God of Destruction

Chapter 3563: Section selection

Chapter 3563 Selection

"Go in." The elder of the Yunxiao faction didn't say much, because he didn't need to say too much at this time. The opportunities are all in the hands of these newly recruited disciples. If they can't grasp the opportunities, it's useless to say more. , So he knotted his hands, and instantly a golden light flew from his hands and fell on the barrier in front of him.

Boom! With a soft sound, a huge golden portal appeared from the frontier in an instant. Everyone stepped into the frontier without hesitation. When all the newly recruited disciples entered, the front door instantly disappeared. No outsiders are allowed to step in. If anyone dares to believe in evil and wants to try it, they will face a death blow from the enchantment!

This is the importance of the Yunxiao Sect. No amount of defense can be overstated. It seems that there are unimaginable defenses in this ordinary enchantment. I don't know how many invaders who tried to enter have died. Under the attack of the enchantment, he killed his life in this terrifying cloud star, becoming another undead among the cloud star.

"This is the place of inheritance, this is the inheritance stone wall!" Xing Tian squinted his eyes and looked forward. He immediately saw a huge stone wall placed in front of him. Although it was only a naked eye, Xing Tian immediately It can be known that there are tens of thousands of inheritance here, from the weakest in front of the door to the strongest inside, the three thousand avenues of magical powers are almost there.

Xing Tian can know the strength and weakness of the supernatural powers, because he has a powerful soul and can feel the breath from the stone wall of the inheritance, and this is something other newcomers can’t do. After all, not everyone has Xingtian’s firm will. Not everyone has Xingtian’s horrible soul origin, and can sense it across borders. You must know that every inheritance here has its own uniqueness. If you change someone, make such a crazy behavior as Xingtian, I’m afraid you will be horrified in an instant. The aura of inheritance destroys one's own mind, and the soul will be severely damaged in an instant, and the great opportunity of this time to understand the inheritance will be lost.

Xing Tian is very clear about this. Xing Tian knows this very well. Although these inheritances outside are relatively weak, they are not the strongest inheritance in the depths. It does not mean the weakness of the realm, but the weakness of the attacking power. There are still many great inheritances of supernatural powers outside this.

With just a cursory scan, Xing Tian can know that this area is roughly divided into three areas, dealing with different directions of cultivation. For Xing Tian, ​​he needs to make a choice, whether to explore the road of refining the devil here, or The road to the world, and even the road to spiritual practice, is short, and there is not much time left for Xing Tian.

Fortunately, before entering the Yunxiao Sect, Xing Tian made a choice. The road to refining the Demon God is what he needs most now. Although he has the inheritance of Thunder from the virtual world, this is Xing Tian’s own secret. Xing Tian didn’t want to be exposed, and the god-given inheritance of chaos real body Xing Tian received could contain almost all avenues of body refining, and could even evolve other avenues of cultivation. What Xing Tian needs most now is combat power. The path of the Demon God is most suitable.


Compared with the impatient newcomers, one by one quickly moved forward, while Xing Tian was slowly moving his body, carefully looking at every inheritance stone wall around, feeling the true meaning of it, although it would be greatly It consumes Xingtian’s time, but it can make Xingtian truly memorize the true meaning of the great path, even if it is just a little contact, it will also have great benefits for Xingtian to perfect his own god-given and inherit the chaotic real body, and Xingtian’s behavior directly makes He fell to the end.

Gradually, Xing Tian walked through all the inheritances of the body-refining demon **** in the first area and felt all the magical powers. It seemed that the breath of this first area was the weakest, but after Xing Tian really felt all the inheritance, he couldn't help but be shocked. Almost most of the magical powers in this first area are auxiliary magical powers, only a small part is attack and defense. In an instant, Xing Tian finally understood the true meaning of the words of the elder before entering this heritage. .

What is the most important thing for the new beginner disciple, is that powerful inheritance? No, it is a resource, and the auxiliary supernatural power is relatively speaking, although he will not get strong attacks and defenses, but he can have a strong foundation and consolidate his own foundation. Even if almost all newcomers have a god-given inheritance, the god-given inheritance does not Not all have the ability to assist.

Yin and Yang, the five elements, death, life, time, space, destiny, cause and effect, the auxiliary supernatural powers of the many paths of the evolution of the heavens are available here, Xing Tian took a deep breath, I should choose which supernatural powers to inherit, if I say the best The supernatural powers of life-saving are naturally the evolution of heaven, but this is not what Xingtian needs most. Although time, space, destiny, and cause and effect are extremely powerful, it is difficult for one to comprehend in a short period of time. After all, such supernatural powers are the most difficult to comprehend. Death, life, yin and yang, and the five elements are the inheritances of these magical powers. Death and life have good attack and auxiliary abilities. After thinking about it for a while, Xing Tian still excluded them, because these two inheritances of magical powers have huge Constraints require a corresponding treasure to practice, so all Xingtian can choose is the inheritance of yin and yang and the five elements, which are also the most suitable for him.

Although the five elements supernatural powers are the most basic inheritance supernatural powers, as Xing Tian who has practiced the three thousand great avenues, he naturally understands how terrifying and powerful the supernatural powers are after truly mastering the five element supernatural powers and integrating them into one body. There are almost no geographical restrictions on the five elements' magical powers, and any environment is condensed by the five elements.

When carefully inspecting the inheritance of the five elements supernatural powers, the best is the inheritance of the five emperors, but unfortunately this supernatural power is divided into five parts, so Xing Tian shook his head involuntarily and had to give up. It should be said that the five emperors supernatural powers are actually the most suitable for Xingtian now. Unfortunately, time is limited, Xing Tian can only comprehend one kind of magical powers, so the incomplete inheritance of the five emperors' magical powers is greatly reduced.

In the end Xing Tian chose the inheritance of yin and yang supernatural powers. Compared with the multitude of five element supernatural powers, there are only a few yin and yang supernatural powers. Xing Tian learned a little bit and chose the most suitable inheritance stone walls. Although Xing Tian does not know the material of these stone walls, But being able to withstand a strong inheritance is definitely not a mortal thing, Xing Tian still knows this!


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