God of Destruction

Chapter 3567: Yin and Yang Patriarch

Chapter 3567: Yin and Yang Patriarch

The second area, for these new beginner disciples, is an area that is inadequate and has a surplus. In their hearts, this is also the most suitable choice for them. Although they cannot get the greatest benefits, they can have More opportunities.

When the elders who secretly observed all the disciples in the second area, they were disappointed. The disciple who felt the avenue of yin and yang was not among them, which made them feel a suspicion in their hearts. Did I feel wrong, because this yin and yang fluctuation does not fit the heritage aura of the first area.

How many people in the first area are feeling the inheritance? There is only Xing Tian, ​​and these elders don’t need to waste time investigating one by one. They directly focused on Xing Tian’s body, and they were shocked. They felt a trace of Yin and Yang fluctuations in Xing Tian’s body, and felt a trace of the origin of Yin and Yang. Breath.

"That’s right, it’s this disciple. I didn’t expect that this little guy was the first to realize a trace of the origin of the Great Dao of Inheritance? It’s just that this inheritance seems a bit wrong. This is the first area. There shouldn’t be such a terrifying inheritance. Yes, and this is not like an auxiliary inheritance at all, but a powerful attack inheritance. What is going on?"

When Xingtian realized the true meaning of Yin-Yang Avenue, someone finally couldn't help but lose his voice in surprise. To him, it was really incredible and unacceptable. It appeared in the first area. Such a powerful inheritance, and their elders didn't even know it, this is simply slap in the face!

"No, this is the inheritance in the first area, but you have forgotten it, or you never thought of it. If I mention a name, you will know the origin of this inheritance, and you will understand everything in front of you. Yin and Yang ancestor!" said an elder who carried a long sword and was full of sword aura. There is a terrifying sword aura in this elder's body. Endless sense of sharpness.

When this voice fell, the face of the elder who spoke suddenly changed drastically. He finally understood and lost his voice, "Yin and Yang Patriarch, can it be said that the legend is true? The Yin and Yang Patriarch once received a stone wall of inheritance. , And realized the powerful yin and yang magical power "yin and yang mirror", and this inheritance stone wall was obtained by the ancestor of yin and yang? "

"No, it's impossible. I don't believe that the legend is true. If you know that the ancestor of Yin and Yang has obtained this inheritance stone wall, he is the only one who has realized the terrifying and invincible magical power of the'Yin and Yang Mirror', and everyone else Nothing is achieved, even a person with a strong understanding, even a person with a yin and yang divine body, has not realized it successfully. This must be false!"


"Hmph, ignorance, you are really ignorant and terrible. What is the invincible magical power of'Yin-Yang Mirror', which can condense the true meaning of Yin-Yang life and death. The shadow mirror shows the death of death, and the Yang mirror shows good fortune! How can such a powerful magical power be a common Tianjiao evildoer? As far as I can comprehend, in my opinion, this kid is very likely to comprehend the invincible magical power of'Yin and Yang Mirror'!"

Just as the elder’s words fell, suddenly Xing Tian’s body changed. Xing Tian, ​​who was sitting on the ground, had a Yin-Yang Tai Chi picture above his head, and a vision appeared in that Tai Chi picture. A full moon is in the sky, a sun rises eastward, and the yin and yang aura condenses into a powerful vision of supernatural powers, and the appearance of the vision means that Xing Tian has already entered the inheritance!

When such a situation occurred, the elders were dumbfounded again. They were all shocked by Xingtian's talent. What kind of enchanting understanding is this, so that he can get the yin and yang supernatural powers in such a short period of time, but Xingtian The magical powers that I have realized are obviously not the “yin-yang mirror” that everyone discussed before, but the Taiyin Sun, this extreme magical power, and it has a slight connection with the Avenue of Stars. Could it be that everyone thinks wrong? There are other powerful inheritances in the magical powers!

"How could this happen? This is not a vision of Yin Yang mirror at all. There are inheritance stone cliffs in this inheritance place that we don't know?" At this moment, many elders could not help but have doubts in the hearts of Xing Tian. Startled by the vision.

"No, it's not that we were wrong. There is indeed no other yin and yang inheritance in this first area. This is the side of the inheritance stone wall left by the ancestor of yin and yang. The ancestor of yin and yang once said that this inheritance The stone wall has a long history and has a heritage that directly points to the true meaning of the Yin-Yang Dao. The'Yin-Yang Mirror' he felt is only one of them. It is only after the ancestors of Yin-Yang that no one can understand this inheritance. The kid has now completed this amazing move, once again successfully comprehending the new inheritance of magical powers, perhaps this is his yin and yang road!"

Suddenly, the previous elder who was mainly engaged in kendo said, "Taiyin Sun, day and month, this kid is really amazing. Perhaps the yin and yang supernatural powers he felt are not weaker than the yin and yang ancestors, or even have them, you know The yin-yang avenue of the ancestor of yin and yang focuses on life and death, and this kid is centered on the yin and the sun. This time he really had to recruit a real evildoer. As long as he does not fall, he will become the next ancestor of yin and yang. At least they are all a sacred powerhouse. We should train him vigorously. You shouldn't fight with me. I will accept this kid!"

"Fart! What qualifications do you have to say so, don't forget, you are a kendo, this kid is mainly based on the Yin and Yang Dao, what do you use to teach him, if you say that this kid should become my disciple, Although I am not cultivating yin and yang supernatural powers, I focus on condensing the Five Elements Dao, and I can instruct this kid to practice normally!"

"What are you striving for? What is controversial? According to me, we should wait until this kid's cultivation is over before making a decision. Let this kid choose by himself, the Yin and Yang supernatural powers. Relying on your own efforts, apprenticeship can only give him a good reputation and give him a little more resources. It doesn’t really matter who worships as a teacher! What matters is what choices he makes. You can Don’t overdo it. If you want to take precedence, no one in the room will agree. If you want to fight, then you have to play fairly, and you can’t be special, otherwise no one will agree!"


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