God of Destruction

Chapter 3584: Undercurrent

Chapter 3584

When Xingtian was in retreat, and at this time, the news that the Yunxiao Sect Lord Lieyang recruited disciples quickly spread to all parts of the highest chaos world, especially the many sacred sects near the Yunxiao Sect, which quickly received this amazing news. The first is that the several star regions under the jurisdiction of the Yunxiao faction are shaken and become the top priority of the major forces in many star regions. The second is the hostile strength, relative to the joy of the star field under the jurisdiction of the Yunxiao faction, and the hostile strength is endless killing intent!

For the Yunxiao faction’s power over the star domain, the appearance of Xing Tian allowed them to see a way to reach the sky, allowing them to find an opportunity to build relationships. After all, Xing Tian is just a new beginner disciple. If he has the heart to win, he will have the opportunity to contact Yunxiao Because of Xing Tian's different status, the senior leaders of the school are the true core disciples, and the disciples of the sacred strong.

Of course, for many hostile strengths, it has endless killing intent. The appearance of Xingtian means that Yunxiao Sect has another talented and terrifying disciple. If it is allowed to grow up, it will strengthen the strength of Yunxiao Sect and become theirs. Threat, for such a Tianjiao disciple, these hostile strengths naturally have endless killing intent in their hearts!

"Damn, the Yunxiao faction recruited a disciple like a monster this time, and even Lieyang, an old ghost, was moved by it. I'm afraid the talent of this monster is extremely amazing. In any case, we can't let him grow up. Otherwise, it will definitely become our confidant, even if the price is high, it will be destroyed!"

"That's right, for such an evil spirit, we absolutely can't let it grow up, or it will be unimaginable, even if we pay some price, as long as we can destroy this evil spirit, it will be worthwhile, this time we must attack with all our strength!"

"No, I think this matter is a bit strange, don't you think it's a bit strange, if this kid really has invincible talent, why didn't the **** of the Yunxiao faction block his news? The ability of the Yunxiao faction can completely hide him. So I think we should be cautious and not be able to attack rashly, and before we know everything, we can't act rashly, lest someone accidentally be calculated by those **** of the Yunxiao faction and pay a heavy price in vain!"

"You mean this is a trap. It's a trap deliberately set by the **** of the Yunxiao faction. They want to use such a Tianjiao enchanting evildoer to lure us into making a big move, and then in one fell swoop, we will be hit hard, or even destroyed? Isn’t it a bit too exaggerated? When will the Yunxiao faction be so generous and willing to take a talented evildoer as a price!"


"Monster? Are you really able to reap a wicked disciple for the old **** of Lieyang? Can't it be an ordinary disciple? If this is really a trap, those **** of Yunxiao Sect can use an ordinary disciple as an ordinary disciple. Bait, to lure us into being fooled, and having such a disciple on the bright side to attract our attention can also conceal the existence of other disciples and allow them enough time to grow up. If this is the case, we will take risks. The consequences can be imagined!"

"Hey! This kind of thing is really possible. Tens of thousands of years ago, didn't the Qiankun Sect set up such a round, in one fell swoop, the spies in its own sect and the secret enemies of the sect were killed in one fell swoop, and In the end, the talent of the exposed disciple was only mediocre. If the Yunxiao faction also played such a hand, the consequences would be really disastrous. At this time, we really have to think long-term, and we must not act rashly until we know the true situation of the other party!"

"No, I don't think we have to do this. Although you said it is very likely to happen, we can't make such a decision. Who can guarantee that this is not a means by the Yunxiao school **** to deliberately confuse us. They are actually the most true. The purpose is to make us have such worries. In fact, this kid is an amazingly talented evildoer. If so, if we don’t destroy it in time, he will be able to grow up quickly. You must know the disciple of a sacred strong man, A disciple of the Supreme Elder will be vigorously cultivated by the sect. As long as he is given a short time, he can grow up quickly."

"It is not ruled out that there is such a possibility, but we should not attack just because it is possible. After all, if we want to kill such an enemy, the price we have to pay is huge. If things are as you think. That’s okay, we can recognize it even if it pays a big price, but if this is really just a trap, then pay a huge price, and the result is only to destroy a talented ant. This price is for us. To be honest, it is too big, too big for us to bear. After all, once we attack, many of our hidden children will be exposed!"

"This is really a difficult problem. The **** of the Yunxiao faction are really insidious enough to give us such a big problem. There is no stopping. Let this news spread in the supreme chaotic world. What are they trying to do? What are they calculating? If we can’t figure out this question, it’s really difficult for us to make a decision!"

"Yeah, these **** of the Yunxiao faction are really sinister enough. They have made it clear that they are giving me a big problem and are forcing us to make a decision. We all underestimated the **** of the Yunxiao faction. They did it better than before. The pie is still insidious, we either do nothing, or we have to take the risk, there is no other choice!"

do nothing? Can you feel at ease for the secret enemies of the Yunxiao Sect? No, neither party can feel at ease with the Yunxiao faction’s enemy forces, because if Xing Nai is really an enchanting evildoer, so that it can grow up smoothly, this is a great threat. Such a result is unacceptable to them. If the evil spirits of the sky grow up, they will surely be a sacred powerhouse. For the Yunxiao Sect, one more sacred powerhouse will add a terrifying power, which is unacceptable to them!

"Temptation, maybe we can test it first. If we find that there is a problem, we will immediately withdraw. If there are not too many problems, we can pass the news to others. After all, the Yunxiao faction is not just our enemy and wants to kill. The enemies of the Yunxiao Sect Tianjiao exist, and we can make them go crazy with a little provocation! As long as those lunatics take action, we have the opportunity to understand the truth of everything!"

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