God of Destruction

Chapter 3591: Selfishness

Chapter 3591 Selfishness

For a younger generation, a Tianjiao convenes an elders conference. It must be said that this is too crazy. You must know that whether it is too elders or ordinary elders, they are truly strong, and they don’t have time to waste on these small things. 'On top, because they need time to practice, they all want to go further, but now they have to stand up, the reason is very simple, Xing Tian is too special, Xing Tian has too many interests in him, so they have to compromise .

An elders meeting was held silently among the Yunxiao Sect, and the people of the Yunxiao Sect were not aware of it, and there was no response from the outside world, because no one would believe that the elders of the sect would fight for a younger man and convene elders. The meeting, discussing countermeasures, this is too absurd to say, but this is the fact.

As a sect elder, who can have no selfishness, after all, every elder has its own interest group behind it, but in the matter of Xingtian, although there is a little resistance, most elders agree with the leader’s suggestion , Thinks that Xingtian should be given a chance to the evil spirits of Tianjiao, Xingtian should pay some price, after all, Xingtian's intellect talent is too terrifying, even in the land of inheritance, he has realized the inheritance of four innate magical powers, and they are all powerful magical powers. , This has too many benefits for the entire sect, it can infinitely enhance the background of the sect, and it is more likely to be rewarded by human civilization in the future, so that they and the elders can benefit greatly from this. How can they not be tempted!

Regardless of the reasons given by those opponents, their reasons cannot be recognized by other elders in the face of real interests, especially those who have been practicing in retreat and will not show up without major events. They Almost all agree with this suggestion, because they are most eager to get rewards from human civilization, which will benefit them the most.

The suggestion was passed, but soon a new problem appeared. Everyone recognized the increase in the cultivation of Xingtian, but how much resources the school needs to pay is another big question. You must know the Yunxiao School Even if it is a big family, but the resources are still limited, it is impossible to give up the cultivation of other Tianjiao because of the growth of Xing Tian, ​​a demon.

In the eyes of Venerable Ziji Venerable and Supreme Elder Lieyang, Xingtian’s terrifying enchanting talent is completely worthy of the sect’s efforts to cultivate, but for other elders, such a decision cannot be accepted, Xingtian’s No matter how powerful the talent is, Xing Tian is only one person, and it seems to them that Xing Tian will leave the Yunxiao Sect in the future and enter the center of the supreme chaotic world to be cultivated by the human civilization. Under such circumstances, if Xing Tian is fully cultivated, The sect’s contribution is a bit too high. Of course, there is another aspect that everyone is unwilling to see the cultivation resources of their disciples affected.

auzw.com Object! Almost ninety-nine percent of the elders are opposed to using the power of sects to cultivate Xing Tian and accelerate Xing Tian's cultivation, but how much help Xing Tian should give has become a big problem. Although everyone does not want to see their own interests damaged, it is even more important. Many people don’t want to see wasted opportunities. After all, Xingtian’s identity is different. If sufficient resources are not given, the analysis time required for Xingtian to grow up is too short, and many people have no time to wait and are unwilling. Go and wait!

"Although Xing Tian is a goddess and has endless potential, this is not the reason for the sect to cultivate with all its strength. Everything must be fair. If Xing Tian makes such a decision in a hurry because of Xing Tian's talent, let his disciples know this. What are the consequences of everything? I think everyone knows very well that one carelessness will cause a earth-shattering change!"

"Oh! What kind of assistance should we give to Xing Tian according to your wishes? Don't forget that the secrets of Tianjiao evildoers such as Xing Tian are amazing. The most important thing is that Xing Tian has four innate inheritances. If we are not able to show enough kindness, it will not be easy for Xing Tian to surrender these four inheritances. More time needs to be wasted. For us, time is the most indispensable, and the most What is missing is time!"

"To double the resources, we must know that Xingtian’s current status is already a hundred times the resources of ordinary disciples. If we double it, we can also give Xingtian tremendous help, not to mention that what Xingtian wants is not the resources for cultivation. More is still time. After all, his realm is limited, and giving him more resources is a waste!"

"It makes sense. The Yunxiao Sect is not only Xingtian and a Tianjiao evildoer. We all have talented disciples. If most of the resources of the school are spent on Xingtian alone, it will affect the cultivation of other Tianjiao. We cannot Sacrificing the training of a generation of disciples of the entire sect for Xing Tian, ​​a Tianjiao evil evildoer, is an unbearable danger for the sect!"

"Yes, we cannot use the disciples of one era as a bet to cultivate Xingtian, the arrogant evildoer. Once it fails, the Yunxiao Sect will be devastated. This is very detrimental to the development of the sect. I think we will add another one. Times resources are enough, but in order to make Tianjiao evildoers like Xing Tian more grateful to the sect, I think we can give him a few more opportunities to enter the land of inheritance, so that he has more opportunities to feel more. Inheritance!"

In the end, Xingtian was gradually implemented. Almost all the elders opposed the supply of resources. They only wanted to double the resources. But this result disappointed Lord Lieyang and Lord Ziji very much. They all know how deep Xingtian’s foundation is, how terrifying the foundation of Xingtian is, and double the resources are still far from enough for Xingtian, but they can’t change it because it’s not what the two of them can do. changed!

As for the final compromise, many elders gave Xing Tian several opportunities to enter the land of inheritance. It seems very beautiful, but in the hearts of Lord Lieyang and Lord Ziji, this is nothing at all, and there is not much. The most important thing is that they all understand the intentions of these elders. Such a decision seems to be trying to win over evildoers like Xingtian, but it has some effect. It is hard to say. After all, no one is a fool. After thinking about it, you will naturally understand the true intention of the school!

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