God of Destruction

Chapter 3580: Festival pay and return

Chapter 3580

Unbelievable. At this time, Xing Tian had an unbelievable thought in his heart. He did not understand where the'Yin-Yang Mirror' was powerful. Just a kind of inherited magical powers of the Yin-Yang Dao was enough to make enemies in the civilization kill him. , It will also attract the strangulation of enemies outside the human race. Is this'Yin-Yang Mirror' really that powerful? It is so powerful that it makes people crazy!

"Are you surprised or shocked? It's nothing, it's just that you have too little knowledge. You don't know the power of the'Yin-Yang Mirror' at all. I don't know how prominent it is! Although endless years have passed, but' The prestige of "Yin-Yang Mirror" is still resounding in the supreme chaos world, whether it is within the human civilization or foreign enemies, it is terrifying! If it is ranked in the Yunxiao School on supernatural powers, the "Yin-Yang Mirror" can be said to be the first killing supernatural power, but it is a pity In the endless years, only you have realized it!"

Xing Tian asked suspiciously: "Teacher, since the yin and yang mirror has been comprehended by the yin and yang ancestors, hasn't his old man left behind? You, as the descendant of his old man, don't you have this inheritance? With such a powerful magical power, it is impossible for the Yunxiao Sect to let it be enlightened in the endless years?"

Lord Lieyang smiled and said: "Boy, you think the Yunxiao Sect will not pay attention to the inheritance of the'Yin-Yang Mirror', you think the Yin-Yang Ancestor will not leave his inheritance and perceptions, wrong, his old man stayed, but No one can comprehend the incompetence of the younger generation. You also underestimated how amazing the talents needed for the "Yin Yang Mirror" are. The entire Yunxiao faction does not know how much energy it has spent, but they have not succeeded. The "Yin Yang Mirror" is stronger than you think. A lot!"

When speaking of this, Lord Lieyang gave another meal, sighed lightly, and then said: "You don't know how powerful the inheritance you feel is. That inheritance stone wall was not formed by the day after tomorrow, not the old man of Yin and Yang. What the ancestors left is the natural formation of the heavens and the earth, but no one knows how many inheritances are contained in this'yin and yang stone wall'. The ancestors only get the same inheritance'yin and yang mirror', and you get it The four inheritances, although you only get a little fur and a sense of true meaning, this is very important to the entire Yunxiao Sect. It can be said that this is the top secret of the Yunxiao Sect. If you have not obtained the consent of the Sect, you absolutely cannot Leak all this out, understand?"

Although Lord Lieyang’s voice was very gentle, he felt a strong pressure in Xing Tian’s heart. The inheritance was extraordinary, especially the inheritance he received was related to the innate. This is even more remarkable. This inheritance No sect would have the slightest contempt, Xing Tian nodded and said, "The disciple understands!"

auzw.com Although in the endless years, no one of the Yunxiao Sect has comprehended the inheritance, but if this news is leaked out and the enemy knows it, it will cause endless disasters to the Sect, even oneself. Everyone would fall into the crisis of death. With this little wisdom, this little vision, Xing Tian still has it, or understands it, and will not be so stupid to expose himself.

Lord Lieyang nodded and was satisfied with Xingtian’s performance, and said, “It’s fine if you can understand. Now your realm is still very low, and you have limited understanding of these four yin and yang supernatural powers, but the yin and yang supernatural powers you feel are all It is formed by opposing Dao Laws, that is to say, you used these eight sources of Dao Laws to build the foundation, and the inheritance you have received must be very powerful. This will be of great help to your future practice, but the more you use To build the foundation of the road, the more terrifying the source is needed. Your cultivation resources will be fully assisted by the martial arts, but there is one thing, after you have fully realized the four Yin-Yang road magical powers, you also need to understand your own perceptions, these four The Dao inheritance stays in the martial arts, can you do it?"

At this time, Xing Tian did not hesitate at all, and immediately said: "The disciple can do it. This inheritance originally means that the disciple is derived from the sect. After achievements, it will naturally be left to the sect. This is the responsibility of the disciple!"

Lord Lieyang shook his head and said: "Responsibility? No, this is not your responsibility. The gate party does not have such requirements for every disciple. This is your own opportunity. If you don't want to, no one will Forcing you, so the sect will not let the disciples pay for nothing, and every inheritance you leave will be rewarded accordingly!"

Xing Tian’s inheritance and the four Yin-Yang Dao magical abilities he comprehend came from the sect, but it was his own opportunity. If Xing Tian is unwilling to leave the inheritance, the sect cannot persecute, after all, everyone has his own secret. If the sect does this, it will only deprive the disciples of the sect. Although inheritance is important, it cannot break the foundation of the sect because of the inheritance, and it cannot hurt the disciples of the sect. That is harmful to the development of the sect.

There will be rewards if you give, and pay and rewards are equal. This is the iron law of the Yunxiao Sect. No matter whether you are the leader or the elder, you have no right to force disciples to surrender their inheritance. In this way, Lord Lieyang would say such words under such circumstances. He didn't want his disciple to have any bad thoughts in his heart!

However, Xing Tian was able to make such a decision without any hesitation, which made Lord Lieyang very satisfied and very happy. This shows that Xing Tian is loyal to the school, and that Xing Tian is worthy of the Yunxiao School and worthy of his own cultivation. If Xing Tian is There is too much selfishness and too much care in his heart, even if he has no matter how talented he is, no matter how good he is, Lord Lieyang must carefully consider whether it is worthy of his own efforts to cultivate, and whether it is worth it. The martial arts gave their all.

responsibility! It seems that the Yunxiao faction does not care about the responsibilities of the disciple, but in fact it is not. If the disciple of the school does not even have this understanding, even this kind of loyalty, the Yunxiao faction will naturally not fully help. After all, no one wants to cultivate one. The White-eyed Wolf, Yunxiao Sect is no exception. It can be said that if Xingtian refuses, although he will still be a disciple of Lord Lieyang, a disciple of the Supreme Elder, the resources he can get from the sect will not be too great. Many, this is in line with the rules of the Yunxiao School. There will be rewards if you pay. Pay and reward are equal. If you don’t pay, there will naturally be no reward! It's hard to get something for nothing in Yunxiao School. Even if Xingtian's talent is good, there will be no rewards if he doesn't pay, and he won't be vigorously cultivated by the school. This is a causal cycle!

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