God of Destruction

Chapter 3583: Festival Soul Seal

Chapter 3583: Soul Seal

Soul seal! There are only two words, but it directly carries the soul road. The soul mark is the soul mark. It directly imprints one's own breath on the other party's soul and turns the other party into his own slave. This is a very domineering soul secret. To master this kind of soul secret technique requires an extremely powerful soul, and requires unwavering faith and will. If you lack one, you cannot practice this soul seal secret technique, because it is too domineering and hurts yourself without hurting others. The Soul Seal Secret Art is a double-edged sword. If it is not mastered, it will hurt oneself, severely injure one's soul and break one's foundation.

After receiving the soul seal secret technique, Xing Tian hurriedly said, "Thank you, Master!" Although on the surface his master said that he would not give him any help, he threw out such a powerful and unmatched soul secret in a blink of an eye. It’s clear that it’s a person with a hard mouth and a soft heart, and also a person who protects shortcomings. You must know that such a terrifying soul secret technique can not be owned by anyone. It can even be said that such a soul secret technique is almost a taboo. , After all, no one party would like to see such a soul secret technique appear, and such a terrifying secret technique appeared, which was a big threat to all the forces.

"Well, this secret technique is very overbearing. If you are not sure about your own safety, it is best not to use it, or the consequences will be disastrous. You must practice carefully, and if you don’t use it, don’t use it. The ability is terrible, go down to practice, and ask me if you have any questions in the future!" The Lord Lieyang waved his hand and let Xing Tian go down.

After hearing these words, Xing Tian nodded and understood the seriousness of the matter, so he did not hesitate, turned and left the residence of Lord Lieyang, although he only got a share in the hands of Lord Lieyang. Soul secret technique, but Xing Tian is also very clear about the weight of this secret technique, even if it is just a breath, let Xing Tian know that this is an uninheritance that leads directly to the main road! As for the life and death skills of Liangyi, in Xingtian's eyes, this is the inheritance of the yin and yang ancestors and one of the inheritance methods of the sect!

However, just as Xing Tian left his teacher’s residence, a man in black came to meet him with a smile on his face: "Junior Brother Xing Tian, ​​please stay. This is a thousand Chaos Pills given by the ancestors. Please keep them away. !"

Speaking of this, this person took out a jade-quality pill bottle from his body and handed it to Xing Tian. There were exactly one thousand Chaos Pills in the pill bottle. This is Xingtian's cultivation resources and the welfare of the sect. I have to admit that Xing Tian is The disciple of the Supreme Elder, as the disciple of the sacred powerhouse, the starting point is to be much stronger than the average Tianjiao evildoer, but this benefit is a hundred times more than others, and with such a high starting point, one's own strength will naturally Raised quickly.

auzw.com "Thank you brother!" After taking the pill bottle, Xing Tian also confessed, even if his identity is great, even if he has a backer, Xing Tian will not show it. Too arrogant, too arrogant, after all, Xing Tian is not an ordinary disciple. For Xing Tian, ​​his xinxing has already been polished extremely powerful in those endless years.

"You don't need to be polite, brother, you joined the martial arts at the beginning, now I will take you to rest. Now you have become the direct disciple of the ancestor, that is, the core disciple of the Yunxiao School. According to the rules, you have a Lingshan that can be your residence. "The black-clothed man said slightly enviously. You should know that most of the disciples in Qiankunxing only live in ordinary dormitories. Only true disciples are qualified to have their own independent residences, and only elders and core disciples are qualified to live on Lingshan. But now that Xing Tian has just become a disciple of the Yunxiao School, he has a Lingshan as his residence, and he doesn't know how many people envy and hate it.

This is the welfare of the core disciples. This is also the welfare of the real Tianjiao evildoer of the sect. If Xing Tian did not show that powerful talent, he would naturally not get such welfare, and he could reach the sky in one step. This is in the history of the Yunxiao School. There are not many people, after all, the enchanting talents such as Xing Tian are very few.

Not long after, the two came to an open space, and saw a huge and complicated formation engraved in this open space, with dense golden patterns, which looked extremely mysterious. This is the Yunxiao Sect's teleportation formation. With just a glance, Xing Tian can feel the aura of the origin of the space in the formation. When he sees this space formation, Xing Tian also instantly understands it.

The stars where the Yunxiao School is located are really too big. If you use flying to drive your way, you don’t know how much time it will take to fly, which will greatly affect the cultivation time of the disciples. So in order to ensure the cultivation of the disciples in the door, Yunxiao The great power of the school has arranged many teleportation formations throughout the entire Yunxiao star, so that the disciples under the sect can reach every corner of the sect in an instant, saving a lot of time on the way, so as not to affect the cultivation of the disciples under the sect.

After stepping on the teleportation formation, the black-clothed man activated the teleportation formation for a moment, and the light flashed, Xing Tian and the others instantly left their original place and arrived on a spiritual mountain, on which there are many luxurious buildings and many The servants are managing, and the most important thing is that there is a strong source of chaos on this spiritual mountain!

The black-clothed man accompanied Xing Tian around the entire Lingshan, and then retired and left. Everything in Lingshan was transferred to Xingtian's hands. Although there are many resources in this Lingshan, Xingtian didn't understand it carefully. Order the servants here to find a quiet place for himself as a temporary retreat, because now Xing Tian needs to digest his own harvest, whether it is the harvest in the place of inheritance, or the inheritance given by his teacher , Xing Tian needs time to digest.

Of course, for Xing Tian, ​​the most important thing is to first understand his own changes. After all, in the land of inheritance, the physical body has absorbed too many sources and opened up the power of the acupuncture points, and all this takes time to settle. After all, this violent power cannot be mastered in a moment, even if Xing Tian has rich experience, it will take a lot of time to digest everything. Only through continuous cultivation and digestion, can I adapt to that violent strength little by little, and then be able to truly master the power of his physical body perfectly. This is the biggest reason why Lord Lieyang did not stay too much Xingtian, because he Know the real situation of Xingtian and understand Xingtian's real needs!

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