God of Destruction

Chapter 3566: Festival of Yin and Yang

Chapter 3566: Inheritance of Yin and Yang

There is a special rule in the Yunxiao School. As long as the new disciple can induce the resonance of the inheritance stone wall, he can stay in this inheritance place indefinitely, and he can quietly feel the magical powers of the great road on the inheritance stone wall until he gets from there. Awaken up from the sentiment, and even if this person really got a trace of the true meaning of inheritance, he can continue to stay in the land of inheritance. This is the cultivation of the real Tianjiao evildoer by Yunxiao Party, which can give them unlimited benefits.

Among the entire Yunxiao Sect, no one would believe that a new beginner disciple can directly comprehend all the inheritance on the stone wall every time they touch the inheritance stone wall, and can directly understand the true meaning of the great power of the Dao. If such an existence appears, then It is not Tianjiao evildoer, but the invincible evildoer who has swept through the whole life, and Ning Chan's existence will all become the supreme power of human civilization! For them, Yunxiao Party is just a starting point. If there are Ning Chan's invincible evildoers in the martial art, the whole martial art will get huge benefits, and will be rewarded by the high level of human civilization, making the martial art more powerful!

"Damn it, what is the inheritance of this yin and yang supernatural power? How can it be so chaotic? Could it be said that this yin and yang supernatural power has directly pointed to the true meaning of the yin-yang avenue and has touched the origin of the yin-yang avenue?" Xing Tian couldn't help but born in his heart. Such a terrible thought, because this Yin-Yang Dao inheritance is really terrifying. Even with the Thunder Dao’s inheritance bodyguard, Xing Tian still cannot fully digest the true meaning of this inheritance, and it is difficult to condense all the origins of the lines into a powerful Yin-Yang magical power.

If Xing Tian had to condense magical powers, it was only the magical powers contained in the lines, not Yin-Yang magical powers at all. How could this situation not shock Xing Tian, ​​such a terrible inheritance on the stone wall made Xing Tian have to give birth to such crazy thoughts.

Directly pointing to the inheritance of the true meaning of Yin Yang Dao, even if this inheritance is only sacred, but this is also an amazing opportunity, it will make everyone crazy about it, and it will also bring countless benefits to Xing Tian. Inheritance of supernatural powers is a fusion of many opposing Dao origins. Once Xing Tian has truly mastered the inheritance of this divine power, it also means that Xing Tian directly touches dozens of Dao origins, even more, which is more beneficial to Xing Tian's own perfection of the divine inheritance.

With three thousand bones, Xing Tian didn’t even grasp the number of slaps. This shows how powerful and terrifying the god-given Chaos True Body that Xing Tian received is. And if Xing Tian succeeds this time, he will directly have it. The opportunity to advance by leaps and bounds. It's just that Xing Tian wants to succeed, it is not an easy task, and he needs to be able to persist to the end.

Persistence is victory. Only by persisting to the end, and only by comprehending the origin of the avenue contained in all the lines in the entire inheritance stone wall, will I have the opportunity to truly touch the true magical powers of this inheritance stone wall and obtain this complete yin and yang. The inheritance of the Great Dao can make oneself soar into the sky, setting the supreme foundation for one's next practice.

auzw.com With Xing Tian’s constant persistence and constantly antagonizing the terrifying power of inheritance in the stone wall, Xing Tian’s mind has gradually been thrown into his sentiment, and with Xing Tian’s madness, There is a faint yin and yang energy on his body, and the inheritance stone wall in front of him has also undergone amazing changes. The black and white yin and yang fish began to move. Although their swimming is very slow, the yin and yang fish move. , So that the entire heritage Shek Pik seemed to come alive.

At this time, Xing Tian’s soul knowledge finally has a new change, a powerful force is condensing, Xing Tian finally feels a trace of the fur of Yin-Yang Avenue, but this fur is extraordinary, and can be compared with Xing Tian His own avenue of stars coincides. In Xingtian’s soul-knowledge sea, his soul is changing, holding the sun in one hand and the moon in the other. The two opposing laws of sun and lunar are gradually merging, and a trace of yin and yang is in Xing Tian’s souls gathered in the sea of ​​knowledge.

At this time, Xingtian’s Avenue of Stars was also attracted by this yin and yang force. The origin of his own stars became violent, and merged with the power of the lunar sun, making Xingtian’s Avenue of Stars also undergo a slight change, and many stars began. According to Xing Tian’s original Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array began to evolve, although this evolution is very weak, after all, Xing Tian’s Zhou Tian Xing Dou Array came from the prehistoric, not the highest chaotic world, so the original force that can be attracted is naturally A little weak.

No matter how weak Xing Tian’s Zhoutian Star Array is, it is also a comprehensive avenue of stars. The array that evolved based on the lunar sun gradually came alive, forming a black and white two giant dragons that lay across their souls. In the sea of ​​knowledge, roaring constantly, as if to blend into Xing Tian's soul, into his own avenue!

"This is the yin and yang avenue contained in the inheritance stone wall? It is so mysterious and incredible. It directly inspired my avenue of stars and gave me a little advancement in the avenue of stars." Xing Tian in Zhong sighed involuntarily. He really gained a lot this time. Not to mention the insights of Yin-Yang Dao, only the advancement of Star Dao, it is a huge gain, which can make Xing Tian above the level of cultivation in the future. Take many detours and condense more of the origin!

When Xing Tian felt a trace of the true meaning of the Yin-Yang Avenue, when the Yin-Yang Avenue inheritance stone wall came alive, many elders who had been observing secretly were moved by it, because when the Yin-Yang Avenue stone wall came alive, there was a hint of Yin-Yang Avenue breath. It appeared in their feelings, letting them understand that a new disciple realized a trace of the true meaning of inheriting the stone wall!

For all the elders, they will immediately think of those Tianjiao evildoers who have entered the third area. In their view, they have confidence and can persist for so long. They must have extraordinary understanding, but when they look carefully After a while, they were disappointed. No one in the third area realized a trace of the true meaning of the road of inheritance!

It seems that this Tianjiao evildoer is in the second area, which is not bad. The inheritance of the second area is also strong enough. Each of these elders are comforting themselves and finding a reasonable explanation for themselves, so they will Focusing on the disciples in the second area, you must know that the number of new disciples in the second area is the largest, and the slightly clever people choose to feel the great inheritance in this area.

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