin as your own cultivation capital, and this time you can only start from the Yunxiao School!"

Time flies quickly. Although there are many candidates in the Red Sun Star, the Yunxiao School’s assessment methods have allowed most of them to retreat. Naturally, there will be much less left, and the speed will be much faster. For the Yunxiao Sect, what they need is the strong, not the weak, who can really stand alone, and those who want to stay at Chiyang Star for some time, so that they can have enough time to fit the environment, this idea they made a mistake. The powerhouses of the Yunxiao faction do not give them such an opportunity at all. In one day, all the assessments are over. If no one participates in the assessment during this day, it will be considered as an automatic withdrawal. The Yunxiao faction will ignore them. Will not extend the assessment time.

When all the people who succeeded in the assessment stood in this square, there were a large number of densely populated areas, as many as four to five thousand people, but compared with the huge number of candidates, this number is not worth mentioning. It's a ratio of none, or even a larger proportion. This shows how terrifying and harsh the assessment of the Yunxiao School is!

Do people who fail have a chance? It is very difficult, almost impossible. If they still want to join the Sacred School, they can only choose other schools. The Yunxiao School has almost eliminated their hope. For all examinees, there is only one opportunity. Once they have missed it. , Then it will be difficult to succeed, unless they can have another great opportunity!

"Well, from now on, you will be the disciples of my Yunxiao Sect, and belong to our Yunxiao Sect. From then on, you must not harm each other and must unite. This is the iron law, and no one can violate it." The examiner shouted in a deep voice, his The sound is like thunder, constantly oscillating, and it seems to contain strong spiritual coercion. It resonates with the sky and the earth, and it is transmitted to the minds of every examinee in this square. It is used on their souls as a warning of the sect. .

auzw.com Suddenly, everyone present felt awe-inspiring in their hearts, with tremendous pressure exerted on their bodies and souls, and they had to instinctively replied: "Yes, absolutely No violation!"

At this moment, although Xing Tian also felt the impact of this soul, Xing Tian’s soul power could withstand the impact, but Xing Tian did not do so, but allowed that power to be added to himself and follow everyone else. Answered. Xing Tian is not a fool. Naturally, he understands what will happen if he makes private resistance at this time. Don’t think that you can cover up everything. These strong men are not decorations. Everyone in the square is in their sense. If you do, no matter how talented you are, you will be excluded from the core circle of the Yunxiao School, because no school is willing to recruit white-eyed wolves.

"Okay, very good, as long as you can understand it, and now you start to make the blood oath." The chief examiner said in a deep voice.

At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel a faint resistance in his heart. He already knew through Zixing that the blood oath of heaven is the supreme law of the supreme chaotic world. Once he swears, he must not be disobeyed, otherwise he will suffer the backlash of the origin of the universe. Every disciple who enters the sacred sect must pass this hurdle, and he must swear not to betray the teacher’s sect, violate the rules of the sect, or be condemned by the heavens. This is why the sacred sect is always strong s reason!

However, there are exceptions to everything. The Heavenly Blood Oath cannot really completely lock up all living beings. No matter how powerful the law is, there are flaws. There are countless secrets in the Supreme Chaos World. Naturally, there will be power to regulate the Heavenly Blood Oath. For the vast majority of people, this heavenly blood oath is a curse that prevents them from breaking free.

"The supreme chaos is above, and the origin of the chaos is proof. We take our hard work as a lesson, willingly join the Yunxiao Sect, and voluntarily abide by the rules of the Yunxiao Sect. If there is a betrayal of the Master's door, it will be bombarded by the heavens, and the soul will be scattered, and we will never be transcended."

Above the square, every examinee made a vow of heaven, and at the same time they split their fingers, and a drop of bright red blood dripped onto the ground. In an instant, a huge magic circle rose on the square, bursting out with a ray of light, covering everyone! In an instant, an ancient and mysterious aura descended from the void, wrapping up everyone in the entire private room, responding to everyone's blood oath of heaven and recognizing the previous oath.

And at this moment, everyone can feel that there is a shackle on their soul. This is the power condensed by the blood oath of heaven. This power will not affect everyone's cultivation, just do it. The power to bind the rules exists in the soul-knowledge sea of ​​everyone, preventing them from making actions that violate their oath!

"Very well! After you have taken the oath of heaven, you are truly disciples of my Yunxiao Sect. You are protected by my Yunxiao Sect. Now everyone comes with this elder. We should leave here and return to the martial arts. This is for you. It’s just a transition. The Yunxiao Sect is the root of all of you, and that’s where you practice, where you will be able to get everything you want! As long as you can show strong enough talent, magical skills, and secret techniques, Resources will be open to you!"

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