God of Destruction

Chapter 3590: Festival of the Elders

Chapter 3590 The Elders Conference

"The first is the strongest. You want to seize the opportunity first. I have this intention. I just want to convene the elders conference. It is far from enough to only rely on you and me. At least it needs to be approved by the law enforcement elders, otherwise Even if we agree, it is impossible to succeed, but this kind of thing can't make a big fight, can not make the school turmoil, let the outside world be aware of it, or it will be unimaginable, not only our plan is difficult to achieve, Xingtian’s The situation will also be completely exposed! It can be said that a little caution will be a devastating blow to the entire Yunxiao faction!" When he said this, Lord Lieyang couldn't help but sighed again. He has a powerful talent. The disciple is a good thing, but the existence of evildoers like Xing Tian can cause a headache.

"We have no choice. Although this may completely expose Xingtian's situation, time does not wait for others. We really don't have much time left. This time we can still conceal Xingtian's changes, and we can also stop that. The origin of the stars fluctuates, and this is because Xingtian's realm is still very low, but next time we really have the ability to do this?"

"Yes, this time we can use the power of the martial defensive array to eliminate the origin fluctuations of the stars triggered by Xing Tian, ​​but next time I am afraid it will be difficult to have such a possibility. After all, we cannot always watch. Pay attention to everything about Xingtian. After all, we don’t know when Xingtian will realize it. If you think you can persuade the law enforcement elders, then act. We do this not for selfishness, but for the sake of the sect. You should contact Elder Law Enforcement, I persuade some elders too high, this is not a matter for the two of us, but a matter for the entire Yunxiao faction!"

If the Lord Lieyang just wanted to find the master of Ziji to give Xing Tian a chance to understand the inheritance of the Xiantian stone wall, and at this moment, he has a crazier idea in his heart, and wants to take this opportunity to let Xing Tian get the school. After all, Xingtian’s talent and savvy are really too bad, and there is such a terrible harvest in such a short time!

The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. This time, if I don’t take the opportunity well, give Xingtian strong support so that Xingtian can get the support of Yunxiao faction, and next time I am afraid that such an opportunity will not appear again. After all, it is nothing. At any time, it is possible to convene a meeting of elders, and this meeting of elders can't help but decide on their own.

What does the elders assembly represent? It represents the will of the entire Yunxiao School. If Xing Tian can get the approval of all the elders, there will be a sect of luck. Under that huge sect of luck, maybe Xing Tian really has a chance to get from In the congenital stone wall, more congenital inheritance can be realized, more gains can be gained, and the great opportunity to soar into the sky. It’s just that everything has two sides. If it fails, under such a big movement, the hidden enemy will not be ignorant. Xingtian’s situation will be exposed. This is also a big problem. After all, failure means news. The leak.

As the supreme elder of the Yunxiao Sect, Lord Lieyang also knows that there are struggles in the sect, and many elders are also selfish. Once Xingtian's affairs cannot be recognized, there will inevitably be some elders who can't help their hearts. Greed and selfishness will let Xingtian's situation leak out, affect Xingtian's practice, and even bring death threats to Xingtian.


Xing Tian is indeed the enchantment of Tianjiao, but it is precisely because of this that it is dangerous, because Xing Tian's existence affects the growth of other core disciples and affects the interests of other elders. Therefore, it is normal for someone to secretly hold back. It was also a big issue that Lord Lieyang was worried about. If such a situation happened, it would be too dangerous for Xing Tian.

Although the danger exists, Lord Lieyang does not want to give up because of danger. The opportunity cannot be missed and the miss will never come again. There is only one opportunity like this. If you miss it, you will no longer have it. Therefore, as the master of Xingtian, Lord Lieyang Still willing to give it a go.

Xing Tian didn’t know that when he realized the Avenue of Stars, it would bring such a terrible change, but even if he knew it, he would not regret it, let alone be timid. The path of practice is the path against the sky, and practice will not be smooth sailing. Yes, if you want to get more benefits in the martial art, you need to pay a price, and you have to have a brave heart.

When Lord Lieyang and Lord Ziji made a decision, they began to take action. As the head, Lord Ziji went to lobby other elders, and Lord Lieyang contacted Taishang elder, and both of them were doing their best. Yifu is using his best ability to help Xingtian too much, because they all have selfish intentions, because they all want to give Xingtian this opportunity.

Soon, the Yunxiao Sect’s high-level leaders changed, and the entire sect began to become loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Many elders knew the idea of ​​the head, but it was recognized by most elders, especially those who really The elders who felt Xing Tian's terrifying talent and understanding in the place of inheritance all agreed with this decision. Although the rules of the door cannot be violated, they can't cut off the cultivation of disciples with such powerful talent and understanding as Xing Tian because of the existence of the rules.

Step by step first, if Xingtian can grow up, it will be a great thing for the entire Yunxiao School. Although the school has to pay a huge price before this, it is not worth the effort compared to the gain. Mention, and if Xing Naive is so naive to grow up, Human Civilization will also give Yunxiao a great reward.

Of course, there are also some elders who oppose and are unwilling to accept such a decision. On the one hand, they are selfish and worry that the sect’s full support of Xing Tian will affect the practice of their disciples. After all, the resources of the Yunxiao Sect are not endless. It is that they have not seen Xing Tian's performance at all, and do not believe in Xing Tian's powerful talent and savvy!

No matter how many reasons the elders who opposed it, and no matter how reluctant they were, the elders assembly was unable to let them call the shots. Soon more than 70% of the elders of the Yunxiao faction agreed with the leader’s suggestion and were willing to do this for Xingtian. The evildoer held an elders meeting to discuss support for Xingtian. For such a major event, even if some elders have selfish intentions and dare not divulge secrets, they will be punished by the sect before making a full decision. The result is destruction, and no one is willing to give his life for a junior like Xingtian, especially those elders who are superior!

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