God of Destruction

Chapter 3565: Festival crazy

Chapter 3565: Crazy

Qi Luck is also a proof of the evil spirits of Tianjiao. Without strong Qi Luck, there will be no chances. Even if the chance is delivered to the hand, if there is no Qi Luck blessing, it will pass by the chance, just like every Yunxiao Sect. Just like recruiting new disciples, it will open a place of inheritance and let all the Tianjiao evildoers participate. Some talents who are not top talents can have amazing performances. This is the addition of luck. Naturally, they will be valued by the sect and will get the sect. Vigorous cultivation!

Not only Xing Tian made such a move, in the entire land of inheritance, among all the new disciples, many disciples of casual cultivators and small forces did not know the situation in the land of inheritance, and they did the same. They didn’t have the terrible power of Xingtian, and they didn’t have the fortune to add to their bodies. They all ended up in failure. They couldn’t stand the pressure from the terrible power of inheritance on the stone wall, and they just Falling down, there is no chance of screaming.

In the circumstances of these people, there is not enough time to recuperate the mind, and I am afraid that it is difficult to recover the impact from the mind and soul. After all, it is not a general inheritance, but a inheritance from a sacred powerhouse, all of which are powerful. The power of true will, if these people choose the first area and stand in this area that is almost completely auxiliary to supernatural powers like Xing Tian, ​​they still have a chance. Unfortunately, these people are all higher than the sky, and they all want to get a powerful inheritance, so Their choice was destined to miss this opportunity and wasted the goodwill of the Yunxiao Sect. With their talent and luck, it would be difficult to come in again.

"It's really stupid. I dare to use God's knowledge and soul to understand the inheritance of the stone wall. I really don't know whether to live or die. Don't they know that it has the spiritual imprint left by the sacred powerhouse? There is even the sacred and strong road imprint. At this level of ours, this little power can't be resisted at all. If we want to reach the sky in one step, it will only make ourselves die faster!" Someone said with a sneer.

"It's not to blame these ignorant civilians. Where do they have the qualifications to come into contact with such top secrets? They don't even know the power of this inheritance, let alone our juniors. Even the strong do not dare to be so crazy. Fortunately they It’s just a little bit of backlash. If the power of the whole inheritance is induced, they have already died of death. For us, we can only observe a small part, slowly realize, and cannot watch as a whole, even with mind and soul. Come and feel it. Otherwise, our minds and souls will simply not be able to withstand the terrible impact. Now these well-known civilians are just in a coma, which is a great fortune in misfortune."

"That's right, but they also missed the opportunity to pass on their perception this time. After they regained consciousness, they would regret why they missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This is an adventure that will never happen again."

"Hey, what does this have to do with us, we still have to quickly understand the inheritance of Shek Pik, if there is no understanding, we will only have a short day, and after one day, we will be driven out of this inheritance place."

auzw.com "Yes, ignore these idiots, we don’t have time to waste on them."

I have to say that there are always people who are happy for disasters. Some disciples who think they are very clever and powerful when they see the fallen disciples can’t help but ridicule each other, but they don’t even know that they are. This kind of reaction was also seen in the eyes of the elders of the sect. If they didn't have any amazing feelings, they would also be eliminated!

This is not because they are not united in the same family, but because their minds are too confused. They clearly know that this is a great opportunity, and they still have the mind to observe others and distract others. Such behavior itself is a great mistake, it is right. Own irresponsibility!

Even under such a great opportunity, they can’t concentrate fully, can’t calmly understand the Dao, such Tianjiao disciples have no value in training, because their hearts are too messed up, this is their innate shortcoming, so they don’t have astonishing feelings. They won't enter the eyes of those sect elders, unless they have a larger background, have a strong background in the Yunxiao sect, and have long been internally designated as disciples of a certain sect elder, and have become inner disciples.

For Xing Tian, ​​although the power of the Avenue of Thunder blocked the terrible impact for himself, the pressure Xing Tian himself endured was amazing and he also felt extremely painful, but Xing Tian was able to rely on his firm belief Persevere with a strong will, feel the power of inheritance under this pressure, and feel the mark of the road from the inheritance stone wall.

Under the terrible pressure, Xing Tian carefully felt the power of the terrible inheritance brand on the stone wall. Every pattern contains terrible true meaning and hides the terrible rules of the great road. Xing Tian is now caught in an endless siege. In the middle, he was constantly bearing the impact from the lines on the stone wall, but it was such a terrifying impact, but he did not scare off Xing Tian, ​​did not make Xing Tian give up the determination to use his mind to understand the inheritance, Xing Tian still continued under pressure.

Crazy, I have to say that Xing Nai is really crazy. He knows the horror and danger of inheriting the stone wall, but he has to go his own way and continue to take risks. Such a crazy choice is really hard to understand. If such a crazy choice is known by the elders, I'm afraid they will all be moved by it, but it is a pity that the great aura on Xing Tian's body conceals all of this, and no one feels Xing Tian's impropriety, and no elder can know Xing Tian's crazy actions at this time.

The power of the origin of the great roads is constantly impacting their souls, impacting the sea of ​​consciousness of their own souls, and although these attacks will gradually be resolved, the true meaning has been recorded one by one and stayed. Xingtian’s soul knowledge deepens Xingtian’s perception and understanding of these avenues. Although it is only a little bit of fur at this stage, this little bit of fur has given Xingtian a huge harvest. With these true meanings, Xingtian will Can gather more accumulation, make one's own avenue more perfect, and have an amazing understanding of the magical powers on the inherited stone wall.

Of course, if you want to fully understand the true meaning of the yin-yang avenue in this heritage stone wall, Xing Tian needs a huge amount of time, and whether Xing Tian can have such an opportunity, everything depends on his own performance and his own inheritance of the yin-yang avenue. If Xing Tian can induce the resonance of the inheritance stone wall, then there will be unlimited time to comprehend this inheritance.

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