God of Destruction

Chapter 3585: Section response

Chapter 3585 Response

"Well, it makes sense. The Yunxiao faction is indeed more than one of our enemies. We can completely watch the changes. We should leave it to others to handle the temptation. We observe in the dark, and it is not too late to wait for everything to be confirmed. !"

"Push!" When these words fell, the person who spoke before was extremely depressed. He didn't mean that, but he had no way to oppose it. Although the other party was taking the meaning out of context, he could not refute it, because even if he wanted to Temptation, it also requires some price. No one is willing to sacrifice himself. If he has to do this, I am afraid that this problem will fall on his own head, and he will be the abandoned child. This is a result that he cannot accept. !

Although there are many enemies of the Yunxiao faction, no one is a fool. Everyone wants to let others be the vanguard. They all want to wait for the opportunity to find out the enemy's situation before doing anything. So the result is naturally conceivable, and no one does it. , Naturally gave Xing Tian a chance to grow up. This situation is not what the people who spoke before wanted to see.

He took a deep breath, his expression condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "No, we can't do this. If we can think of it this way, other forces would not think of it. If everyone does this, they all want to take advantage of it. Naturally, the result is conceivable, and it will only make the Yunxiao faction free. In contrast, I still think that we should make a move. At least we have to test the reality of the Yunxiao faction, even if it is worth paying a little price. , After all, compared to letting a demon grow up, this amount of effort is nothing. I believe that everyone does not want to see the power of the Yunxiao faction increase again!"

"What you said is not unreasonable, but you also understand that once we make a move, it means that we have to pay a high price. No one is willing to sacrifice ourselves and push forcibly. It will only make us unpopular and only make us internal When there is a hidden danger, we must either wait and see the changes, or we must attack with all our strength, otherwise unless you are willing to act personally, otherwise your suggestion will not be implemented at all!"

When he heard these words, when the situation he was most worried about occurred, the person who insisted on taking action was silent. Everyone has selfishness. He is no exception. If he is asked to sacrifice himself to determine the true situation of the Yunxiao Sect, this is He couldn't accept the result, so he could only be silent, if he had already said it, if he couldn't be implemented, then he could only say that God's will is not in him!

When auzw.com saw this person’s silence, many people couldn’t help but show a faint sneer. In their opinion, the person who has always emphasized that they want to fight is a Big **** just want to sacrifice others to perfect themselves, and they want to use other people's lives in exchange for their own benefits. They naturally don't have a good impression of such bastards.

I have to admit that Xing Tian’s luck is really incredible. In this way, because of the randomness of the Yunxiao Sect and the worry of the secret enemy, Xing Tian became a disciple of Lord Lieyang, and the matter of becoming a disciple of the Supreme Elder ended. No one party is willing to take the initiative and test Xing Tian's fictitiousness. The reason is simple. They all want to reap the benefits of the fisherman and are unwilling to sacrifice themselves, so Xing Tian has enough time to grow up.

Originally, the Yunxiao Sect was loose on the outside and tight on the inside. In their opinion, when Xingtian became a disciple of the Supreme Elder, and when Xingtian was accepted as a disciple by Lord Lieyang, the hidden enemies would jump out one by one to block. , Would destroy Xing Tian at all costs and cut off the arrogant Xing Tian, ​​but they were wrong. After a few months, the Yunxiao faction was calm as usual. There was no power at all, and no one party tried to try.

"What's the matter, are those **** hiding in the dark have turned their **** off? They know Xingtian's situation, but they didn't make any move. This is a bit unreasonable. Are these **** secretly preparing something? A more terrifying conspiracy?" Faced with such a situation, Venerable Ziji, who is the head of the Yunxiao Sect, couldn't help asking.

"No, things are not as terrible as the head thinks. We are afraid that we have thought too much, calculated too much, and forgotten one of the most important issues. Those **** who are hidden in the dark are not willing to lightly Take action, because they all know that we are not only one of their enemies, so these **** all want to take advantage of the fishermen’s profit, and all want to let other forces take the initiative first, so everyone has such an idea, naturally there is no one. Take the initiative, and there will be peace at the moment!"

"Damn, this is not the result we want. We want to take this opportunity to wipe out these bastards, destroy these secret enemies, and prepare for the future. After all, there is only a thousand days to be a thief. There is no thousand days to prevent thieves. Killing those bastards, we couldn’t be at peace for a day, and finally Xing Tian appeared, which made us think of this crazy plan, but it turned out to be nothing. This is completely contrary to the big plan we have set before. We cannot accept such a result. !"

"If you don’t accept it, what do you think we should do now? Is it possible that we have to tell the truth about Xingtian and let the **** who are hidden in the dark listen to know everything? The consequences of that are even more unacceptable to us, Xingtian The secrets of his body can’t be revealed in any case, otherwise his evildoer, who has not yet grown up, will be destroyed in advance by the secret enemy. After all, no power is willing to see our Yunxiao faction go further, even if they and Those of us who belong to the same group do not want to see such a result. Once such a situation occurs, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Of course, we can’t tell Xingtian’s secrets, and we cannot reveal a single bit of news, but we can choose another person as bait to lure those **** to send troops and fight. In the eyes of many people, Xingtian is ours. The bait on the bright side is not willing to act rashly, but if we take the initiative to expose a goddess demon, what do you think those **** who hide in the dark will think, how they will look, and what actions they will make, if they succeed, We have the opportunity to kill these hidden ants in one fell swoop, give them a crazy bloodbath, and destroy all of them! If successful, the gains we can get will be extremely amazing. I think this plan is worth our Let it go, after all, regardless of success or failure, the price we pay is not great!"

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