God of Destruction

Chapter 3564: Festival blow

Chapter 3564: Strike

When he saw a yin and yang picture of the stone wall heritage, Xing Tian's heart was suddenly moved, and there was a faint heartbeat about this heritage. If you change to another new student, you may not know what this means, but for Xing Tian It is very clear, it is obvious that this yin and yang picture of the stone wall inheritance can be harmonious with one's own practice and has the greatest degree of integration.

With a move of his mind, Xing Tian stopped and stood quietly in front of the stone wall, devoting his mind to the inheritance, to understand the strength of the inheritance left on the stone wall, and to understand what is in the inheritance. The power of the hidden Dao’s original rules fluctuates, and the power of understanding its most fundamental true meaning, because only understanding the true meaning is the most fundamental.

When Xing Tian stopped, many of the elders of the Yunxiao Sect who were observing secretly were shocked. They did not expect anyone to stop in the first area to realize the weakest inheritance of supernatural powers, but soon they all Nodded, I am very satisfied with Xingtian's choice. The best choice is the one that suits him. The first area can be said to be the choice for newcomers, but unfortunately none of these newcomers can understand this truth. Most of them stay in the second. A small part of the area has entered the third area to find a more powerful inheritance of supernatural powers. Although in those endless years, many Tianjiao have succeeded and truly realized the supernatural powers of the third area, but All you get is just fur, and more of your chances are wasted!

"Yes, this disciple has a very good temperament. If he has a strong enough understanding, his harvest will be the most among this group of newly recruited disciples. If he can show good talent, such a disciple is worthy of vigorous cultivation. !"

Xing Tian didn’t know that everything about himself was seen by the secret elder. For Xing Tian, ​​although he was eager to show his powerful savvy talents and also wanted to enter the third area, compared to the usefulness of the inheritance in front of him. Xing Tian still gave up those thoughts. Perhaps it would make him unable to perform the best, but what suits him is the best. If only for the recognition of the sect, and give up this choice, it may not be for himself. Most beneficial!

The stone wall in front of Xing Tian's eyes was huge, like a huge millstone, with a diameter of several hundred meters. At first glance, it looked huge, standing like a giant. There are dense black and white lines on the stone wall, intertwined with each other, forming yin and yang poles, like two yin and yang fish entangled with each other. One black, one white. One day, one place. One Yin, one Yang. One life, one death! On the stone wall of this inheritance, Xing Tian almost felt all the fluctuations in the inheritance of yin and yang, and this result made Xing Tian's heart excited.

This is a comprehensive inheritance. The inheritance left in the stone wall of this inheritance includes almost all the opposing laws. It can be seen that the strong man who left the stone wall of the inheritance is an extremely powerful sacred person who is proficient in many opposing laws. At this time, Xing Tian finally understood why he had a slight heartbeat, because this was the most suitable for him.

auzw.com"Okay, it’s really great. I didn’t expect such a strong heritage to stay in this first area. It seems that the fluctuations on this stone wall are very weak, but This is not because the inheritance is not strong enough, but the yin and yang attributes have caused the fluctuating forces to be offset by each other. Such inheritance is definitely capable of falling into the third area!"

On this stone wall, it also seems to represent the nature of the chaotic world, like day and night, like the sky and the earth, like light and darkness, like heat and cold, like death and life, opposed to each other, but merged with each other, symbolizing The way of balance. And balance, this is the most basic law of all worlds.

Standing in front of this stone wall, Xing Tian could see the intertwined lines of yin and yang, could see this black and white pattern, and could feel the opposition of yin and yang. For a moment, Xing Tian felt a vast and ancient breath descending on his soul. The above is evolving the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, evolving the Great Avenue of the Universe, and explaining the mysteries of heaven and earth to Xing Tian.

Use your mind and soul to perceive the inheritance of the Great Dao. Although the most effective and fastest, there is a prerequisite, one's own soul, one's own mind, and one's own will can withstand the terrible pressure from the inheritance stone wall. Collapse under pressure!

The powerful force instantly acted on Xingtian’s soul and body, causing Xingtian’s soul to tremble, and at this moment, the road of thunder that had been stuck in the sea of ​​soul knowledge of Xingtian passed on and spread. A strong breath came out, consolidating Xing Tian's soul consciousness, and blocking this terrifying power of inheritance for Xing Tian.

Although it was only a brief contact, Xing Tian really had to endure a great crisis, just a breath, Xing Tian felt that his body was under extreme pressure, every bone was trembling, a terrible pain It rushed to Xing Tian's heart, it came not only from the body, but also from the soul!

"It hurts. This inheritance is really terrible. It was just a breath that caused such terrible pressure on me. If it hadn't touched the inheritance of the road of thunder, this time I'm afraid I will really be planted! I'm still too careless, too self-righteous. It seems that those previous experiences have made me feel arrogant. This is not a good thing!"

With Xingtian’s wisdom, he quickly understood his own mistakes. This is not a small mistake. It almost threatens his life. Fortunately, this is a place of inheritance. Fortunately, there is that powerful thunder in the sea of ​​soul knowledge. The inheritance, otherwise, this time I really made a big mistake, almost ruining my future and losing the future.

Although Xing Tian doesn’t know the outcome of failure, it is conceivable that if he falls directly without gain, no matter how great potential he has, no matter how talented he is, he will not be able to show it, and he will fall into the elder of the Yunxiao School. Naturally, in the eyes of Xingtian, he became a general arrogant with no potential and no talent. Naturally, he would not get the attention of the sect, not to mention the vigorous training of the sect and the loss of resources. With the terrible foundation of Xingtian, it is difficult to regain There is a day in the making. Opportunity cannot be missed, and loss never comes. This sentence is applicable at all times, even for Xingtian now. There is only one opportunity. If you miss it, you miss it. It will only prove that you have no luck. !

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