God of Destruction

Chapter 3581: Rules

Chapter 3581 Rules

"Now that you have joined my Yunxiao Sect and become my disciple, you should also know some rules. Among the Yunxiao Sect, if you want to learn the top techniques and the top supernatural powers, you can't get them for no reason, you need Chaos Pill to exchange them. If it weren’t for this opportunity, if you want to enter the land of inheritance and perceive those inheritances, the price you will pay is staggering. Every kind of magical power requires huge resources to exchange. It can be said that once in the opportunity of getting started If you didn’t get the inheritance you wanted, the price you would have to pay in the future is unimaginable. This time, your chance is really good!"

Speaking of this, Lord Lieyang couldn't help but sighed lightly. Every time a new disciple gets started, I don’t know how many disciples are too ignorant and too arrogant to waste this precious opportunity and what level of inheritance magical power bottle. It’s not important. What’s important is that you can comprehend it. Even the magical powers of the first area have unimaginable value. Unfortunately, almost 99% of the new disciples will skip the inheritance in the first area and choose The inheritance of the latter two areas, and then missed the opportunity.

In the first area, is there only a powerful inheritance like Xiantian Stone Wall that Xing Tian felt? No, in those endless years, I don’t know how many strong people left their inheritance in the first area. It’s a pity that the new disciples ignored the first area and chose the latter two areas. So many of them are wasting their chances. Those who can join the Yunxiao faction are not weak and have good talents. If they are willing to choose the first area, I am afraid that everyone has a chance of success, but this opportunity is all in vain. Wasted by them.

What is Chaos Pill? That is the unique spirit pill of the Yunxiao Sect. It is a supreme pill that is refined from the supreme chaos cauldron of the Yunxiao Sect to assist in practice. Taking a chaos pill can save months of time to condense the origin. The effects are also different. Some people can get the most benefit and save half a year, while others can only save three months. It can be said that the time saved by Chaos Pill ranges from three months to half a year. Everything depends on yourself. Luck.

For all Yunxiao Sect disciples, they all hope to get Chaos Pill. After all, this is not available to the outside world even if they are rich. It is only provided to Yunxiao Sect disciples. It is impossible for non-Yunxiao Sect disciples to get it, or even Chaos. Dan is also a unique treasure of the Yunxiao Sect, and cannot be traded to anyone under the Yunxiao Sect!

"Unfortunately, this time your opportunity has been exhausted. If not, you still have the opportunity to enter the land of inheritance for free, and you can realize more yin and yang inheritance from the innate stone wall, which will enhance the sect's heritage at the same time. Strengthen your own cultivation base!” Regarding Xingtian’s situation, Lord Lieyang still feels a bit pity, after all, the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. If you can get more opportunities for the second enlightenment, it will be a great thing for Xingtian. Can give Xing Tian one more opportunity.

auzw.com Hearing this, Xing Tian smiled calmly and said: “The disciple doesn’t feel any pity. This is my life. I can’t force it. Since there is no chance, the disciple can also cultivate quietly. Quickly improve your own combat power, strengthen yourself and enhance your own vitality, so that you can practice better in the next time!"

Lord Lieyang laughed and said: "Okay, very good! It's good if you can understand. The momentary gains and losses are nothing, even if there is no chance to enter the land of inheritance, it is nothing. This time what you get The gain has been enough for you to practice for a long time. As long as you can quietly comprehend the four magical powers you have realized, you can cross the chaotic world, protect yourself, and bring you more benefits. There will be rewards for your efforts! At this stage, your best choice is to cultivate, and quickly break through your own bottlenecks. The Transcendence Realm is too weak and can't bear too much original impact!"

For this, Xing Tian also knew that Xing Tian also wanted to break through, but the resources he needed were too terrifying. Even if he had absorbed such a huge source in the land of inheritance, Xing Tian still failed to break through the existing realm. , To break through the mortal realm, a larger source is needed, and more time and opportunity are needed.

There are advantages and disadvantages. Everything has two sides. The more powerful you have, the more sources you need. Regarding the current situation of Xingtian, Lord Lieyang is naturally very clear and can swallow such a huge source without causing itself A little bit of harm, it can be seen that Xing Tian’s background is profound. He has not made a decision before, what kind of financial aid should be given to Xing Tian. After all, he did not understand Xing Tian’s behavior before, but now it is different. Lord Lieyang can rest assured Xing Tian Practice with all your strength.

For Lord Lieyang, there is nothing more important than Xingtian’s cultivation, because Xingtian carries the hope of the Yunxiao Sect on his back. Even if he pays some price, it is reasonable. Who will let Xingtian realize the four kinds of laws condensed by himself? The powerful yin and yang supernatural powers, if you don't help such a disciple, you are a fool.

In order to allow Xing Tian to practice quietly, Lord Lieyang has made a decision to let Xing Tian give up the contest of new entry disciples and not fight for places. That will only waste Xing Tian’s time, which is precious to Xing Tian. If Xing Tian could comprehend the magical powers passed down in the congenital stone wall one day earlier, it would be a great opportunity for Xingtian himself or the entire Yunxiao, and it would be worth all the price. After all, time waits for no one. .

Chaos Pills will not only appear during the assessment. You can also get Chaos Pills by completing martial quests. For most of the outer disciples, this is the only way for them to get Chaos Pills, hoping that they can get the martial arts. Pay attention, this is almost impossible, unless they can become a strong man in the gods, can become a god, or even stronger!

For the Yunxiao Sect, each realm will have corresponding rewards. This is the reason why the Yunxiao Sect has always won. It is precisely because of the existence of such rewards that all the Yunxiao Sect disciples can get huge motivation and can go crazy. Chase, be able to continuously take on martial arts missions, in order to be able to get more Chaos Pill! Only if you have enough Chaos Pills can you have more choices, be able to quickly grow yourself, enhance your own combat power, make yourself stronger, and enable you to grow up one day earlier!

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